Install required packages:
conda env create --file environment.yaml
Swith to new environment:
conda activate afc
To reproduce Table1 with 50 steps on CIFAR100 with three different class orders LSC with CNN:
python3 -minclearn --options options/AFC/AFC_cnn_cifar100.yaml options/data/cifar100_3orders.yaml \
--initial-increment 50 --increment 1 --fixed-memory \
--device <GPU_ID> --label AFC_cnn_cifar100_50steps \
--data-path <PATH/TO/DATA>
LSC with NME:
python3 -minclearn --options options/AFC/AFC_nme_cifar100.yaml options/data/cifar100_3orders.yaml \
--initial-increment 50 --increment 1 --fixed-memory \
--device <GPU_ID> --label AFC_nme_cifar100_50steps \
--data-path <PATH/TO/DATA>
Likewise, for ImageNet100 (Table 2):
python3 -minclearn --options options/AFC/AFC_cnn_imagenet100.yaml options/data/imagenet100_1order.yaml \
--initial-increment 50 --increment 1 --fixed-memory \
--device <GPU_ID> --label AFC_cnn_imagenet100_50steps \
--data-path <PATH/TO/DATA>
And ImageNet1000 (Table 2):
python3 -minclearn --options options/AFC/AFC_cnn_imagenet1000.yaml options/data/imagenet1000_1order.yaml \
--initial-increment 500 --increment 50 --fixed-memory --memory-size 20000 \
--device <GPU_ID> --label AFC_cnn_imagenet1000_10steps \
--data-path <PATH/TO/DATA>
If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.
author = {Kang, Minsoo and Park, Jaeyoo and Han, Bohyung},
booktitle = {CVPR},
title = "{Class-Incremental Learning by Knowledge Distillation with Adaptive Feature Consolidation}",
year = {2022}
This repository is developed based on PODNet