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Polyglot Code Scanner

This is part of my Polyglot Code tools - for the main documentation, see

A note about releases

Binary releases are working again - see for binary releases.

However, for M1 macs this won't work - github actions doesn't yet support M1 macs for free, so you'll have to build binaries yourself for now.

For Macs you also need to run xattr -d polyglot-code-scanner-x86_64-macos to remove the quarantine that OSX adds to all downloaded binaries.


This application scans source code directories, identifying a range of code metrics and other data, and storing the results in a JSON file for later visualisation by the Polyglot Code Explorer

Installation and running

See also for more detailed instructions for building binary releases, and running the scanner.

To compile and run from source, you'll need to install rust and cargo and then from a copy of this project, you can build a binary package with:

cargo build --release

The binary will be built in the target/release directory.

Running from source

You can also just run it from the source directory with cargo run polyglot_code_scanner -- (other command line arguments) - this will be slower as it runs un-optimised code with more debug information. But it's a lot faster for development.

Getting help

See for the main documentation for this project.

You can get up-to-date command-line help by running

polyglot_code_scanner -h

Ignoring files

Git ignored files in .gitignore are not scanned.

You can also manually add .polyglot_code_scanner_ignore files anywhere in the codebase, to list extra files to be ignored - the syntax is the same as .gitignore's


Run polyglot_code_scanner -h for full options, this is just the main options:

    polyglot_code_scanner [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> [ROOT]

    <ROOT>    Root directory, current dir if not present

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -n, --name <NAME>
            project name - identifies the selected data for display and state storage

        --id <ID>
            data file ID - used to identify unique data files for browser storage, generates a UUID
            if not specified

    -o, --output <OUTPUT>
            Output file, stdout if not present, or not used if sending to web server

            Do not scan for git repositories

        --years <GIT_YEARS>
            how many years of git history to parse - default only scan the last 3 years (from now,
            not git head) [default: 3]

    -c, --coupling
            include temporal coupling data

    -V, --version
            Print version information

Development notes

See also the file

Running tests

To run a single named test from the command-line:

cargo test -- --nocapture renames_and_deletes_applied_across_history

The --nocapture tells rust not to capture stdout/stderr - so you can add println! and eprintln! statements to help you.

To remove some extra noise and blank lines, pipe the output through grep:

cargo test -- --nocapture renames_and_deletes_applied_across_history | grep -v "running 0 tests" | grep -v "0 passed" | grep -v -e '^\s*$'

showing logs

Rust tests don't install a logger - normally you explicitly install loggers in your main which tests don't use.

To install a logger using the fern crate, add the following to tests:

use test_shared::*;



This sets up a simple logger which sends logs to stdout - make sure you also use the --nocapture parameter mentioned earlier.

Pretty test output

If you want better assertions, your tests need to explicitly use the pretty_assertions crate:

use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

Releasing new versions

Releasing uses cargo-release

The basic process is:

  • update the top entry (under 'unreleased')
  • commit and push changes
  • release
cargo release --dry-run

or for a minor change 0.1.3 to 0.2.0 :

cargo release minor --dry-run


Copyright © 2019-2022 Kornelis Sietsma

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt for details