The purpose of this repo is to create a way for developers to easily begin using the latest frontend dev tools in their workflow while still adhering to the AEM life.
The gulp pipeline makes a few assumptions that you can checkout by looking at it more indepth, but I'll do a quick overview here.
- In your component's clientlibs you should have an es6 directory and a sass directory which you put your respective files. You'll also need to add the compiled names to the js/css.txt files like normal (with *.css/js).
- These files should go directly under your jcr_root.
- You have vault added to your path, you can find more info here:
- Integrate into Maven?
- Add in polyfills for other es2015 features.
- Add coverage report after tests are run
- Implement test runner so it can run in the browser.
- Add sourcemaps so debugging the minified versions is a little easier.
- Add E2E testing with selenium, not sure if this is doable.
- Install nodejs from if you're on windows, or use homebrew on OSX to install it using brew install nodejs
- Install phantomjs from if you're on windows, or use homebrew on OSX to install it using brew install phantomjs
- Assuming nodejs is in your path use npm install gulp --save
- Put the package.json and gulpfile.js under your jcr_root folder.
- Run a npm install from the commandline.
- Now you have a couple of options (A lot more but check the gulp file):
- gulp watch - watches folders for new changes and pushes to crx
- gulp sass - compiles all scss files to css and places them in css
- gulp babel - compiles all es6 files to js and places them in js
- gulp test - runs files in the test directory under each es6 folder and gives a report.
- gulp compress - Not used by the build command but does compression on output js files.
- gulp build - runs test and if it passes it'll compile the es6 and scss files.
- Add es6,sass,node_modules to your vault ignore patterns in your IDE of choice.
- Another thing to check is in the gulpfile.js for the sass task. As part of the process I do autoprefixing to save your fingers from all the browser specific stuff. You'll see a line in there for a browsers property to configure this for your business needs see: