Welcome! This is the repo for my 2018 rebuild of my CV site. It's open-source, all of my contributions to the repo are uncopyrighted, and you're welcome to copy this, customize it, and deploy it for your own CV (or whatever you dream up).
I built this as an experiment on a few fronts:
- Learning new technologies/frameworks: in this case, that's Hugo, Netlify, and the JAMstack Methedology.
- Simplifying updates and adding new work samples. My old site was a custom Wordpress theme, but even that was more cumbersome than helpful at times, and prevented me from updating the site.
- Zero cost overhead, without compromising on server quality or traffic. Mostly inspired by my hilariously-expensive hosting costs for my main site, I really wanted to not have to pay hundreds of dollars a month to host my CV.
If there's interest, I'll write a tutorial for people who want to build a site based on mine (from soup to nuts). For now, I'll just trust that folks can poke around the Hugo and Netlify documentation, and figure things out from there.