Release: 4.15.1 #569
Release: 4.15.1 #569
3 new alerts including 3 high severity security vulnerabilities
New alerts in code changed by this pull request
Security Alerts:
- 3 high
Alerts not introduced by this pull request might have been detected because the code changes were too large.
See annotations below for details.
Check failure on line 40 in packages/frontend/src/scripts/aiscript/api.ts
Code scanning / CodeQL
Creating biased random numbers from a cryptographically secure source High
produces biased results.
Check failure on line 146 in packages/frontend/src/scripts/autocomplete.ts
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incomplete string escaping or encoding High
Check failure on line 165 in packages/frontend/src/scripts/autocomplete.ts
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incomplete string escaping or encoding High