This is a biolerplate which gathers the latest and more or less stable React-related components in one place to deliver universal SPA concept for real world. Main buzzwords for SEO: react, redux, react-router, react-redux-router – for full list check package.json
My goal was to create a clear and simple architecture which supports both async Redux actions, client-side routing and server-side rendering and here's brief story that covers the main parts.
Firstly we define routes and containers for them – containers have static method fetchData
where you're able to call page-specific async actions to get data from the server on page load with redux-api-middleware and redux-actions. To restore state during server-side rendering we use technique described in react-router-redux SSR example with small adjustment – we go through components tree for this route to execute all fetchData
promises – after this promises are resolved and state goes in line with the route we're able to render components on the page with commonly used technique. To call static method fetchData
on client side we use history.listen
function from react-router-redux – in a callback for history change we use the same match
techique to fetch components tree and call async actions from the containers. Simple action calls and state props binding are achieved by classic react-redux connect decorator.
After this brief intro feel free to check the code itself – it most probably describes itself much better.
npm install -g webpack
npm install
npm start
- go to localhost:3000
This is a very raw but working setup and I want to imporove some things:
- add scripts for dev and prod environments
- normal linting
- add redux dev tools