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Introduction to SWIG.


What is SWIG?

SWIG is a foreign-function-interface (FFI) generator for native C/C++ libraries. SWIG vastly reduces the development cost of using native libraries within dynamic languages.


  • SWIG was created in 1995 at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • Under active development.


  • SWIG interface defintions are a superset of C/C++.
  • Many C/C++ header files are also SWIG interface definition files.
  • Can target multiple languages with little effort.
  • Bindings are generated, compiled and linked.
  • Bindings can be dynamically loaded or statically linked.
  • Generated code is self-contained.
  • Hinting improves integration and representation.
  • Template-driven: users can create specialized generators.
  • Consistency between target languages.


  • Use dynamic languages to test C/C++ code.
  • Improve library adoption.
  • Integration with other tools.

Comprehensive Native Code Support

  • C struct and union
  • C/C++ #define macros
  • C/C++ pointers, references, const declarations
  • C/C++ function signatures and calls
  • C++ classes
  • C++ methods: static, virtual and operator overrides
  • C++ templates
  • C++ STL support.
  • in, out, in-out parameters
  • Proper memory management

Target Languages

SWIG can generate bindings for multiple target languages from one set of interface files:

  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Java
  • Perl 5
  • Tcl 8
  • PostgreSQL (proof-of-concept)
  • Lua
  • D
  • Go
  • Guile Scheme
  • Javascript
  • Octave
  • PHP 7
  • R (aka GNU S)
  • Scilab
  • XML (machine-readable metadata)


Rewrite in Language X, Y and Z

  • Does not leverage existing code, fixes, future improvements.
  • Does not target multiple languages.
  • Increased cost of ownership.
  • Adoption barriers.
  • Incongruent language idioms.

Native Language APIs

  • Every target language extension API is completely different.
  • Some implementations of the same target language are different: e.g. JRuby and CRuby.
  • Some are dynamic with associated performance costs.
  • Few languages have well-defined APIs. (JNI is a notable exception)
  • Requires intimate knowledge:
    • rules
    • best-practices
    • manually wrapping data structure, function, class, method and associated runtime.
    • manual memory managment


  • Only supports dynamic function calls.
  • Very low-level.
  • Does not interpret C/C++ headers.
  • Does not support C++.
  • Requires specifing function signatures at runtime.
  • Does not provide any data structure functionality.
  • Requires knowledge of CPU, compiler and OS calling conventions.
  • Requires manual layout struct and union values accordingly.


Case Study

Language Files Lines
Source Code
Native Library C/C++ Header 40 3,505
SWIG Interfaces SWIG 9 2,667
TOTAL: 49 6,172
Generated Code
Python Bindings Python 1 8,922
C++ 1 35,235
TOTAL: 2 44,157
Java Bindings Java 55 6,741
C++ 1 17,987
TOTAL: 56 24,728
GRAND TOTAL: 107 68,885

A 10x gain for only two target languages.


The examples below target:

  • Python
  • Clojure via Java
  • Ruby
  • TCL
  • Guile Scheme
  • PostgreSQL


C Header : mathlib.h

#define MATHLIB_VERSION "1.2.3"                                                //  1 
/* Returns: c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2 + c3*x^3 */                                    
double cubic_poly(double x,                                                    //  3 
                  double c0,                                                   //  4 
                  double c1,                                                   //  5 
                  double c2,                                                   //  6 
                  double c3);                                                  //  7 

C Library : mathlib.c

#include "mathlib.h"                                                           //  1 
double cubic_poly(double x,                                                    //  2 
                  double c0,                                                   //  3 
                  double c1,                                                   //  4 
                  double c2,                                                   //  5 
                  double c3) {                                                 //  6 
  return c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x*x + c3 * x*x*x;                                  //  7 
}                                                                              //  8 

C Main : mathlib-main.c

#include <stdio.h>                                                             //  1 
#include "mathlib.h"                                                           //  2 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                              //  4 
  printf("MATHLIB_VERSION = %s\n", MATHLIB_VERSION);                           //  5 
  printf("%5.1f\n", cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0));                     //  6 
  return 0;                                                                    //  7 
}                                                                              //  8 

$ target/native/mathlib-main

C SWIG Interface : mathlib.i

%module mathlib_swig                                                           //  1 
%include "mathlib.h"                                                           //  2 
%{                                                                             //  3 
#include "mathlib.h"                                                           //  4 
%}                                                                             //  5 

Python :

# Setup search path:                                                          
import sys ; sys.path.append('target/python')                                  #   2 
# Load SWIG bindings:                                                         
import mathlib_swig as mathlib                                                 #   5 
# Use SWIG bindings:                                                          
print(f'MATHLIB_VERSION = {mathlib.MATHLIB_VERSION}')                          #   8 
print(mathlib.cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0))                            #   9 

$ src/

Clojure (Java) : mathlib.clj

;; Load SWIG bindings:                                                        
(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "mathlib_swig")                                   ;;  2 
(import 'mathlib_swig)                                                         ;;  3 
;; Use SWIG bindings:                                                         
(println (format "MATHLIB_VERSION = %s"                                        ;;  6 
                 (mathlib_swig/MATHLIB_VERSION)))                              ;;  7 
(prn (mathlib_swig/cubic_poly 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0))                           ;;  8 

$ src/mathlib.clj

Ruby : mathlib.rb

# Setup search path:                                                          
ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = 'target/ruby'                                         #   2 
$:.unshift 'target/ruby'                                                       #   3 
# Load SWIG bindings:                                                         
require 'mathlib_swig'                                                         #   6 
include Mathlib_swig                                                           #   7 
# Use SWIG bindings:                                                          
puts "MATHLIB_VERSION = #{MATHLIB_VERSION.inspect}"                            #  10 
puts cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0)                                      #  11 

$ src/mathlib.rb

Guile : mathlib.scm

;; Load SWIG bindings:                                                        
(load-extension "target/guile/" "SWIG_init")                 ;;  2 
;; Use SWIG bindings:                                                         
(display `(MATHLIB-VERSION = ,(MATHLIB-VERSION))) (newline)                    ;;  5 
(write (cubic-poly 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0))                                      ;;  7 
(newline)                                                                      ;;  8 

$ src/mathlib.scm

TCL : mathlib.tcl

# Load SWIG bindings:                                                         
load target/tcl/ Mathlib_swig                                   #   2 
# Use SWIG bindings:                                                          
puts "MATHLIB_VERSION = ${MATHLIB_VERSION}"                                    #   5 
puts [cubic_poly 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0]                                         #   6 

$ src/mathlib.tcl

PostgreSQL : mathlib-1.psql

-- Load the extension:                                                        
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;                                                 --  2 
-- Call the functions:                                                        
SELECT MATHLIB_VERSION();                                                      --  4 
SELECT cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0);                                   --  5 

$ src/mathlib-1.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;

-- Call the functions:

(1 row)

SELECT cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0);

(1 row)

PostgreSQL : mathlib-2.psql

-- Load the extension:                                                        
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;                                                 --  2 
-- Create some coefficient and parameter tables:                              
CREATE TABLE coefficients (                                                    --  4 
  c_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,                                                     --  5 
  c0 FLOAT8,                                                                   --  6 
  c1 FLOAT8,                                                                   --  7 
  c2 FLOAT8,                                                                   --  8 
  c3 FLOAT8                                                                    --  9 
);                                                                             -- 10 
CREATE TABLE parameters (                                                      -- 11 
  x_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,                                                     -- 12 
  x FLOAT8                                                                     -- 13 
);                                                                             -- 14 
-- Create some coefficient and parameter data:                                
INSERT INTO coefficients                                                       -- 16 
  ( c0  ,  c1 ,    c2 ,   c3 ) VALUES                                          -- 17 
  ( 3.00, 5.00,   7.00, 11.00),                                                -- 18 
  ( 2.30, 5.70,  11.13, 17.23),                                                -- 19 
  (-5.20, 1.20, -99.00, 12.34);                                                -- 20 
INSERT INTO parameters                                                         -- 21 
  (x) VALUES                                                                   -- 22 
  ( 2),                                                                        -- 23 
  (-3.7),                                                                      -- 24 
  ( 3.1415926);                                                                -- 25 
-- Apply cubic_poly to parameters and coefficients:                           
SELECT *, cubic_poly(x, c0, c1, c2, c3)                                        -- 27 
FROM   parameters, coefficients;                                               -- 28 

$ src/mathlib-2.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;

-- Create some coefficient and parameter tables:
CREATE TABLE coefficients (
  c0 FLOAT8,
  c1 FLOAT8,
  c2 FLOAT8,
  c3 FLOAT8

CREATE TABLE parameters (
  x FLOAT8

-- Create some coefficient and parameter data:
INSERT INTO coefficients
  ( c0  ,  c1 ,    c2 ,   c3 ) VALUES
  ( 3.00, 5.00,   7.00, 11.00),
  ( 2.30, 5.70,  11.13, 17.23),
  (-5.20, 1.20, -99.00, 12.34);

INSERT INTO parameters
  (x) VALUES
  ( 2),
  ( 3.1415926);

-- Apply cubic_poly to parameters and coefficients:
SELECT *, cubic_poly(x, c0, c1, c2, c3)
FROM   parameters, coefficients;

 x_id |     x     | c_id |  c0  | c1  |  c2   |  c3   |     cubic_poly
    1 |         2 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 |                 129
    1 |         2 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |              196.06
    1 |         2 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 | -300.08000000000004
    2 |      -3.7 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 | -476.85300000000007
    2 |      -3.7 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |  -739.1714900000002
    2 |      -3.7 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 | -1990.0080200000002
    3 | 3.1415926 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 |   428.8642174798897
    3 | 3.1415926 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |   664.2938909186964
    3 | 3.1415926 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 |  -595.9034565984515
(9 rows)

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/mathlib-main

$ src/

$ src/mathlib.clj

$ src/mathlib.rb

$ src/mathlib.scm

$ src/mathlib.tcl

$ src/mathlib-1.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;

-- Call the functions:

(1 row)

SELECT cubic_poly(2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0);

(1 row)

$ src/mathlib-2.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION mathlib_swig;

-- Create some coefficient and parameter tables:
CREATE TABLE coefficients (
  c0 FLOAT8,
  c1 FLOAT8,
  c2 FLOAT8,
  c3 FLOAT8

CREATE TABLE parameters (
  x FLOAT8

-- Create some coefficient and parameter data:
INSERT INTO coefficients
  ( c0  ,  c1 ,    c2 ,   c3 ) VALUES
  ( 3.00, 5.00,   7.00, 11.00),
  ( 2.30, 5.70,  11.13, 17.23),
  (-5.20, 1.20, -99.00, 12.34);

INSERT INTO parameters
  (x) VALUES
  ( 2),
  ( 3.1415926);

-- Apply cubic_poly to parameters and coefficients:
SELECT *, cubic_poly(x, c0, c1, c2, c3)
FROM   parameters, coefficients;

 x_id |     x     | c_id |  c0  | c1  |  c2   |  c3   |     cubic_poly
    1 |         2 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 |                 129
    1 |         2 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |              196.06
    1 |         2 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 | -300.08000000000004
    2 |      -3.7 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 | -476.85300000000007
    2 |      -3.7 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |  -739.1714900000002
    2 |      -3.7 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 | -1990.0080200000002
    3 | 3.1415926 |    1 |    3 |   5 |     7 |    11 |   428.8642174798897
    3 | 3.1415926 |    2 |  2.3 | 5.7 | 11.13 | 17.23 |   664.2938909186964
    3 | 3.1415926 |    3 | -5.2 | 1.2 |   -99 | 12.34 |  -595.9034565984515
(9 rows)

C++ Header : polynomial.h

#include <vector>                                                              //  1 
#define POLYNOMIAL_VERSION "1.2.1"                                             //  3 
class Polynomial {                                                             //  5 
public:                                                                        //  6 
  std::vector<double> coeffs;                                                  //  7 
  double evaluate(double x) const;                                             //  8 
};                                                                             //  9 

C++ Library :

#include "polynomial.h"                                                        //  1 
double Polynomial::evaluate(double x) const {                                  //  3 
  double result = 0, xx = 1;                                                   //  4 
  for ( auto c : this->coeffs ) {                                              //  5 
    result = result + c * xx;                                                  //  6 
    xx = xx * x;                                                               //  7 
  }                                                                            //  8 
  return result;                                                               //  9 
}                                                                              // 10 

C++ Main :

#include <iostream>                                                            //  1 
#include <iomanip>                                                             //  2 
#include "polynomial.h"                                                        //  3 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                              //  5 
  std::cout << "POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = \"" << POLYNOMIAL_VERSION << "\"\n";      //  6 
  Polynomial p;                                                                //  8 
  p.coeffs = { 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 };                                            // 10 
  std::cout << std::setprecision(9) << p.evaluate(2) << "\n";                  // 11 
  p.coeffs = { 2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17 };                           // 13 
  std::cout << std::setprecision(9) << p.evaluate(1.2) << "\n";                // 14 
  return 0;                                                                    // 16 
}                                                                              // 17 

$ target/native/polynomial-main

C++ SWIG Interface : polynomial.i

// Name of generated bindings:                                                
%module polynomial_swig                                                        //  2 
// Include std::vector<T> support:                                            
%include "std_vector.i"                                                        //  5 
// Template instantiation:                                                    
%template(VectorDouble) std::vector<double>;                                   //  8 
// Include C++ declarations as SWIG interface definitions:                    
%include "polynomial.h"                                                        // 11 
// Prepend C++ code in generated bindings:                                    
%{                                                                             // 14 
#include "polynomial.h"                                                        // 15 
%}                                                                             // 16 

Python :

from polynomial_swig import *                                                  #   1 
print(f'POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = {POLYNOMIAL_VERSION}')                            #   3 
poly = Polynomial()                                                            #   5 
poly.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                              #   7 
print(list(poly.coeffs))                                                       #   8 
print(poly.evaluate(2))                                                        #   9 
poly.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17 ])             #  11 
print(list(poly.coeffs))                                                       #  12 
print(poly.evaluate(1.2))                                                      #  13 

$ src/
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17]

Python :

from polynomial_swig import *                                                  #   1 
import pytest                                                                  #   2 
def test_empty_coeffs():                                                       #   4 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #   5 
    assert p.evaluate(1.2) == 0.0                                              #   6 
    assert p.evaluate(999) == 0.0                                              #   7 
def test_one_coeff():                                                          #   9 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #  10 
    p.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 2.3 ])                                           #  11 
    assert p.evaluate(1.2) == 2.3                                              #  12 
    assert p.evaluate(999) == 2.3                                              #  13 
def test_more_than_one_coeff():                                                #  15 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #  16 
    p.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                             #  17 
    assert p.evaluate(2) == 129.0                                              #  18 
    assert p.evaluate(-3.5) == -400.375                                        #  19 

$ src/

Clojure (Java) : polynomial.clj

(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "polynomial_swig")                                ;;  1 
(import 'polynomial_swig)                                                      ;;  2 
(println (format "POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = %s"                                     ;;  4 
                 (polynomial_swig/POLYNOMIAL_VERSION)))                        ;;  5 
(def p (Polynomial.))                                                          ;;  7 
;; Note: does not coerce java.lang.Long 3 to 3.0                              
(.setCoeffs p (VectorDouble. [ 3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0 ]))                            ;; 10 
(prn (.getCoeffs p))                                                           ;; 11 
(prn (.evaluate p 2))                                                          ;; 12 
(.setCoeffs p (VectorDouble. [ 2.3 3.5 5.7 7.11 11.13 -13.17 ]))               ;; 14 
(prn (.getCoeffs p))                                                           ;; 15 
(prn (.evaluate p 1.2))                                                        ;; 16 

$ src/polynomial.clj
[3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0]
[2.3 3.5 5.7 7.11 11.13 -13.17]

Ruby : polynomial.rb

require 'polynomial_swig'                                                      #   1 
include Polynomial_swig                                                        #   2 
pp POLYNOMIAL_VERSION: POLYNOMIAL_VERSION                                      #   4 
p =                                                             #   6 
p.coeffs =[ 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                             #   8 
pp p.coeffs.to_a                                                               #   9 
pp p.evaluate(2)                                                               #  10 
p.coeffs =[ 2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17 ])            #  12 
pp p.coeffs.to_a                                                               #  13 
pp p.evaluate(1.2)                                                             #  14 

$ src/polynomial.rb
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17]

Guile : polynomial.scm

(load-extension "target/guile/" "SWIG_init")              ;;  1 
(display `(POLYNOMIAL-VERSION = ,(POLYNOMIAL-VERSION))) (newline)              ;;  3 
(define p (new-Polynomial))                                                    ;;  5 
(Polynomial-coeffs-set p (new-VectorDouble '(3 5.0 7.0 11.0)))                 ;;  7 
(write (Polynomial-coeffs-get p)) (newline)                                    ;;  8 
(write (Polynomial-evaluate p 2)) (newline)                                    ;;  9 
(Polynomial-coeffs-set p (new-VectorDouble '(2.3 3.5 5.7 7.11 11.13 -13.17)))  ;; 11 
(write (Polynomial-coeffs-get p)) (newline)                                    ;; 12 
(write (Polynomial-evaluate p 1.2)) (newline)                                  ;; 13 

$ src/polynomial.scm
#<swig-pointer std::vector< double > * 010000001>
#<swig-pointer std::vector< double > * 010000001>

TCL : polynomial.tcl

load target/tcl/ Polynomial_swig                             #   1 
puts [list POLYNOMIAL_VERSION $POLYNOMIAL_VERSION]                             #   3 
Polynomial poly                                                                #   5 
VectorDouble c { 3 5.0 7.0 11.0 }                                              #   7 
poly configure -coeffs c                                                       #   8 
puts [poly cget -coeffs]                                                       #   9 
puts [poly evaluate 2]                                                         #  10 
VectorDouble c { 2.3 3.5 5.7 7.11 11.13 -13.17 }                               #  12 
poly configure -coeffs c                                                       #  13 
puts [poly cget -coeffs]                                                       #  14 
puts [poly evaluate 1.2]                                                       #  15 

$ src/polynomial.tcl

Python Tests :

from polynomial_swig import *                                                  #   1 
import pytest                                                                  #   2 
def test_empty_coeffs():                                                       #   4 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #   5 
    assert p.evaluate(1.2) == 0.0                                              #   6 
    assert p.evaluate(999) == 0.0                                              #   7 
def test_one_coeff():                                                          #   9 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #  10 
    p.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 2.3 ])                                           #  11 
    assert p.evaluate(1.2) == 2.3                                              #  12 
    assert p.evaluate(999) == 2.3                                              #  13 
def test_more_than_one_coeff():                                                #  15 
    p = Polynomial()                                                           #  16 
    p.coeffs = VectorDouble([ 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                             #  17 
    assert p.evaluate(2) == 129.0                                              #  18 
    assert p.evaluate(-3.5) == -400.375                                        #  19 

$ python3.10 -m pytest src/
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: .
plugins: cov-4.1.0, mock-3.8.2
collected 3 items

src/ ...                                               [100%]

============================== 3 passed in 0.01s ===============================

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/polynomial-main

$ src/
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17]

$ src/

$ src/polynomial.clj
[3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0]
[2.3 3.5 5.7 7.11 11.13 -13.17]

$ src/polynomial.rb
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2.3, 3.5, 5.7, 7.11, 11.13, -13.17]

$ src/polynomial.scm
#<swig-pointer std::vector< double > * 010000001>
#<swig-pointer std::vector< double > * 010000001>

$ src/polynomial.tcl

$ python3.10 -m pytest src/
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: .
plugins: cov-4.1.0, mock-3.8.2
collected 3 items

src/ ...                                               [100%]

============================== 3 passed in 0.01s ===============================

C++ Library :

#include "rational.h"                                                          //  1 

C++ Main :

#include "rational.h"                                                          //  1 
#include <iostream>                                                            //  2 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                              //  4 
  mathlib::rational<int> a(2, 3), b(5, 6);                                     //  5 
#define P(x) std::cout << #x << " = " << (x) << "\n"                           //  6 
  P(a);                                                                        //  7 
  P(b);                                                                        //  8 
  P(a + b);                                                                    //  9 
  P(a * b);                                                                    // 10 
  P(a > b);                                                                    // 11 
  return 0;                                                                    // 12 
}                                                                              // 13 

$ target/native/rational-main
a = 2/3
b = 5/6
a + b = 3/2
a * b = 5/9
a > b = 0

C++ SWIG Interface : rational.i

// Name of generated bindings:                                                
%module rational_swig                                                          //  2 
// Include C++ std lib interfaces:                                            
%include "std_string.i"   // python __str__(), __repr__()                      //  5 
// Include C++ declarations as SWIG interface definitions:                    
%include "rational.h"                                                          //  8 
// Prepend C++ code in generated bindings:                                    
%{                                                                             // 11 
#include "rational.h"                                                          // 12 
%}                                                                             // 13 
// Enable access to operators:                                                
%rename(__eq__)       mathlib::rational::operator==;                           // 16 
%rename(__ne__)       mathlib::rational::operator!=;                           // 17 
%rename(__gt__)       mathlib::rational::operator<;                            // 18 
%rename(__ge__)       mathlib::rational::operator<=;                           // 19 
%rename(__lt__)       mathlib::rational::operator>;                            // 20 
%rename(__le__)       mathlib::rational::operator>=;                           // 21 
%rename(__neg__)      mathlib::rational::operator-();                          // 22 
%rename(__add__)      mathlib::rational::operator+;                            // 23 
%rename(__sub__)      mathlib::rational::operator-;                            // 24 
%rename(__mul__)      mathlib::rational::operator*;                            // 25 
%rename(__truediv__)  mathlib::rational::operator/;                            // 26 
// Instantiate a template:                                                    
%template(RationalInt) mathlib::rational<int>;                                 // 29 

Python :

from rational_swig import *                                                    #   1 
def P(x):                                                                      #   3 
  print(f'{x} = {eval(x)}')                                                    #   4 
a = RationalInt(2, 3)                                                          #   6 
b = RationalInt(5, 6)                                                          #   7 
P("a")                                                                         #   9 
P("b")                                                                         #  10 
P("a + b")                                                                     #  11 
P("a * b")                                                                     #  12 
P("a > b")                                                                     #  13 

$ src/
a = 2/3
b = 5/6
a + b = 3/2
a * b = 5/9
a > b = True

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/rational-main
a = 2/3
b = 5/6
a + b = 3/2
a * b = 5/9
a > b = 0

$ src/
a = 2/3
b = 5/6
a + b = 3/2
a * b = 5/9
a > b = True

C++ Header : polynomial_v2.h

#include <vector>                                                              //  1 
#define POLYNOMIAL_VERSION "2.0.2"                                             //  3 
namespace mathlib {                                                            //  5 
  template < typename R >                                                      //  6 
  class polynomial {                                                           //  7 
  public:                                                                      //  8 
    std::vector< R > coeffs;                                                   //  9 
    R evaluate(const R &x) const;                                              // 10 
  };                                                                           // 11 
}                                                                              // 12 

C++ Library :

#include "polynomial_v2.h"                                                     //  1 
#include "rational.h"                                                          //  2 
#include <complex>                                                             //  3 
namespace mathlib {                                                            //  5 
  template < typename R >                                                      //  6 
  R polynomial< R >::evaluate(const R &x) const {                              //  7 
    R result(0), xx(1);                                                        //  8 
    for ( const auto &c : this->coeffs ) {                                     //  9 
      result = result + c * xx;                                                // 10 
      xx = xx * x;                                                             // 11 
    }                                                                          // 12 
    return result;                                                             // 13 
  };                                                                           // 14 
  // Instantiate templates:                                                   
  template class polynomial<int>;                                              // 17 
  template class polynomial<double>;                                           // 18 
  template class polynomial<rational<int>>;                                    // 19 
  template class polynomial<std::complex<double>>;                             // 20 
}                                                                              // 21 

C++ Main :

#include <iostream>                                                            //  1 
#include <iomanip>                                                             //  2 
#include "polynomial_v2.h"                                                     //  3 
#include "rational.h"                                                          //  4 
#include <complex>                                                             //  5 
using namespace mathlib;                                                       //  7 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                              //  9 
  std::cout << "POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = " << POLYNOMIAL_VERSION << "\n";          // 10 
  polynomial<double> pd;                                                       // 12 
  pd.coeffs = { 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 };                                           // 13 
  std::cout << pd.evaluate(2) << "\n";                                         // 14 
  polynomial<int> pi;                                                          // 16 
  pi.coeffs = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -13 };                                         // 17 
  std::cout << pi.evaluate(-2) << "\n";                                        // 18 
  typedef rational<int> R;                                                     // 20 
  polynomial<R> pr;                                                            // 21 
  pr.coeffs = { R(7, 11), R(11, 13), R(13, 17) };                              // 22 
  std::cout << pr.evaluate(R(-5, 7)) << "\n";                                  // 23 
  typedef std::complex<double> C;                                              // 25 
  polynomial<C> pc;                                                            // 26 
  pc.coeffs = { C(7.2, 11.3), C(11.5, 13.7), C(13.11, 17.13) };                // 27 
  std::cout << pc.evaluate(C(-5.7, 7.11)) << "\n";                             // 28 
  return 0;                                                                    // 30 
}                                                                              // 31 

$ target/native/polynomial_v2-main

C++ SWIG Interface : polynomial_v2.i

// Name of generated bindings:                                                
%module polynomial_v2_swig                                                     //  2 
// Include C++ std lib interfaces:                                            
%include "std_string.i"   // python __str__(), __repr__()                      //  5 
%include "std_vector.i"   // std::vector<T>                                    //  6 
// Include C++ declarations as SWIG interface definitions:                    
%include "polynomial_v2.h"                                                     //  9 
%include "rational.i"     // python __eq__(), __add__(), etc.                  // 10 
// Prepend C++ code in generated bindings:                                    
%{                                                                             // 13 
#include "polynomial_v2.h"                                                     // 14 
#include "rational.h"                                                          // 15 
%}                                                                             // 16 
%template(VectorDoubleV2)        std::vector<double>;                          // 18 
%template(VectorIntV2)           std::vector<int>;                             // 19 
%template(VectorRationalV2)      std::vector<mathlib::rational<int>>;          // 20 
%template(PolynomialDoubleV2)    mathlib::polynomial<double>;                  // 21 
%template(PolynomialIntV2)       mathlib::polynomial<int>;                     // 22 
%template(PolynomialRationalV2)  mathlib::polynomial<mathlib::rational<int>>;  // 23 
// std::complex<double>:                                                      
#if SWIGPYTHON || SWIGRUBY                                                     // 26 
%include "std_complex.i"  // std::complex<double>                              // 27 
%template(ComplexV2)             std::complex<double>;                         // 28 
%template(VectorComplexV2)       std::vector<std::complex<double>>;            // 29 
%template(PolynomialComplexV2)   mathlib::polynomial<std::complex<double>>;    // 30 
#endif                                                                         // 31 

Python :

from polynomial_v2_swig import *                                                                  #   1 
print(f'POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = {POLYNOMIAL_VERSION}')                                               #   3 
# polynomial<double>:                                                                            
poly         = PolynomialDoubleV2()                                                               #   6 
poly.coeffs  = VectorDoubleV2([ 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                                            #   7 
print(list(poly.coeffs))                                                                          #   8 
print(poly.evaluate(2))                                                                           #   9 
# polynomial<rational<int>>:                                                                     
poly        = PolynomialRationalV2()                                                              #  12 
poly.coeffs = VectorRationalV2([ RationalInt(7, 11), RationalInt(11, 13), RationalInt(13, 17) ])  #  13 
print(list(poly.coeffs))                                                                          #  14 
print(poly.evaluate(RationalInt(-5, 7)))                                                          #  15 
# polynomial<complex<double>>:                                                                   
poly        = PolynomialComplexV2()                                                               #  18 
poly.coeffs = VectorComplexV2([ complex(7.2, 11.3), complex(11.5, 13.7), complex(13.11, 17.13) ]) #  19 
print(list(poly.coeffs))                                                                          #  20 
print(poly.evaluate(complex(-5.7, 7.11)))                                                         #  21 

$ src/
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[rational<int>(7,11), rational<int>(11,13), rational<int>(13,17)]
[(7.2+11.3j), (11.5+13.7j), (13.11+17.13j)]

Clojure (Java) : polynomial_v2.clj

(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "polynomial_v2_swig")                                                    ;;  1 
(import 'polynomial_v2_swig)                                                                          ;;  2 
(println (format "POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = %s"                                                            ;;  4 
                 (polynomial_v2_swig/POLYNOMIAL_VERSION)))                                            ;;  5 
;; polynomial<double>:                                                                               
(def p1 (PolynomialDoubleV2.))                                                                        ;;  8 
(.setCoeffs p1 (VectorDoubleV2. [ 3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0 ]))                                                ;;  9 
(prn (.getCoeffs p1))                                                                                 ;; 10 
(prn (.evaluate p1 2))                                                                                ;; 11 
;; polynomial<int> object:                                                                           
(def p2 (PolynomialIntV2.))                                                                           ;; 14 
(.setCoeffs p2 (VectorIntV2. (map int [2 3 5 7 11 -13])))                                             ;; 15 
(prn (.getCoeffs p2))                                                                                 ;; 16 
(prn (.evaluate p2 -2))                                                                               ;; 17 
;; polynomial<rational<int>>:                                                                        
(def p3 (PolynomialRationalV2.))                                                                      ;; 20 
(.setCoeffs p3 (VectorRationalV2. [ (RationalInt. 7 11) (RationalInt. 11 13) (RationalInt. 13 17) ])) ;; 21 
(prn (mapv #(.__str__ %) (.getCoeffs p3)))                                                            ;; 22 
(prn (.__str__ (.evaluate p3 (RationalInt. -5, 7))))                                                  ;; 23 

$ src/polynomial_v2.clj
[3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0]
[2 3 5 7 11 -13]
["7/11" "11/13" "13/17"]

Ruby : polynomial_v2.rb

require 'polynomial_v2_swig'                                                                                                        #   1 
PV2 = Polynomial_v2_swig                                                                                                            #   2 
puts "POLYNOMIAL_VERSION = #{PV2::POLYNOMIAL_VERSION}"                                                                              #   4 
# polynomial<double>:                                                                                                              
poly        =                                                                                           #   7 
poly.coeffs =[ 3, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 ])                                                                        #   8 
pp poly.coeffs.to_a                                                                                                                 #   9 
pp poly.evaluate(2)                                                                                                                 #  10 
# polynomial<int>                                                                                                                  
poly        =                                                                                              #  13 
poly.coeffs =[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -13 ])                                                                         #  14 
pp poly.coeffs.to_a                                                                                                                 #  15 
pp poly.evaluate(-2)                                                                                                                #  16 
# polynomial<rational<int>>:                                                                                                       
poly        =                                                                                       #  19 
poly.coeffs =[, 11),, 13),,17) ]) #  20 
pp poly.coeffs.to_a                                                                                                                 #  21 
pp poly.evaluate(, 7))                                                                                       #  22 
# polynomial<complex<double>>                                                                                                      
poly        =                                                                                        #  25 
poly.coeffs =[ 7.2+11.3i, 11.5+13.7i, 13.11+17.13i ])                                                     #  26 
pp poly.coeffs.to_a                                                                                                                 #  27 
pp poly.evaluate(-5.7+7.11i)                                                                                                        #  28 

$ src/polynomial_v2.rb
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -13]
[rational<int>(7,11), rational<int>(11,13), rational<int>(13,17)]
[(7.2+11.3i), (11.5+13.7i), (13.11+17.13i)]

TCL : polynomial_v2.tcl

load target/tcl/ Polynomial_v2_swig                                         #   1 
puts [list POLYNOMIAL_VERSION $POLYNOMIAL_VERSION]                                               #   3 
# polynomial<double>:                                                                           
PolynomialDoubleV2 poly                                                                          #   6 
VectorDoubleV2 c { 3 5.0 7.0 11.0 }                                                              #   7 
poly configure -coeffs c                                                                         #   8 
puts [poly cget -coeffs]                                                                         #   9 
puts [poly evaluate 2]                                                                           #  10 
# polynomial<int>:                                                                              
PolynomialIntV2 poly                                                                             #  13 
VectorIntV2 c { 2 3 5 7 11 -13 }                                                                 #  14 
poly configure -coeffs c                                                                         #  15 
puts [poly cget -coeffs]                                                                         #  16 
puts [poly evaluate -2]                                                                          #  17 
# polynomial<rational<int>>:                                                                    
PolynomialRationalV2 poly                                                                        #  20 
VectorRationalV2 c [list [new_RationalInt 7 11] [new_RationalInt 11 13] [new_RationalInt 13 17]] #  21 
poly configure -coeffs c                                                                         #  22 
puts [poly cget -coeffs]                                                                         #  23 
puts [RationalInt___repr__ [poly evaluate [new_RationalInt -5 7]]]                               #  24 

$ src/polynomial_v2.tcl

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/polynomial_v2-main

$ src/
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[rational<int>(7,11), rational<int>(11,13), rational<int>(13,17)]
[(7.2+11.3j), (11.5+13.7j), (13.11+17.13j)]

$ src/polynomial_v2.clj
[3.0 5.0 7.0 11.0]
[2 3 5 7 11 -13]
["7/11" "11/13" "13/17"]

$ src/polynomial_v2.rb
[3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0]
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -13]
[rational<int>(7,11), rational<int>(11,13), rational<int>(13,17)]
[(7.2+11.3i), (11.5+13.7i), (13.11+17.13i)]

$ src/polynomial_v2.tcl


C Header : tommath.h

// swig <-> mp_int helpers                                                    
#include <stddef.h>                                                            //  3 
#include <stdint.h>                                                            //  4 
#include "bool.h"                                                              //  5 
#include "libtommath/tommath.h"                                                //  6 
// Convert mp_int <-> string:                                                 
char*    swig_mp_int_to_charP(mp_int* self, int radix);                        //  9 
mp_int*  swig_charP_to_mp_int(const char* str, int radix);                     // 10 
char*    swig_mp_int_repr(mp_int* self, int radix);                            // 11 
#if SWIG                                                                       // 13 
// This extends generated classes with two                                    
// methods which behave as Python's methods.                                  
// Also for Ruby and other language targets.                                  
%extend mp_int {                                                               // 17 
  char* __str__(int radix = 10) {                                              // 18 
    return swig_mp_int_to_charP(self, radix);                                  // 19 
  }                                                                            // 20 
  char* __repr__(int radix = 10) {                                             // 21 
    return swig_mp_int_repr(self, radix);                                      // 22 
  }                                                                            // 23 
}                                                                              // 24 
#endif                                                                         // 25 
// tommath `mp_int` internal memory is managed by:                            
// * mp_init(mp_int*)                                                         
// * mp_clear(mp_int*)                                                        
// tommath expects these functions to be called                               
// before and after using a mp_int value, respectively.                       
mp_int*  swig_mp_int_new(mp_digit n);                                          // 34 
void     swig_mp_int_delete(mp_int* self);                                     // 35 
#if SWIG                                                                       // 37 
// SWIG wraps `struct mp_int` values with pointers                            
// allocated with `malloc(sizeof(mp_int))`.                                   
// `%extend mp_int` defines constructors and destructors for `mp_int`.        
%extend mp_int {                                                               // 41 
  mp_int(mp_digit n = 0) {                                                     // 42 
    return swig_mp_int_new(n);                                                 // 43 
  }                                                                            // 44 
  mp_int(const char *str, int radix = 10) {                                    // 45 
    return swig_charP_to_mp_int(str, radix);                                   // 46 
  }                                                                            // 47 
  ~mp_int() {                                                                  // 48 
    swig_mp_int_delete(self);                                                  // 49 
  }                                                                            // 50 
}                                                                              // 51 
#endif                                                                         // 52 

C Library : tommath.c

#include "tommath.h"                                                           //  1 
#define _GNU_SOURCE                                                            //  2 
#include <stdlib.h>                                                            //  3 
char* swig_mp_int_to_charP(mp_int* self, int radix) {                          //  5 
  size_t size = 0, written = 0;                                                //  6 
  (void) mp_radix_size(self, radix, &size);                                    //  7 
  char* buf = malloc(size + 1);                                                //  8 
  (void) mp_to_radix(self, buf, size, &written, radix);                        //  9 
  buf[written - 1] = 0;                                                        // 10 
  return buf;                                                                  // 11 
}                                                                              // 12 
char* swig_mp_int_repr(mp_int* self, int radix) {                              // 14 
  char *repr = 0, *str = swig_mp_int_to_charP(self, radix);                    // 15 
  if ( radix == 10 )                                                           // 16 
    asprintf(&repr, "mp_int(\"%s\")", str);                                    // 17 
  else                                                                         // 18 
    asprintf(&repr, "mp_int(\"%s\",%d)", str, radix);                          // 19 
  return free(str), repr;                                                      // 20 
}                                                                              // 21 
mp_int* swig_charP_to_mp_int(const char* str, int radix) {                     // 23 
  mp_int* self = swig_mp_int_new(0);                                           // 24 
  (void) mp_read_radix(self, str, radix);                                      // 25 
  return self;                                                                 // 26 
}                                                                              // 27 
mp_int* swig_mp_int_new(mp_digit n) {                                          // 29 
  mp_int* self = malloc(sizeof(*self));                                        // 30 
  (void) mp_init(self);                                                        // 31 
  mp_set(self, n);                                                             // 32 
  return self;                                                                 // 33 
}                                                                              // 34 
void swig_mp_int_delete(mp_int* self) {                                        // 36 
  mp_clear(self);                                                              // 37 
  free(self);                                                                  // 38 
}                                                                              // 39 

C Main : tommath-main.c

#include "libtommath/tommath.h"                                                          //  1 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                                        //  3 
  printf("MP_ITER = %d\n", MP_ITER);                                                     //  4 
  mp_int a, b, c, d, e;                                                                  //  6 
  (void) mp_init_multi(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, NULL);                                        //  8 
  (void) mp_set(&a, 2357111317);                                                         // 10 
  (void) mp_set(&b, 1113171923);                                                         // 11 
  (void) mp_read_radix(&e, "12343456", 16);                                              // 12 
  (void) mp_mul(&a, &b, &c);                                                             // 14 
  (void) mp_mul(&c, &b, &d);                                                             // 15 
#define P(N) printf("%s = ", #N); (void) mp_fwrite(&N, 10, stdout); fputc('\n', stdout); // 17 
  P(a); P(b); P(c); P(d); P(e);                                                          // 18 
  mp_clear_multi(&a, &b, &c, &d, &e, NULL);                                              // 19 
  return 0;                                                                              // 21 
}                                                                                        // 22 

$ target/native/tommath-main
MP_ITER = -4
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

C SWIG Interface : tommath.i

%module tommath_swig                                                           //  1 
%include "stdint.i" // mp_digit typedef                                        //  2 
// varargs NULL terminator up to 10 arguments:                                
%varargs(10, mp_int *ip = NULL) mp_init_multi;                                 //  4 
%varargs(10, mp_int *ip = NULL) mp_clear_multi;                                //  5 
%{                                                                             //  6 
#include "tommath.h"                                                           //  7 
%}                                                                             //  8 
%include "libtommath/tommath.h"                                                //  9 
%include "tommath.h"                                                           // 10 

Python :

from tommath_swig import *                                                     #   1 
print(f'MP_ITER = {MP_ITER}')                                                  #   3 
a = mp_int(); mp_set(a, 2357111317)    # <-- awkward!                          #   5 
b = mp_int(1113171923)                 # <-- better!                           #   6 
c = mp_int()                                                                   #   7 
d = mp_int()                                                                   #   8 
e = mp_int("12343456", 16)             # <-- yey!                              #   9 
print({"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d, "e": e})                                #  11 
mp_mul(a, b, c)                                                                #  13 
mp_mul(c, b, d)                                                                #  14 
print({"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d, "e": e})                                #  16 

$ src/
MP_ITER = -4
{'a': mp_int("2357111317"), 'b': mp_int("1113171923"), 'c': mp_int("0"), 'd': mp_int("0"), 'e': mp_int("305411158")}
{'a': mp_int("2357111317"), 'b': mp_int("1113171923"), 'c': mp_int("2623870137469952591"), 'd': mp_int("2920818566629701480442302493"), 'e': mp_int("305411158")}

Ruby : tommath-1.rb

require 'tommath_swig'                                                         #   1 
include Tommath_swig                                                           #   2 
require 'show'                                                                 #   3 
puts "MP_ITER = #{MP_ITER}"                                                    #   5 
a =; mp_set(a, 2357111317)    # <-- awkward!                      #   7 
b =                 # <-- better!                       #   8 
c =                                                               #   9 
d =                                                               #  10 
e ="12343456", 16)             # <-- yey!                          #  11 
def show!                                                                      #  13 
  show_exprs "a", "b","c", "d", "e"                                            #  14 
end                                                                            #  15 
show!                                                                          #  17 
mp_mul(a, b, c);                                                               #  19 
mp_mul(c, b, d);                                                               #  20 
show!                                                                          #  22 

$ src/tommath-1.rb
MP_ITER = -4
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

Ruby : tommath-2.rb

require 'tommath-mpi'                                                          #   1 
require 'show'                                                                 #   2 
a = MPI[2357111317]                                                            #   4 
b = MPI[1113171923]                                                            #   5 
c = MPI[]                                                                      #   6 
d = MPI[]                                                                      #   7 
e = MPI["12343456", 16]                                                        #   8 
def show!                                                                      #  10 
  show_exprs "a", "b","c", "d", "e"                                            #  11 
end                                                                            #  12 
show!                                                                          #  14 
c = a * b                                                                      #  16 
d = c * b                                                                      #  17 
show!                                                                          #  19 

$ src/tommath-2.rb
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

Ruby : tommath-mpi.rb

require 'tommath_swig'                                                         #   1 
# Syntactic Sugar:                                                            
module Tommath_swig                                                            #   4 
  class Mp_int                                                                 #   5 
    # Constructor:                                                            
    def self.[] val = 0, radix = 10                                            #   7 
      case val                                                                 #   8 
      when self                                                                #   9 
        val                                                                    #  10 
      when Integer                                                             #  11 
        inst = new                                                             #  12 
        Tommath_swig.mp_set(inst, val)                                         #  13 
        inst                                                                   #  14 
      when String                                                              #  15 
        Tommath_swig.swig_charP_to_mp_int(val, radix)                          #  16 
      when nil                                                                 #  17 
        self[0]                                                                #  18 
      else                                                                     #  19 
        raise TypeError, "#{val.inspect} #{radix.inspect}"                     #  20 
      end                                                                      #  21 
    end                                                                        #  22 
    def to_s radix = 10                                                        #  24 
      Tommath_swig.swig_mp_int_to_charP(self, radix)                           #  25 
    end                                                                        #  26 
    def inspect                                                                #  28 
      "MPI[#{to_s.inspect}]"                                                   #  29 
    end                                                                        #  30 
    def -@                                                                     #  32 
      result =                                                         #  33 
      Tommath_swig.mp_neg(self, result)                                        #  34 
      result                                                                   #  35 
    end                                                                        #  36 
    def + other                                                                #  37 
      result =                                                         #  38 
      Tommath_swig.mp_add(self, MPI[other], result)                            #  39 
      result                                                                   #  40 
    end                                                                        #  41 
    def - other                                                                #  42 
      result =                                                         #  43 
      Tommath_swig.mp_sub(self, MPI[other], result)                            #  44 
      result                                                                   #  45 
    end                                                                        #  46 
    def * other                                                                #  47 
      result =                                                         #  48 
      Tommath_swig.mp_mul(self, MPI[other], result)                            #  49 
      result                                                                   #  50 
    end                                                                        #  51 
    def / other                                                                #  52 
      result =                                                         #  53 
      remainder =                                                      #  54 
      Tommath_swig.mp_div(self, MPI[other], result, remainder)                 #  55 
      result                                                                   #  56 
    end                                                                        #  57 
  end                                                                          #  58 
  MPI = Mp_int                                                                 #  59 
end                                                                            #  60 
MPI = Tommath_swig::MPI                                                        #  61 

Guile : tommath.scm

(load-extension "target/guile/" "SWIG_init")                 ;;  1 
(display `(MP-ITER = ,(MP-ITER))) (newline)                                    ;;  3 
(define a (new-mp-int))                                                        ;;  5 
(mp-set a 2357111317)                   ;; <-- awkward!                        ;;  6 
(define b (new-mp-int 1113171923))      ;; <-- better!                         ;;  7 
(define c (new-mp-int))                                                        ;;  8 
(define d (new-mp-int))                                                        ;;  9 
(define e (new-mp-int "12343456" 16))   ;; <-- yey!                            ;; 10 
(define (show!)                                                                ;; 12 
  (newline)                                                                    ;; 13 
  (let ((r (lambda (n-v)                                                       ;; 14 
             (write (car n-v)) (display " = ")                                 ;; 15 
             (display (mp-int---str-- (cadr n-v))) (newline))))                ;; 16 
    (for-each r `((a ,a) (b ,b) (c ,c) (d ,d) (e ,e)))))                       ;; 17 
(show!)                                                                        ;; 19 
(mp-mul a b c)                                                                 ;; 21 
(mp-mul c b d)                                                                 ;; 22 
(show!)                                                                        ;; 24 

$ src/tommath.scm
(MP-ITER = -4)

a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158

a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/tommath-main
MP_ITER = -4
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

$ src/
MP_ITER = -4
{'a': mp_int("2357111317"), 'b': mp_int("1113171923"), 'c': mp_int("0"), 'd': mp_int("0"), 'e': mp_int("305411158")}
{'a': mp_int("2357111317"), 'b': mp_int("1113171923"), 'c': mp_int("2623870137469952591"), 'd': mp_int("2920818566629701480442302493"), 'e': mp_int("305411158")}

$ src/tommath-1.rb
MP_ITER = -4
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

$ src/tommath-2.rb
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158
a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158

$ src/tommath.scm
(MP-ITER = -4)

a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 0
d = 0
e = 305411158

a = 2357111317
b = 1113171923
c = 2623870137469952591
d = 2920818566629701480442302493
e = 305411158


C Header : black_scholes.h

// black_scholes.c is ~ 100 lines                                                                                                           
double black_scholes_normal(double zz);                                                                                                      //  2 
double black_scholes_call(double strike_price, double asset_price, double standard_deviation, double risk_free_rate, double days_to_expiry); //  3 
double black_scholes_put(double strike_price, double asset_price, double standard_deviation, double risk_free_rate, double days_to_expiry);  //  4 

C Library : black_scholes.c

#include <math.h>                                                                                            //  1 
double black_scholes_normal(double zz)                                                                       //  3 
{                                                                                                            //  4 
    //cdf of 0 is 0.5                                                                                       
    if (zz == 0)                                                                                             //  6 
        return 0.5;                                                                                          //  7 
    double z = zz;                                                                                           //  9 
    if (zz < 0)                                                                                              // 11 
        z = -zz;                                                                                             // 12 
    double p = 0.2316419;                                                                                    // 14 
    double b1 = 0.31938153;                                                                                  // 15 
    double b2 = -0.356563782;                                                                                // 16 
    double b3 = 1.781477937;                                                                                 // 17 
    double b4 = -1.821255978;                                                                                // 18 
    double b5 = 1.330274428;                                                                                 // 19 
    double f = 1 / sqrt(2 * M_PI);                                                                           // 21 
    double ff = exp(-pow(z, 2) / 2) * f;                                                                     // 22 
    double s1 = b1 / (1 + p * z);                                                                            // 23 
    double s2 = b2 / pow((1 + p * z), 2);                                                                    // 24 
    double s3 = b3 / pow((1 + p * z), 3);                                                                    // 25 
    double s4 = b4 / pow((1 + p * z), 4);                                                                    // 26 
    double s5 = b5 / pow((1 + p * z), 5);                                                                    // 27 
    //sz is the right-tail approximation                                                                    
    double  sz = ff * (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5);                                                              // 30 
    double rz;                                                                                               // 32 
    //cdf of negative input is right-tail of input's absolute value                                         
    if (zz < 0)                                                                                              // 34 
        rz = sz;                                                                                             // 35 
    //cdf of positive input is one minus right-tail                                                         
    if (zz > 0)                                                                                              // 38 
        rz = (1 - sz);                                                                                       // 39 
    return rz;                                                                                               // 41 
}                                                                                                            // 42 
double black_scholes_call_or_put(double strike, double s, double sd, double r, double days, int call_or_put) // 44 
{                                                                                                            // 45 
    double ls = log(s);                                                                                      // 46 
    double lx = log(strike);                                                                                 // 47 
    double t = days / 365;                                                                                   // 48 
    double sd2 = pow(sd, 2);                                                                                 // 49 
    double n = (ls - lx + r * t + sd2 * t / 2);                                                              // 50 
    double sqrtT = sqrt(days / 365);                                                                         // 51 
    double d = sd * sqrtT;                                                                                   // 52 
    double d1 = n / d;                                                                                       // 53 
    double d2 = d1 - sd * sqrtT;                                                                             // 54 
    double nd1 = black_scholes_normal(d1);                                                                   // 55 
    double nd2 = black_scholes_normal(d2);                                                                   // 56 
    if ( call_or_put )                                                                                       // 57 
        return s * nd1 - strike * exp(-r * t) * nd2;                                                         // 58 
    else                                                                                                     // 59 
        return strike * exp(-r * t) * (1 - nd2) - s * (1 - nd1);                                             // 60 
}                                                                                                            // 61 
double black_scholes_call(double strike, double s, double sd, double r, double days)                         // 63 
{                                                                                                            // 64 
    return black_scholes_call_or_put(strike, s, sd, r, days, 1);                                             // 65 
}                                                                                                            // 66 
double black_scholes_put(double strike, double s, double sd, double r, double days)                          // 68 
{                                                                                                            // 69 
    return black_scholes_call_or_put(strike, s, sd, r, days, 0);                                             // 70 
}                                                                                                            // 71 

C Main : black_scholes-main.c

#include <stdio.h>                                                                     //  1 
#include "black_scholes.h"                                                             //  2 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {                                                      //  4 
  double data[][5] = {                                                                 //  5 
    // strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate,  days_to_expiry:
    // vary expiry:                                                                   
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30.0 },                                                  //  8 
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15.0 },                                                  //  9 
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10.0 },                                                  // 10 
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5.0 },                                                  // 11 
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2.0 },                                                  // 12 
     // vary strike:                                                                  
    { 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 14 
    { 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 15 
    { 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 16 
    { 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 17 
    { 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 18 
    { 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 19 
    { 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 },                                                  // 20 
  };                                                                                   // 21 
  for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); i ++ ) {                        // 22 
    double *r = data[i];                                                               // 23 
    double c = black_scholes_call (r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]);                      // 24 
    double p = black_scholes_put  (r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]);                      // 25 
    printf("inputs: [ %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f ], call: %6.3f, put: %6.3f\n", // 26 
      r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], c, p);                                             // 27 
  }                                                                                    // 28 
  return 0;                                                                            // 29 
}                                                                                      // 30 

$ target/native/black_scholes-main
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 30.00 ], call:  0.753, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 10.00 ], call:  0.590, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  5.00 ], call:  0.546, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  2.00 ], call:  0.518, put:  0.000
inputs: [  0.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.544, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.088, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  2.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.178, put:  0.001
inputs: [  2.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.279
inputs: [  3.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.735
inputs: [  3.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  1.191

C SWIG Interface : black_scholes.i

%module black_scholes_swig                                                     //  1 
%include "black_scholes.h"                                                     //  2 
%{                                                                             //  3 
#include "black_scholes.h"                                                     //  4 
%}                                                                             //  5 

Python :

import sys ; sys.path.append('target/python')                                         #   1 
import black_scholes_swig as bs                                                       #   2 
data = [                                                                              #   4 
    # strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate,  days_to_expiry:
    # vary expiry:                                                                   
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30.0 ],                                                 #   7 
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #   8 
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10.0 ],                                                 #   9 
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5.0 ],                                                 #  10 
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2.0 ],                                                 #  11 
    # vary strike:                                                                   
    [ 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  13 
    [ 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  14 
    [ 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  15 
    [ 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  16 
    [ 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  17 
    [ 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  18 
    [ 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15.0 ],                                                 #  19 
]                                                                                     #  20 
for r in data:                                                                        #  21 
    c = bs.black_scholes_call (*r)                                                    #  22 
    p = bs.black_scholes_put  (*r)                                                    #  23 
    print("inputs: [ %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f ], call: %6.3f, put: %6.3f" %  #  24 
            (*r, c, p))                                                               #  25 

$ src/
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 30.00 ], call:  0.753, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 10.00 ], call:  0.590, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  5.00 ], call:  0.546, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  2.00 ], call:  0.518, put:  0.000
inputs: [  0.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.544, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.088, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  2.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.178, put:  0.001
inputs: [  2.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.279
inputs: [  3.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.735
inputs: [  3.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  1.191

PostgreSQL : black_scholes-1.psql

-- Load the extension:                                                                                                   
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;                                                                                      --  2 
-- Create some sample input data:                                                                                        
CREATE TABLE bs_data (                                                                                                    --  5 
  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,                                                                                                  --  6 
  strike_price FLOAT8,                                                                                                    --  7 
  asset_price FLOAT8,                                                                                                     --  8 
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,                                                                                              --  9 
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,                                                                                                  -- 10 
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8                                                                                                   -- 11 
);                                                                                                                        -- 12 
INSERT INTO bs_data                                                                                                       -- 14 
  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )                                       -- 15 
VALUES                                                                                                                    -- 16 
  -- vary expiry:                                                                                                        
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),                                                                                         -- 18 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 19 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),                                                                                         -- 20 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),                                                                                         -- 21 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),                                                                                         -- 22 
  --  vary strike:                                                                                                       
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 24 
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 25 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 26 
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 27 
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 28 
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 29 
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );                                                                                         -- 30 
-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:                                                                                          
CREATE TABLE bs_eval                                                                                                      -- 33 
AS                                                                                                                        -- 34 
SELECT *                                                                                                                  -- 35 
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val -- 36 
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val   -- 37 
FROM bs_data;                                                                                                             -- 38 
SELECT * FROM bs_eval;                                                                                                    -- 39 

$ src/black_scholes-1.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;

-- Create some sample input data:
CREATE TABLE bs_data (
  strike_price FLOAT8,
  asset_price FLOAT8,
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8

  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )
  -- vary expiry:
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),
  --  vary strike:
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );

-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM bs_data;

SELECT * FROM bs_eval;

 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
  1 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             30 |    0.753 |       0
  2 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  3 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             10 |    0.589 |       0
  4 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              5 |    0.545 |       0
  5 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              2 |    0.518 |       0
  6 |          0.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.544 |       0
  7 |            1 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.088 |       0
  8 |          1.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  9 |            2 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.177 |   0.001
 10 |          2.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.279
 11 |            3 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.735
 12 |          3.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |    1.19
(12 rows)

PostgreSQL : black_scholes-2.psql

-- Load the extension:                                                                                                   
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;                                                                                      --  2 
-- Create some sample input data:                                                                                        
CREATE TABLE bs_data (                                                                                                    --  5 
  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,                                                                                                  --  6 
  strike_price FLOAT8,                                                                                                    --  7 
  asset_price FLOAT8,                                                                                                     --  8 
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,                                                                                              --  9 
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,                                                                                                  -- 10 
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8                                                                                                   -- 11 
);                                                                                                                        -- 12 
INSERT INTO bs_data                                                                                                       -- 14 
  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )                                       -- 15 
VALUES                                                                                                                    -- 16 
  -- vary expiry:                                                                                                        
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),                                                                                         -- 18 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 19 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),                                                                                         -- 20 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),                                                                                         -- 21 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),                                                                                         -- 22 
  --  vary strike:                                                                                                       
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 24 
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 25 
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 26 
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 27 
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 28 
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),                                                                                         -- 29 
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );                                                                                         -- 30 
-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:                                                                                          
CREATE TABLE bs_eval                                                                                                      -- 33 
AS                                                                                                                        -- 34 
SELECT *                                                                                                                  -- 35 
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val -- 36 
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val   -- 37 
FROM bs_data;                                                                                                             -- 38 
SELECT * FROM bs_eval;                                                                                                    -- 40 
-- Any profitable calls?                                                                                                 
SELECT * FROM bs_eval                                                                                                     -- 43 
WHERE call_val > asset_price OR put_val > asset_price;                                                                    -- 44 
-- Create some random scenarios:                                                                                         
CREATE TABLE bs_hypo_eval                                                                                                 -- 47 
AS                                                                                                                        -- 48 
WITH hd_rand AS (                                                                                                         -- 49 
  SELECT gs.*,                                                                                                     -- 50 
  , strike_price -- random_offset(strike_price, 0.25) AS strike_price                                                     -- 51 
  , truncf(random_offset(asset_price, 0.25)) AS asset_price                                                               -- 52 
  , standard_deviation -- random_offset(standard_deviation, 0.25) AS standard_deviation                                   -- 53 
  , risk_free_rate -- random_offset(risk_free_rate, 0.25) AS risk_free_rate                                               -- 54 
  , trunc(random_offset(days_to_expiry, 0.25)) days_to_expiry                                                             -- 55 
  FROM bs_data as bsd, (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000) as h_id) gs                                                       -- 56 
),                                                                                                                        -- 57 
hd_rand_eval AS (                                                                                                         -- 58 
SELECT *                                                                                                                  -- 59 
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val -- 60 
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val   -- 61 
FROM hd_rand                                                                                                              -- 62 
)                                                                                                                         -- 63 
SELECT *                                                                                                                  -- 64 
  , truncf((call_val / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS call_profit_pcnt                                                     -- 65 
  , truncf((put_val  / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS put_profit_pcnt                                                      -- 66 
FROM hd_rand_eval;                                                                                                        -- 67 
-- Select the most profitable random calls:                                                                              
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval                                                                                                -- 70 
WHERE call_val > asset_price                                                                                              -- 71 
ORDER BY call_profit_pcnt DESC                                                                                            -- 72 
LIMIT 10;                                                                                                                 -- 73 
-- Select the most profitable random puts:                                                                               
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval                                                                                                -- 76 
WHERE put_val > asset_price                                                                                               -- 77 
ORDER BY put_profit_pcnt DESC                                                                                             -- 78 
LIMIT 10;                                                                                                                 -- 79 

$ src/black_scholes-2.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;

-- Create some sample input data:
CREATE TABLE bs_data (
  strike_price FLOAT8,
  asset_price FLOAT8,
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8

  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )
  -- vary expiry:
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),
  --  vary strike:
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );

-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM bs_data;

SELECT * FROM bs_eval;
 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
  1 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             30 |    0.753 |       0
  2 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  3 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             10 |    0.589 |       0
  4 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              5 |    0.545 |       0
  5 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              2 |    0.518 |       0
  6 |          0.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.544 |       0
  7 |            1 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.088 |       0
  8 |          1.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  9 |            2 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.177 |   0.001
 10 |          2.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.279
 11 |            3 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.735
 12 |          3.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |    1.19
(12 rows)

-- Any profitable calls?
SELECT * FROM bs_eval
WHERE call_val > asset_price OR put_val > asset_price;
 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
(0 rows)

-- Create some random scenarios:
CREATE TABLE bs_hypo_eval
WITH hd_rand AS (
  SELECT gs.*,
  , strike_price -- random_offset(strike_price, 0.25) AS strike_price
  , truncf(random_offset(asset_price, 0.25)) AS asset_price
  , standard_deviation -- random_offset(standard_deviation, 0.25) AS standard_deviation
  , risk_free_rate -- random_offset(risk_free_rate, 0.25) AS risk_free_rate
  , trunc(random_offset(days_to_expiry, 0.25)) days_to_expiry
  FROM bs_data as bsd, (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000) as h_id) gs
hd_rand_eval AS (
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM hd_rand
  , truncf((call_val / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS call_profit_pcnt
  , truncf((put_val  / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS put_profit_pcnt
FROM hd_rand_eval;

-- Select the most profitable random calls:
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval
WHERE call_val > asset_price
ORDER BY call_profit_pcnt DESC
 h_id | id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val | call_profit_pcnt | put_profit_pcnt
  984 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.522 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             12 |        2 |       0 |           31.406 |            -100
  827 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             11 |    1.966 |       0 |           30.544 |            -100
  966 |  6 |          0.5 |         1.5 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |    1.952 |       0 |           30.133 |            -100
   50 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.525 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             18 |     1.98 |       0 |           29.836 |            -100
  547 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.523 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |    1.971 |       0 |           29.415 |            -100
  560 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.517 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.955 |       0 |           28.872 |            -100
  259 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.569 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |     2.02 |       0 |           28.744 |            -100
  393 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.567 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    2.017 |       0 |           28.717 |            -100
  177 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |    1.936 |       0 |           28.552 |            -100
  979 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.533 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |    1.963 |       0 |           28.049 |            -100
(10 rows)

-- Select the most profitable random puts:
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval
WHERE put_val > asset_price
ORDER BY put_profit_pcnt DESC
 h_id | id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val | call_profit_pcnt | put_profit_pcnt
  277 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.712 |             -100 |          13.678
   71 | 12 |          3.5 |        1.54 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.747 |             -100 |          13.441
  718 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.502 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.702 |             -100 |          13.315
  531 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.548 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |        0 |   1.742 |             -100 |          12.532
  409 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.596 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.713 |             -100 |            7.33
  403 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.552 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.657 |             -100 |           6.765
  733 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.541 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.644 |             -100 |           6.683
  861 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.564 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |        0 |   1.661 |             -100 |           6.202
  237 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.618 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.718 |             -100 |            6.18
  122 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.573 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             12 |        0 |    1.67 |             -100 |           6.166
(10 rows)

Outputs - Recap

$ target/native/black_scholes-main
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 30.00 ], call:  0.753, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 10.00 ], call:  0.590, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  5.00 ], call:  0.546, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  2.00 ], call:  0.518, put:  0.000
inputs: [  0.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.544, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.088, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  2.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.178, put:  0.001
inputs: [  2.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.279
inputs: [  3.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.735
inputs: [  3.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  1.191

$ src/
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 30.00 ], call:  0.753, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25, 10.00 ], call:  0.590, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  5.00 ], call:  0.546, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.50,  2.25,  2.00 ], call:  0.518, put:  0.000
inputs: [  0.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.544, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  1.088, put:  0.000
inputs: [  1.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.632, put:  0.000
inputs: [  2.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.178, put:  0.001
inputs: [  2.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.279
inputs: [  3.00,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  0.735
inputs: [  3.50,  2.00,  0.25,  2.25, 15.00 ], call:  0.000, put:  1.191

$ src/black_scholes-1.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;

-- Create some sample input data:
CREATE TABLE bs_data (
  strike_price FLOAT8,
  asset_price FLOAT8,
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8

  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )
  -- vary expiry:
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),
  --  vary strike:
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );

-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM bs_data;

SELECT * FROM bs_eval;

 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
  1 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             30 |    0.753 |       0
  2 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  3 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             10 |    0.589 |       0
  4 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              5 |    0.545 |       0
  5 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              2 |    0.518 |       0
  6 |          0.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.544 |       0
  7 |            1 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.088 |       0
  8 |          1.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  9 |            2 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.177 |   0.001
 10 |          2.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.279
 11 |            3 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.735
 12 |          3.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |    1.19
(12 rows)

$ src/black_scholes-2.psql
-- Load the extension:
CREATE EXTENSION black_scholes_swig;

-- Create some sample input data:
CREATE TABLE bs_data (
  strike_price FLOAT8,
  asset_price FLOAT8,
  standard_deviation FLOAT8,
  risk_free_rate FLOAT8,
  days_to_expiry FLOAT8

  ( strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry )
  -- vary expiry:
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 30 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25, 10 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  5 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.5,  2.25,  2 ),
  --  vary strike:
  ( 0.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 1.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 2.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.00, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 ),
  ( 3.50, 2.00, 0.25, 2.25, 15 );

-- Apply Black-Scholes to data:
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM bs_data;

SELECT * FROM bs_eval;
 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
  1 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             30 |    0.753 |       0
  2 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  3 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |             10 |    0.589 |       0
  4 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              5 |    0.545 |       0
  5 |          1.5 |           2 |                0.5 |           2.25 |              2 |    0.518 |       0
  6 |          0.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.544 |       0
  7 |            1 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.088 |       0
  8 |          1.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.632 |       0
  9 |            2 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    0.177 |   0.001
 10 |          2.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.279
 11 |            3 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |   0.735
 12 |          3.5 |           2 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |        0 |    1.19
(12 rows)

-- Any profitable calls?
SELECT * FROM bs_eval
WHERE call_val > asset_price OR put_val > asset_price;
 id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val
(0 rows)

-- Create some random scenarios:
CREATE TABLE bs_hypo_eval
WITH hd_rand AS (
  SELECT gs.*,
  , strike_price -- random_offset(strike_price, 0.25) AS strike_price
  , truncf(random_offset(asset_price, 0.25)) AS asset_price
  , standard_deviation -- random_offset(standard_deviation, 0.25) AS standard_deviation
  , risk_free_rate -- random_offset(risk_free_rate, 0.25) AS risk_free_rate
  , trunc(random_offset(days_to_expiry, 0.25)) days_to_expiry
  FROM bs_data as bsd, (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000) as h_id) gs
hd_rand_eval AS (
  , truncf(black_scholes_call(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS call_val
  , truncf(black_scholes_put(strike_price, asset_price, standard_deviation, risk_free_rate, days_to_expiry)) AS put_val
FROM hd_rand
  , truncf((call_val / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS call_profit_pcnt
  , truncf((put_val  / asset_price - 1) * 100, 3) AS put_profit_pcnt
FROM hd_rand_eval;

-- Select the most profitable random calls:
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval
WHERE call_val > asset_price
ORDER BY call_profit_pcnt DESC
 h_id | id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val | call_profit_pcnt | put_profit_pcnt
  984 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.522 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             12 |        2 |       0 |           31.406 |            -100
  827 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             11 |    1.966 |       0 |           30.544 |            -100
  966 |  6 |          0.5 |         1.5 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |    1.952 |       0 |           30.133 |            -100
   50 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.525 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             18 |     1.98 |       0 |           29.836 |            -100
  547 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.523 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |    1.971 |       0 |           29.415 |            -100
  560 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.517 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    1.955 |       0 |           28.872 |            -100
  259 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.569 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |     2.02 |       0 |           28.744 |            -100
  393 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.567 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             15 |    2.017 |       0 |           28.717 |            -100
  177 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |    1.936 |       0 |           28.552 |            -100
  979 |  6 |          0.5 |       1.533 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |    1.963 |       0 |           28.049 |            -100
(10 rows)

-- Select the most profitable random puts:
SELECT * FROM bs_hypo_eval
WHERE put_val > asset_price
ORDER BY put_profit_pcnt DESC
 h_id | id | strike_price | asset_price | standard_deviation | risk_free_rate | days_to_expiry | call_val | put_val | call_profit_pcnt | put_profit_pcnt
  277 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.506 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.712 |             -100 |          13.678
   71 | 12 |          3.5 |        1.54 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.747 |             -100 |          13.441
  718 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.502 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.702 |             -100 |          13.315
  531 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.548 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |        0 |   1.742 |             -100 |          12.532
  409 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.596 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.713 |             -100 |            7.33
  403 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.552 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             14 |        0 |   1.657 |             -100 |           6.765
  733 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.541 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.644 |             -100 |           6.683
  861 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.564 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             17 |        0 |   1.661 |             -100 |           6.202
  237 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.618 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             13 |        0 |   1.718 |             -100 |            6.18
  122 | 12 |          3.5 |       1.573 |               0.25 |           2.25 |             12 |        0 |    1.67 |             -100 |           6.166
(10 rows)


  1. Create native library. (once)
  2. Create SWIG interface files. (once)
  3. Generate bindings from SWIG interface files. (many)
  4. Compile bindings.
  5. Link SWIG bindings and native library into a dynamic library.
  6. Load dynamic library.
   |         1. foo.c                +--+
   +---------------------------------+  |
   |  double f(int, double, char*)   |  |
   |    { return ...; }              |  |
   +---------------------------------+  |
   +---------------------------------+  |
+--+         1. foo.h                +--+
|  +---------------------------------+  |
|  |  double f(int, double, char*);  |  |
|  +-+-------------------------------+  |
|    |                                  |
|    |  1. cc foo.c              \  <---+
|    |       -о bld/libfоо.a
|    v
|  +-------------------+
|  |  bld/libfоо.a     +----------------+
|  +-------------------+                |
|                                       |
|  +---------------------------------+  |
|  |         2. foo.i                |  |
|  +---------------------------------+  |
|  |  %module foo_swig               |  |
|  |  %include "foo.h"               |  |
|  +-+-------------------------------+  |
|    |                                  |
+--->|  3. swig -python foo.i    \      |
     |       -o bld/foo_swig.c          |
     v                                  |
   +-------------------+                |
+--+  bld/  |                |
|  |  bld/foo_swig.c   |                |
|  +-+-----------------+                |
|    |                                  |
|    |  4. cc -c bld/foo_swig.c         |
|    v                                  |
|  +-------------------+                |
|  |  bld/foo_swig.Đľ   |                |
|  +-+-----------------+                |
|    |                                  |
|    |  5. cc -dynamiclib         \     |
|    |       -Đľ bld/  \     |
|    |       bld/foo_swig.Đľ       \     |
|    |       -l foo   <-----------------+
|    v
|  +-------------------+
|  |  bld/foo_swig.sĐľ  |
|  +-+-----------------+
|    |
+--->|  6. python
   |             |
   | import sys                   |
   | sys.path.append('bld')       |
   | import foo_swig as foo       |
   | print(foo.f(2, 3.5, 'str'))  |

Workflow Examples

Workflow - mathlib.c

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/mathlib.o src/mathlib.c                          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/mathlib-main src/mathlib-main.c                       \
  target/native/mathlib.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                                 

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/mathlib.o src/mathlib.c                          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/mathlib-main src/mathlib-main.c                       \
  target/native/mathlib.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                                 

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                     \
  target/python/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                                  
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/mathlib_swig.c target/python/              
3832 target/python/mathlib_swig.c                                             
65 target/python/                                              
3897 total                                                                    
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/mathlib_swig.c.o                          \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc -dynamiclib -o target/python/ target/native/mathlib.o        \
  target/python/mathlib_swig.c.o -ldl -framework CoreFoundation               

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                      \
  target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                                 
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c target/clojure/mathlib*.java              
269 target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c                                             
15 target/clojure/                                           
12 target/clojure/                                  
13 target/clojure/                                        
309 total                                                                     
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c -o             \
  target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c.o target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c               
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/libmathlib_swig.jnilib                         \
  target/native/mathlib.o target/clojure/mathlib_swig.c.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib 

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                         \
  target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                                    
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c                                              
2323 target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c                                               
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                                        \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c.o target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c                     
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/mathlib_swig.bundle target/native/mathlib.o       \
  target/ruby/mathlib_swig.c.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                            

Build tcl Bindings

# Generate tcl bindings:                                                      
swig -tcl -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/tcl/ -o                           \
  target/tcl/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                                     
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/tcl/mathlib_swig.c                                               
2224 target/tcl/mathlib_swig.c                                                
# Compile tcl bindings:                                                       
cc -Isrc -I$TCL_HOME/include -c -o target/tcl/mathlib_swig.c.o                  \
# Link tcl dynamic library:                                                   
cc -dynamiclib -o target/tcl/ target/native/mathlib.o            \
  target/tcl/mathlib_swig.c.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                             

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                       \
  target/guile/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                                   
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/mathlib_swig.c                                             
1660 target/guile/mathlib_swig.c                                              
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o                   \
  target/guile/mathlib_swig.c.o target/guile/mathlib_swig.c                   
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc -dynamiclib -o target/guile/ target/native/mathlib.o       \
  target/guile/mathlib_swig.c.o -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread  

Build postgresql Bindings

# Generate postgresql bindings:                                               
swig -postgresql -extension-version 1.2.3 -addextern -I- -Isrc                  \
  -I$POSTGRESQL_INC_DIR -outdir target/postgresql/ -o                           \
  target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.c src/mathlib.i                              
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/mathlib.h src/mathlib.i                                             
7 src/mathlib.h                                                               
5 src/mathlib.i                                                               
12 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.c target/postgresql/mathlib_swig-*.sql     \
  target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.control target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.make  
1519 target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.c                                         
20 target/postgresql/mathlib_swig--1.2.3.sql                                  
8 target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.control                                      
13 target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.make                                        
1560 total                                                                    
# Compile postgresql bindings:                                                
cc -Isrc -I$POSTGRESQL_INC_DIR -c -o target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.c.o         \
# Link postgresql dynamic library:                                            
cc -dynamiclib -o target/postgresql/ target/native/mathlib.o     \
  target/postgresql/mathlib_swig.c.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                      
# Compile and install postgresql extension:                                   
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
install -c -m 644 ./mathlib_swig.control '$POSTGRESQL_SHARE_DIR/extension/'   
install -c -m 644 ./mathlib_swig--1.2.3.sql '$POSTGRESQL_SHARE_DIR/extension/'
install -c -m 755 '$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/'                      

Workflow -

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/polynomial.o src/      
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/polynomial-main src/   \
  target/native/polynomial.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                              

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/polynomial.o src/      
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/polynomial-main src/   \
  target/native/polynomial.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                              

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -c++ -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                \
  target/python/ src/polynomial.i                           
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial.h src/polynomial.i                                       
10 src/polynomial.h                                                           
16 src/polynomial.i                                                           
26 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/ target/python/       
8502 target/python/                                         
241 target/python/                                          
8743 total                                                                    
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/         \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/python/                           \
  target/native/polynomial.o target/python/ -ldl            \
  -framework CoreFoundation                                                   

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -c++ -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                 \
  target/clojure/ src/polynomial.i                          
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial.h src/polynomial.i                                       
10 src/polynomial.h                                                           
16 src/polynomial.i                                                           
26 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/ target/clojure/polynomial*.java       
726 target/clojure/                                         
11 target/clojure/                                        
12 target/clojure/                               
32 target/clojure/                                     
781 total                                                                     
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c   \
  -o target/clojure/ target/clojure/    
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/libpolynomial_swig.jnilib                    \
  target/native/polynomial.o target/clojure/                \

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -c++ -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                    \
  target/ruby/ src/polynomial.i                             
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial.h src/polynomial.i                                       
10 src/polynomial.h                                                           
16 src/polynomial.i                                                           
26 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/                                          
8622 target/ruby/                                           
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                           \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/ target/ruby/             
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/polynomial_swig.bundle                          \
  target/native/polynomial.o target/ruby/                   \

Build tcl Bindings

# Generate tcl bindings:                                                      
swig -c++ -tcl -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/tcl/ -o                      \
  target/tcl/ src/polynomial.i                              
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial.h src/polynomial.i                                       
10 src/polynomial.h                                                           
16 src/polynomial.i                                                           
26 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/tcl/                                           
3050 target/tcl/                                            
# Compile tcl bindings:                                                       
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$TCL_HOME/include -c -o                                 \
  target/tcl/ target/tcl/               
# Link tcl dynamic library:                                                   
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/tcl/ target/native/polynomial.o    \
  target/tcl/ -L/opt/homebrew/lib                         

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -c++ -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                  \
  target/guile/ src/polynomial.i                            
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial.h src/polynomial.i                                       
10 src/polynomial.h                                                           
16 src/polynomial.i                                                           
26 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/                                         
2346 target/guile/                                          
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o      \
  target/guile/ target/guile/           
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/guile/                          \
  target/native/polynomial.o target/guile/                  \
  -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread                                

Workflow -

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/rational.o src/          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/rational-main src/       \
  target/native/rational.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                                

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/rational.o src/          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/rational-main src/       \
  target/native/rational.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                                

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -c++ -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                \
  target/python/ src/rational.i                               
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l include/rational.h src/rational.i                                       
73 include/rational.h                                                         
29 src/rational.i                                                             
102 total                                                                     
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/ target/python/           
4825 target/python/                                           
115 target/python/                                            
4940 total                                                                    
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/           \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/python/ target/native/rational.o    \
  target/python/ -ldl -framework CoreFoundation             

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -c++ -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                 \
  target/clojure/ src/rational.i                              
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l include/rational.h src/rational.i                                       
73 include/rational.h                                                         
29 src/rational.i                                                             
102 total                                                                     
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/ target/clojure/rational*.java           
677 target/clojure/                                           
11 target/clojure/                                          
33 target/clojure/                                       
721 total                                                                     
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c   \
  -o target/clojure/ target/clojure/        
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/librational_swig.jnilib                      \
  target/native/rational.o target/clojure/                    \

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -c++ -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                    \
  target/ruby/ src/rational.i                                 
include/rational.h:36: Warning 378: operator!= ignored                        
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l include/rational.h src/rational.i                                       
73 include/rational.h                                                         
29 src/rational.i                                                             
102 total                                                                     
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/                                            
3146 target/ruby/                                             
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                           \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/ target/ruby/                 
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/rational_swig.bundle target/native/rational.o   \
  target/ruby/ -L/opt/homebrew/lib                          

Build tcl Bindings

# Generate tcl bindings:                                                      
swig -c++ -tcl -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/tcl/ -o                      \
  target/tcl/ src/rational.i                                  
include/rational.h:36: Warning 378: operator!= ignored                        
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l include/rational.h src/rational.i                                       
73 include/rational.h                                                         
29 src/rational.i                                                             
102 total                                                                     
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/tcl/                                             
2937 target/tcl/                                              
# Compile tcl bindings:                                                       
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$TCL_HOME/include -c -o target/tcl/   \
# Link tcl dynamic library:                                                   
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/tcl/ target/native/rational.o        \
  target/tcl/ -L/opt/homebrew/lib                           

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -c++ -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                  \
  target/guile/ src/rational.i                                
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l include/rational.h src/rational.i                                       
73 include/rational.h                                                         
29 src/rational.i                                                             
102 total                                                                     
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/                                           
2434 target/guile/                                            
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o      \
  target/guile/ target/guile/               
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/guile/ target/native/rational.o   \
  target/guile/ -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread

Workflow -

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/polynomial_v2.o src/
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/polynomial_v2-main                       \
  src/ target/native/polynomial_v2.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib 

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -c -o target/native/polynomial_v2.o src/
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -o target/native/polynomial_v2-main                       \
  src/ target/native/polynomial_v2.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib 

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -c++ -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                \
  target/python/ src/polynomial_v2.i                     
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial_v2.h src/polynomial_v2.i                                 
13 src/polynomial_v2.h                                                        
31 src/polynomial_v2.i                                                        
44 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/ target/python/ 
15905 target/python/                                     
652 target/python/                                       
16557 total                                                                   
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/      \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/python/                        \
  target/native/polynomial_v2.o target/python/ -ldl      \
  -framework CoreFoundation                                                   

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -c++ -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                 \
  target/clojure/ src/polynomial_v2.i                    
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial_v2.h src/polynomial_v2.i                                 
13 src/polynomial_v2.h                                                        
31 src/polynomial_v2.i                                                        
44 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/ target/clojure/polynomial_v2*.java 
1961 target/clojure/                                     
11 target/clojure/                                     
12 target/clojure/                            
94 target/clojure/                                  
2078 total                                                                    
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c   \
  -o target/clojure/                                     \
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/libpolynomial_v2_swig.jnilib                 \
  target/native/polynomial_v2.o target/clojure/          \

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -c++ -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                    \
  target/ruby/ src/polynomial_v2.i                       
include/rational.h:36: Warning 378: operator!= ignored                        
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial_v2.h src/polynomial_v2.i                                 
13 src/polynomial_v2.h                                                        
31 src/polynomial_v2.i                                                        
44 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/                                       
17596 target/ruby/                                       
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                           \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/ target/ruby/       
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/polynomial_v2_swig.bundle                       \
  target/native/polynomial_v2.o target/ruby/             \

Build tcl Bindings

# Generate tcl bindings:                                                      
swig -c++ -tcl -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/tcl/ -o                      \
  target/tcl/ src/polynomial_v2.i                        
include/rational.h:36: Warning 378: operator!= ignored                        
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial_v2.h src/polynomial_v2.i                                 
13 src/polynomial_v2.h                                                        
31 src/polynomial_v2.i                                                        
44 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/tcl/                                        
5014 target/tcl/                                         
# Compile tcl bindings:                                                       
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -I$TCL_HOME/include -c -o                                 \
  target/tcl/ target/tcl/         
# Link tcl dynamic library:                                                   
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/tcl/                            \
  target/native/polynomial_v2.o target/tcl/              \

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -c++ -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                  \
  target/guile/ src/polynomial_v2.i                      
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/polynomial_v2.h src/polynomial_v2.i                                 
13 src/polynomial_v2.h                                                        
31 src/polynomial_v2.i                                                        
44 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/                                      
4429 target/guile/                                       
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc++ -std=c++17 -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o      \
  target/guile/ target/guile/     
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc++ -dynamiclib -o target/guile/                       \
  target/native/polynomial_v2.o target/guile/            \
  -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread                                

Workflow - tommath.c

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/tommath.o src/tommath.c                          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/tommath-main src/tommath-main.c                       \
  target/native/tommath.o -ltommath                                           

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/tommath.o src/tommath.c                          
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/tommath-main src/tommath-main.c                       \
  target/native/tommath.o -ltommath                                           

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                     \
  target/python/tommath_swig.c src/tommath.i                                  
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/tommath.h src/tommath.i                                             
52 src/tommath.h                                                              
10 src/tommath.i                                                              
62 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/tommath_swig.c target/python/              
9524 target/python/tommath_swig.c                                             
478 target/python/                                             
10002 total                                                                   
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/tommath_swig.c.o                          \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc -dynamiclib -o target/python/ target/native/tommath.o        \
  target/python/tommath_swig.c.o -ldl -ltommath                               

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                      \
  target/clojure/tommath_swig.c src/tommath.i                                 
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/tommath.h src/tommath.i                                             
52 src/tommath.h                                                              
10 src/tommath.i                                                              
62 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/tommath_swig.c target/clojure/tommath*.java              
3164 target/clojure/tommath_swig.c                                            
545 target/clojure/                                          
15 target/clojure/                                  
178 target/clojure/                                       
3902 total                                                                    
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c -o             \
  target/clojure/tommath_swig.c.o target/clojure/tommath_swig.c               
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/libtommath_swig.jnilib                         \
  target/native/tommath.o target/clojure/tommath_swig.c.o -ltommath           

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                         \
  target/ruby/tommath_swig.c src/tommath.i                                    
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/tommath.h src/tommath.i                                             
52 src/tommath.h                                                              
10 src/tommath.i                                                              
62 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/tommath_swig.c                                              
7937 target/ruby/tommath_swig.c                                               
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                                        \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/tommath_swig.c.o target/ruby/tommath_swig.c                     
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/tommath_swig.bundle target/native/tommath.o       \
  target/ruby/tommath_swig.c.o -ltommath                                      

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                       \
  target/guile/tommath_swig.c src/tommath.i                                   
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/tommath.h src/tommath.i                                             
52 src/tommath.h                                                              
10 src/tommath.i                                                              
62 total                                                                      
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/tommath_swig.c                                             
6452 target/guile/tommath_swig.c                                              
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o                   \
  target/guile/tommath_swig.c.o target/guile/tommath_swig.c                   
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc -dynamiclib -o target/guile/ target/native/tommath.o       \
  target/guile/tommath_swig.c.o -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread    \

Workflow - black_scholes.c

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/black_scholes.o src/black_scholes.c              
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/black_scholes-main src/black_scholes-main.c           \
  target/native/black_scholes.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                           

Compile Native Code

# Compile native library:                                                     
cc -Isrc -c -o target/native/black_scholes.o src/black_scholes.c              
# Compile and link main program:                                              
cc -Isrc -o target/native/black_scholes-main src/black_scholes-main.c           \
  target/native/black_scholes.o -L/opt/homebrew/lib                           

Build python Bindings

# Generate python bindings:                                                   
swig -python -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/python/ -o                     \
  target/python/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                      
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/python/black_scholes_swig.c target/python/  
3867 target/python/black_scholes_swig.c                                       
70 target/python/                                        
3937 total                                                                    
# Compile python bindings:                                                    
cc -Isrc -dynamic -c -o target/python/black_scholes_swig.c.o                    \
# Link python dynamic library:                                                
cc -dynamiclib -o target/python/                          \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/python/black_scholes_swig.c.o -ldl       \
  -framework CoreFoundation                                                   

Build clojure Bindings

# Generate clojure bindings:                                                  
swig -java -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/clojure/ -o                      \
  target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                     
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c target/clojure/black_scholes*.java  
293 target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c                                       
23 target/clojure/                                     
14 target/clojure/                                  
330 total                                                                     
# Compile clojure bindings:                                                   
cc -Isrc -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/$JAVA_ARCH -c -o             \
  target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c.o target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c   
# Link clojure dynamic library:                                               
cc -dynamiclib -o target/clojure/libblack_scholes_swig.jnilib                   \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/clojure/black_scholes_swig.c.o           \

Build ruby Bindings

# Generate ruby bindings:                                                     
swig -ruby -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/ruby/ -o                         \
  target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                        
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c                                        
2367 target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c                                         
# Compile ruby bindings:                                                      
cc -Isrc -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0                                        \
  -I$RUBY_HOME/include/ruby-3.1.0/$RUBY_ARCH -c -o                              \
  target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c.o target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c         
# Link ruby dynamic library:                                                  
cc -dynamiclib -o target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.bundle                         \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/ruby/black_scholes_swig.c.o              \

Build tcl Bindings

# Generate tcl bindings:                                                      
swig -tcl -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/tcl/ -o                           \
  target/tcl/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                         
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/tcl/black_scholes_swig.c                                         
2275 target/tcl/black_scholes_swig.c                                          
# Compile tcl bindings:                                                       
cc -Isrc -I$TCL_HOME/include -c -o target/tcl/black_scholes_swig.c.o            \
# Link tcl dynamic library:                                                   
cc -dynamiclib -o target/tcl/                              \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/tcl/black_scholes_swig.c.o               \

Build guile Bindings

# Generate guile bindings:                                                    
swig -guile -addextern -I- -Isrc -outdir target/guile/ -o                       \
  target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                       
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c                                       
1705 target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c                                        
# Compile guile bindings:                                                     
cc -Isrc -D_THREAD_SAFE -I$GUILE_HOME/include/guile/3.0 -c -o                   \
  target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c.o target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c       
# Link guile dynamic library:                                                 
cc -dynamiclib -o target/guile/                         \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/guile/black_scholes_swig.c.o             \
  -L$GUILE_HOME/lib -lguile-3.0 -lgc -lpthread                                

Build postgresql Bindings

# Generate postgresql bindings:                                               
swig -postgresql -extension-version 1.2.3 -addextern -I- -Isrc                  \
  -I$POSTGRESQL_INC_DIR -outdir target/postgresql/ -o                           \
  target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.c src/black_scholes.i                  
# Source code statistics:                                                     
wc -l src/black_scholes.h src/black_scholes.i                                 
4 src/black_scholes.h                                                         
5 src/black_scholes.i                                                         
9 total                                                                       
# Generated code statistics:                                                  
wc -l target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.c                                    \
  target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig-*.sql                                    \
  target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.control                                  \
1582 target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.c                                   
33 target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig--1.2.3.sql                            
8 target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.control                                
13 target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.make                                  
1636 total                                                                    
# Compile postgresql bindings:                                                
cc -Isrc -I$POSTGRESQL_INC_DIR -c -o target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.c.o   \
# Link postgresql dynamic library:                                            
cc -dynamiclib -o target/postgresql/                       \
  target/native/black_scholes.o target/postgresql/black_scholes_swig.c.o        \
# Compile and install postgresql extension:                                   
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh -c -d            \
install -c -m 644 ./black_scholes_swig.control                                  \
install -c -m 644 ./black_scholes_swig--1.2.3.sql                               \
install -c -m 755 '$POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR/'                



  • Install rbenv + ruby-build
  • rbenv install 2.7.6 (or later)
  • Install JVM 11.0 (or later)
  • Install Prerequisites below.
  • Build local tools (if needed).



SWIG 4.0 or later is required.

bin/build swig will build and install a suitable version into from source ./local/.

Debian (Ubuntu 18.04+)

  • Run bin/build debian-prereq
  • Install a Python 3.10 distribution with python3.10 in $PATH.
  • python3.10 -m pip install pytest


  • Install brew
  • Run bin/build brew-prereq

Local tools

This will build and install the following tools into ./local/ from source:

  • swigq
  • libtommath
  • clojure
bin/build local-tools


Guile 3.0 is required. bin/build guile will build and install into ./local/ from source, however this can take a very long time.

## Build

rbenv shell 2.7.6
bin/build clean demo


Create a private database:

$ createdb $USER



$ rm
$ bin/build


Introduction to SWIG






No releases published


No packages published