This is the documentation for the Jama REST API.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: latest
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import pyjama
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import pyjama
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import pyjama
from pprint import pprint
from pyjama.api import abstractitems_api
from pyjama.model.abstract_item_data_wrapper import AbstractItemDataWrapper
from pyjama.model.abstract_versioned_item_data_wrapper import (
from pyjama.model.item_data_list_wrapper import ItemDataListWrapper
from pyjama.model.version_data_list_wrapper import VersionDataListWrapper
from pyjama.model.version_data_wrapper import VersionDataWrapper
from pyjama.model.versioned_relationship_data_list_wrapper import (
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://<jama_endpoint>/rest/latest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = pyjama.Configuration(host="http://<jama_endpoint>/rest/latest")
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = pyjama.Configuration(username="YOUR_USERNAME", password="YOUR_PASSWORD")
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
configuration = pyjama.Configuration(host="http://<jama_endpoint>/rest/latest")
configuration.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with pyjama.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = abstractitems_api.AbstractitemsApi(api_client)
id = 1 # int |
include = [
] # [str] | Links to include as full objects in the linked map (optional)
# Get any item, test plan, test cycle, test run, or attachment with the specified ID
api_response = api_instance.get_abstract_item(id, include=include)
except pyjama.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AbstractitemsApi->get_abstract_item: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to <http://<jama_endpoint>/rest/latest>
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_item | GET /abstractitems/{id} | Get any item, test plan, test cycle, test run, or attachment with the specified ID |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_item_version | GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the item at the specified version |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_item_versioned | GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_item_versioned_relationships | GET /abstractitems/{id}/versionedrelationships | Get all versioned relationships that were associated to the item at the specified time |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_item_versions | GET /abstractitems/{id}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
AbstractitemsApi | get_abstract_items | GET /abstractitems | Search for items, test plans, test cycles, test runs, or attachments |
ActivitiesApi | get_activit_affected_items | GET /activities/{activityId}/affecteditems | Get all items affected by the activity with the specified ID |
ActivitiesApi | get_activities | GET /activities | Get all activities in the project with the specified ID |
ActivitiesApi | get_activity | GET /activities/{activityId} | Get the activity with the specified ID |
ActivitiesApi | restore_items | POST /activities/{activityId}/restore | Restore item(s) associated with a delete activity. |
AttachmentsApi | download_file | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/file | Download attachment file from the attachment with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /attachments/{attachmentId} | Get the attachment with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_comments | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/comments | Get all comments for the item with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_lock | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/lock | Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_version | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the attachment at the specified version |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_versioned | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_versions | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | update_attachment_lock | PUT /attachments/{attachmentId}/lock | Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID |
AttachmentsApi | upload_file | PUT /attachments/{attachmentId}/file | Upload attachment file to the attachment with the specified ID |
BaselinesApi | get_baseline | GET /baselines/{baselineId} | Get the baseline with the specified ID |
BaselinesApi | get_baseline_versioned_item | GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems/{itemId} | Get the baseline item with the specified ID in a baseline with the specified ID |
BaselinesApi | get_baseline_versioned_items | GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems | Get all baseline items in a baseline with the specified ID |
BaselinesApi | get_baseline_versioned_relationships | GET /baselines/{baselineId}/versioneditems/{itemId}/versionedrelationships | Get all versioned relationships for the item in the baseline |
BaselinesApi | get_baselines | GET /baselines | Get all baselines in the project with the specified ID |
CommentsApi | add_comment | POST /comments | Create a new comment |
CommentsApi | get_comment | GET /comments/{id} | Get the comment with the specified ID |
CommentsApi | get_comment_replies | GET /comments/{id}/replies | Get all reply comments for the comment with the specified ID |
CommentsApi | get_comments | GET /comments | Get all comments viewable by the current user |
FilesApi | download_files | GET /files | Download attachment file from the attachment with the specified Jama URL |
FiltersApi | get_filter | GET /filters/{filterId} | Get the filter with the specified ID |
FiltersApi | get_filter_results | GET /filters/{filterId}/results | Get all result items for the filter with the specified ID |
FiltersApi | get_filters | GET /filters | Get all filters viewable by the current user |
ItemsApi | add_item | POST /items | Create a new item |
ItemsApi | add_item_attachment | POST /items/{id}/attachments | Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | add_item_link | POST /items/{id}/links | Create a new link for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | add_item_tag | POST /items/{id}/tags | Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | break_sync_on_item | DELETE /items/{id}/synceditems/{syncedItemId} | Remove an existing item from the Global ID pool of the item with the specified ID (break sync) |
ItemsApi | connect_item_to_global_id_pool | POST /items/{id}/synceditems | Add an existing item to the Global ID pool of the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | delete_item | DELETE /items/{id} | Delete the item with the specified ID (item becomes inactive and can be un-deleted if necessary) |
ItemsApi | delete_item_link | DELETE /items/{id}/links/{linkId} | Delete the link with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | duplicate_item | POST /items/{id}/duplicate | Create a duplicate of item |
ItemsApi | execute_transition | POST /items/{id}/workflowtransitions | Executes a workflow transition for the item with the specified ID. Valid transitions can be found at /items/{id}/workflowtransitionoptions |
ItemsApi | get_item | GET /items/{id} | Get the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_activities | GET /items/{id}/activities | Get all activities for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_attachments | GET /items/{id}/attachments | Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_children | GET /items/{id}/children | Get all children items for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_comments | GET /items/{id}/comments | Get all comments for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_downstream_related | GET /items/{id}/downstreamrelated | Get all downstream related items for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_downstream_relationships | GET /items/{id}/downstreamrelationships | Get all downstream relationships for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_link | GET /items/{id}/links/{linkId} | Get the link with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_links | GET /items/{id}/links | Get all links for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_location | GET /items/{id}/location | Get the location for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_lock | GET /items/{id}/lock | Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_parent | GET /items/{id}/parent | Get the parent item for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_synced | GET /items/{id}/synceditems | Get all synchronized items for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_synced_status | GET /items/{id}/synceditems/{syncedItemId}/syncstatus | Get the sync status for the synced item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_tag | GET /items/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Get the tag with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_tags | GET /items/{id}/tags | Get all tags for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_upstream_related | GET /items/{id}/upstreamrelated | Get all upstream related items for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_upstream_relationships | GET /items/{id}/upstreamrelationships | Get all upstream relationships for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_version | GET /items/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the item at the specified version |
ItemsApi | get_item_versioned | GET /items/{id}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_versions | GET /items/{id}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_item_workflow_transition_options | GET /items/{id}/workflowtransitionoptions | Get all valid workflow transitions that can be made on the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | get_items | GET /items | Get all items in the project with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | patch_item | PATCH /items/{id} | Update the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | put_item | PUT /items/{id} | Update the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | remove_attachment_from_item | DELETE /items/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} | Remove an existing attachment from the item |
ItemsApi | remove_tag_from_item | DELETE /items/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | update_item_link | PUT /items/{id}/links/{linkId} | Update the link with the specified ID |
ItemsApi | update_item_location | PUT /items/{id}/location | Update the location for the item with the specified ID as an asynchronous request (a successful response signifies that the work was started and a work identifier is given. This identifier will be used in a future feature). Any child items are moved along with this item. Note that this currently only supports moving items between projects |
ItemsApi | update_item_lock | PUT /items/{id}/lock | Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID |
ItemtypesApi | get_item_type | GET /itemtypes/{itemTypeId} | Get the item type with the specified ID |
ItemtypesApi | get_item_types | GET /itemtypes | Get all item types |
PicklistoptionsApi | get_picklist_option_id | GET /picklistoptions/{picklistOptionId} | Get the pick list option with the specified ID |
PicklistoptionsApi | update_picklist_option | PUT /picklistoptions/{picklistOptionId} | Update the pick list option with the specified ID |
PicklistsApi | add_pick_list_option | POST /picklists/{picklistId}/options | Create a new pick list option for the pick list with the specified ID |
PicklistsApi | get_pick_list | GET /picklists/{picklistId} | Get the pick list with the specified ID |
PicklistsApi | get_pick_list_options | GET /picklists/{picklistId}/options | Get all pick list options for the pick list with the specified ID |
PicklistsApi | get_pick_lists | GET /picklists | Get all pick lists |
ProjectsApi | add_project | POST /projects | Create a new project |
ProjectsApi | get_project | GET /projects/{projectId} | Get the project with the specified ID |
ProjectsApi | get_project_item_types | GET /projects/{projectId}/itemtypes | Get all item types for the project with the specified ID |
ProjectsApi | get_project_tags | GET /projects/{projectId}/tags | Get all tags for the project with the specified ID |
ProjectsApi | get_projects | GET /projects | Get all projects |
ProjectsApi | post_attachment | POST /projects/{projectId}/attachments | Create a new attachment in the project with the specified ID |
ProjectsApi | put_project | PUT /projects/{projectId} | Update the project with the specified ID |
RelationshipsApi | clear_suspect_link | DELETE /relationships/{relationshipId}/suspect | Remove an existing suspect link for the relationship with the specified ID |
RelationshipsApi | create_relationship | POST /relationships | Create a new relationship |
RelationshipsApi | delete_relationship | DELETE /relationships/{relationshipId} | Delete the relationship with the specified ID |
RelationshipsApi | get_relationship | GET /relationships/{relationshipId} | Get the relationship with the specified ID |
RelationshipsApi | get_relationships | GET /relationships | Get all relationships in the project with the specified ID |
RelationshipsApi | update_relationship | PUT /relationships/{relationshipId} | Update the relationship with the specified ID |
RelationshiptypesApi | get_relationship_type | GET /relationshiptypes/{id} | Get the relationship type with the specified ID |
RelationshiptypesApi | get_relationship_types | GET /relationshiptypes | Get all relationship types |
ReleasesApi | add_release | POST /releases | Create a new release |
ReleasesApi | get_release | GET /releases/{releaseId} | Get the release with the specified ID |
ReleasesApi | get_releases | GET /releases | Get all releases in the project with the specified ID |
ReleasesApi | put_release | PUT /releases/{releaseId} | Update the release with the specified ID |
SystemApi | get_domains | GET /system/settings/corsdomains | Get the current CORS domain whitelist |
SystemApi | set_domains | POST /system/settings/corsdomains | Update CORS domain whitelist |
TagsApi | add_tag | POST /tags | Create a new tag in the project with the specified ID |
TagsApi | delete_tag | DELETE /tags/{id} | Delete the tag with the specified ID |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /tags/{id} | Get the tag with the specified ID |
TagsApi | get_tag_items | GET /tags/{id}/items | Get all items that have the tag with the specified ID |
TagsApi | get_tags | GET /tags | Get all tags for the project with the specified ID |
TagsApi | put_tag | PUT /tags/{id} | Update the tag with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | delete_test_cycle | DELETE /testcycles/{testCycleId} | Delete the test cycle with the specified ID, including the test runs in the test cycle |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId} | Get the test cycle with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle_test_group | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/testgroup/{testGroupId} | Get the test cycle test group for the test cycle with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle_test_runs | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/testruns | Get all test runs for the test cycle with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle_version | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the test cycle at the specified version |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle_versioned | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | get_test_cycle_versions | GET /testcycles/{testCycleId}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
TestcyclesApi | patch_test_cycle | PATCH /testcycles/{testCycleId} | Update the test cycle with the specified ID, including regenerating the test runs in the test cycle |
TestcyclesApi | update_test_cycle | PUT /testcycles/{testCycleId} | Update the test cycle with the specified ID, including regenerating the test runs in the test cycle |
TestplansApi | add_test_group | POST /testplans/{id}/testgroups | Create a new test group to the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | add_test_plan_attachment | POST /testplans/{id}/attachments | Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | add_test_plan_link | POST /testplans/{id}/links | Create a new link for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | add_test_plan_tag | POST /testplans/{id}/tags | Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | create_test_cycle | POST /testplans/{id}/testcycles | Create a new test cycle |
TestplansApi | create_test_plan | POST /testplans | Create a new test plan |
TestplansApi | delete_test_case | DELETE /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases/{testCaseId} | Remove an existing test case from the test group |
TestplansApi | delete_test_group | DELETE /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} | Delete the test group with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | delete_test_plan | DELETE /testplans/{id} | Delete the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | delete_test_plan_link | DELETE /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} | Delete the link with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_case | GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases/{testCaseId} | Get the test case with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_cases | GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases | Get all test cases associated with the test group with the specified ID in a test plan |
TestplansApi | get_test_group | GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} | Get the test group with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_groups | GET /testplans/{id}/testgroups | Get all test groups for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan | GET /testplans/{id} | Get the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_activities | GET /testplans/{id}/activities | Get all activities for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_attachments | GET /testplans/{id}/attachments | Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_comments | GET /testplans/{id}/comments | Get all comments for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_downstream_related | GET /testplans/{id}/downstreamrelated | Get all downstream related items for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_downstream_relationships | GET /testplans/{id}/downstreamrelationships | Get all downstream relationships for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_link | GET /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} | Get the link with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_links | GET /testplans/{id}/links | Get all links for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_lock | GET /testplans/{id}/lock | Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_tag | GET /testplans/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Get the tag with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_tags | GET /testplans/{id}/tags | Get all tags for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_test_cycles | GET /testplans/{id}/testcycles | Get all test cycles for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_upstream_related | GET /testplans/{id}/upstreamrelated | Get all upstream related items for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_upstream_relationships | GET /testplans/{id}/upstreamrelationships | Get all upstream relationships for the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_version | GET /testplans/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the test plan at the specified version |
TestplansApi | get_test_plan_versions | GET /testplans/{id}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_test_plans | GET /testplans | Get all test plans in the project with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | get_version_on_item4 | GET /testplans/{id}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | patch_test_plan | PATCH /testplans/{id} | Update the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | post_test_case | POST /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId}/testcases | Add an existing test case to the test group with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | remove_attachment_from_test_plan | DELETE /testplans/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} | Remove an existing attachment from the item |
TestplansApi | remove_test_plans_tag_from_item | DELETE /testplans/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | toggle_archived_status | PUT /testplans/{id}/archived | Update the archived status of the test plan |
TestplansApi | update_test_group | PUT /testplans/{id}/testgroups/{testGroupId} | Update the test group with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | update_test_plan | PUT /testplans/{id} | Update the test plan with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | update_test_plan_link | PUT /testplans/{id}/links/{linkId} | Update the link with the specified ID |
TestplansApi | update_test_plan_lock | PUT /testplans/{id}/lock | Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | add_test_run_attachment | POST /testruns/{id}/attachments | Add an existing attachment to the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | add_test_run_link | POST /testruns/{id}/links | Create a new link for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | add_test_run_tag | POST /testruns/{id}/tags | Add an existing tag to the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | delete_test_run | DELETE /testruns/{id} | Delete the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | delete_test_run_link | DELETE /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} | Delete the link with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run | GET /testruns/{id} | Get the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_activities | GET /testruns/{id}/activities | Get all activities for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_attachments | GET /testruns/{id}/attachments | Get all attachments for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_comments | GET /testruns/{id}/comments | Get all comments for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_downstream_related | GET /testruns/{id}/downstreamrelated | Get all downstream related items for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_downstream_relationships | GET /testruns/{id}/downstreamrelationships | Get all downstream relationships for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_link | GET /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} | Get the link with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_links | GET /testruns/{id}/links | Get all links for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_lock | GET /testruns/{id}/lock | Get the locked state, last locked date, and last locked by user for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_tag | GET /testruns/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Get the tag with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_tags | GET /testruns/{id}/tags | Get all tags for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_upstream_related | GET /testruns/{id}/upstreamrelated | Get all upstream related items for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_upstream_relationships | GET /testruns/{id}/upstreamrelationships | Get all upstream relationships for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_version | GET /testruns/{id}/versions/{versionNum}/versioneditem | Get the snapshot of the test run at the specified version |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_versioned | GET /testruns/{id}/versions/{versionNum} | Get the numbered version for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_run_versions | GET /testruns/{id}/versions | Get all versions for the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | get_test_runs | GET /testruns | Search for test runs associated with test cases, test plans, an test cycles |
TestrunsApi | make_test_run_current | POST /testruns/{id}/updatedtestcase | Delete the current test run and then create a new test run based on the latest test case version. |
TestrunsApi | patch_test_run | PATCH /testruns/{id} | Update the execution results for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | remove_attachment_from_test_run | DELETE /testruns/{id}/attachments/{attachmentId} | Remove an existing attachment from the item |
TestrunsApi | remove_test_runs_tag_from_item | DELETE /testruns/{id}/tags/{tagId} | Remove an existing tag from the item with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | update_test_run | PUT /testruns/{id} | Update the execution results for the test run with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | update_test_run_link | PUT /testruns/{id}/links/{linkId} | Update the link with the specified ID |
TestrunsApi | update_test_run_lock | PUT /testruns/{id}/lock | Update the locked state of the item with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | add_user_group | POST /usergroups | Create a new user group |
UsergroupsApi | add_user_to_group | POST /usergroups/{id}/users | Add an existing user to the user group with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | delete_user_group | DELETE /usergroups/{id} | Delete the user group with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | get_group | GET /usergroups/{id} | Get the user group with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | get_group_users | GET /usergroups/{id}/users | Get all users for the user group with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | get_user_groups | GET /usergroups | Get all user groups |
UsergroupsApi | remove_user_from_group | DELETE /usergroups/{id}/users/{userId} | Remove an existing user from the user group with the specified ID |
UsergroupsApi | update_user_group | PUT /usergroups/{id} | Update the user group with the specified ID |
UsersApi | add_user | POST /users | Create a new user |
UsersApi | get_current_user | GET /users/current | Gets the current user |
UsersApi | get_current_user_favorite_filters | GET /users/current/favoritefilters | Gets the current user's favorite filters |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /users/{userId} | Get the user with the specified ID |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | Get all users |
UsersApi | put_user | PUT /users/{userId} | Update the user with the specified ID |
UsersApi | set_active_status | PUT /users/{userId}/active | Update the active status for the user with the specified ID |
- AbstractItem
- AbstractItemDataListWrapper
- AbstractItemDataWrapper
- AbstractRestResponse
- AbstractVersionedItem
- AbstractVersionedItemDataWrapper
- Activity
- ActivityDataListWrapper
- ActivityDataWrapper
- AllowedResource
- Attachment
- AttachmentDataListWrapper
- AttachmentDataWrapper
- AttributePair
- Baseline
- BaselineDataListWrapper
- BaselineDataWrapper
- BaselineItem
- BaselineItemDataListWrapper
- BaselineItemDataWrapper
- BaselineLocation
- BaselineOrigin
- BaselineParent
- CollectionSummary
- Comment
- CommentBody
- CommentDataListWrapper
- CommentDataWrapper
- CommentLocation
- CreatedResponse
- CrossOriginDomainWhiteList
- DerivedDataFailure
- DerivedDataHealthDetailsReport
- DerivedDataHealthReport
- DerivedDataHealthReportDataWrapper
- DuplicateConfig
- Filter
- FilterDataListWrapper
- FilterDataWrapper
- FilterField
- FilterOrderRule
- FilterQuery
- FilterRule
- HarmInboundDTO
- Item
- ItemDataListWrapper
- ItemDataWrapper
- ItemType
- ItemTypeDataListWrapper
- ItemTypeDataWrapper
- ItemTypeField
- ItemTypeWidget
- Link
- LinkDataListWrapper
- LinkDataWrapper
- Location
- LocationDataWrapper
- Lock
- LockDataWrapper
- MetaListWrapper
- MetaWrapper
- PageInfo
- Parent
- PickList
- PickListDataListWrapper
- PickListDataWrapper
- PickListOption
- PickListOptionDataListWrapper
- PickListOptionDataWrapper
- Project
- ProjectDataListWrapper
- ProjectDataWrapper
- Relationship
- RelationshipDataListWrapper
- RelationshipDataWrapper
- RelationshipType
- RelationshipTypeDataListWrapper
- RelationshipTypeDataWrapper
- Release
- ReleaseDataListWrapper
- ReleaseDataWrapper
- RequestActiveStatus
- RequestArchivedStatus
- RequestAttachment
- RequestComment
- RequestCommentBody
- RequestCommentLocation
- RequestDerivedDataHealthReport
- RequestGroupUser
- RequestItem
- RequestItemAttachment
- RequestItemSyncedItem
- RequestItemTag
- RequestLink
- RequestLocation
- RequestLock
- RequestMoveLocation
- RequestMoveParent
- RequestParent
- RequestPatchOperation
- RequestPickListOption
- RequestProject
- RequestRelationship
- RequestRelease
- RequestTag
- RequestTestCycle
- RequestTestGroup
- RequestTestGroupTestCase
- RequestTestPlan
- RequestTestRun
- RequestTransition
- RequestUser
- RequestUserGroup
- RestResponse
- RiskAnalysisInboundDTO
- RiskAnalysisSectionInboundDTO
- RiskAnalysisUpdateDTO
- RiskFieldConfigInboundDTO
- RiskInboundDTO
- RiskRankValueInboundDTO
- RiskUpdateDTO
- SyncStatus
- SyncStatusDataWrapper
- Tag
- TagDataListWrapper
- TagDataWrapper
- TestCycle
- TestCycleDataListWrapper
- TestCycleDataWrapper
- TestCycleTestGroup
- TestCycleTestGroupDataWrapper
- TestGroup
- TestGroupDataListWrapper
- TestGroupDataWrapper
- TestPlan
- TestPlanDataListWrapper
- TestPlanDataWrapper
- TestRun
- TestRunDataListWrapper
- TestRunDataWrapper
- TestRunGenerationConfig
- User
- UserDataListWrapper
- UserDataWrapper
- UserGroup
- UserGroupDataListWrapper
- UserGroupDataWrapper
- Version
- VersionDataListWrapper
- VersionDataWrapper
- VersionedAttachment
- VersionedAttachmentDataWrapper
- VersionedItem
- VersionedItemDataWrapper
- VersionedRelationship
- VersionedRelationshipDataListWrapper
- VersionedTestCycle
- VersionedTestCycleDataWrapper
- VersionedTestPlan
- VersionedTestPlanDataWrapper
- VersionedTestRun
- VersionedTestRunDataWrapper
- WorkStatus
- WorkStatusDataWrapper
- WorkStepStatus
- WorkflowTransition
- WorkflowTransitionDataListWrapper
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: password
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- token_information: main scope for using Jama REST API
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in pyjama.apis and pyjama.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from pyjama.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import pyjama
from pyjama.apis import *
from pyjama.models import *