WEST is my attempt to automate setting up a Windows PC as much as I can. As a developer I have many different computers and VMs whereby I wind up performing the same setup tasks over and over. WEST is a set of scripts and in the future an app that will help setup and configure a new Windows computer via a saveable configuration file which will allow different configurations to be saved and loaded and customized and stored in the Cloud.
Today the setup just supports a set of install scripts.
If you are a .NET develper, run InstallEverything.bat to setup everything all at once.
If you are just setting up a personal machine run InstallChocaltey.bat and then InstallUtils.bat.
- Fiddler
- Git
- Poshgit
- Putty (for ssh)
- Notepad++
- 7Zip
- Ditto (copy paste tool)
- Lastpass
- Vim
Right now WEST is just a set of scripts. But it will be expanded to more of a tool. Please join in the project if you are interested.