Gregory is a cool calendar with localisation support. It's built without old school table markup and returns selected date in a callback so you can simply process selected state.
- build/css - some default css, needed for Gregory
- build/svg - svg icons, used in Gregory font
- build/font - font, composed of svg icons, described before
- build/js - Gregory script itself
- src/less - source less
- src/js - source js
- test - just test page - run it and check the plugin out
In case you want to change something in source files - you'll need to compile them afterwards. Source files can be compiled with cool Fuller tool:
npm install // installs Fuller itself - node.js required
fuller // compiles source files
In case you don't want to install Fuller - act as you wish.
Additional dependency to all that stuff - jQuery - looking forward to get rid of it.
Gregory is initialized with some options and desired date and should be attached where you want in that way:
var g = new Gregory(options);
date: new Date();
Gregory can be initialized with JS Date object (see example below) or state (day and month are optional - Gregory will be inited in corrected state):
day: int,
month: int, // starts from 0
year: int
g.$b - is a jQuery object with Gregory UI.
Options object looks like this:
onDateSelect: function(dateState) { // selected state callback, state will be described further
flip: bool, // flip Gregory view if true - controls and info will be at the bottom and dates - at the top
weekDayStart: "MON" || "SUN", // optional, sets week start day - Monday default
messages: {} // optional, localisation file - english month names default, will be described further
State object:
day: int,
month: int, // starts from 0
year: int
Messages object:
year: "string",
months: {
0: { // month names, 0..11
s: "Jan", // short name
f: "January" // full name
Test page is provided in the package and requires no preparations - just open html and enjoy. Gregory modes are changed on headline click, months/years are switched on arrows click.
- Date format friendly input