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Kevin Gerken edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 1 revision


leya.getWhere(table, column, conditionColumn, operator, value)


Returns the value of one or multiple fields in the database, where the specified condition is true.


  • table The table you want to search in
  • column The column you want to get
  • conditionColumn The column you are testing
  • operator The operator to specify for example if a value should be less than something
  • value The value you are testing with


  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal
  • = equal
  • != not equal


  • String Value of the field, when there is only one result
  • Array Values of the field, when there are multiple results
  • -1 row doesn't exist


; We are looking in the table "users" for the "name" column, where rank is less than 5
lowPlayers := leya.getWhere("users", "name", "rank", "<", 5)
; show 3 players
msgbox % lowPlayers[1] lowPlayers[2] lowPlayers[3]
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