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leanote binary installation on Windows (En)

Xunius edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 5 revisions

This tutorial explains doing a binary installation on Windows systems.

  • For source installation on Windows, see here.
  • For binary installation on Mac and Linux, see here.
  • For source installation on Mac and Linux, see here.

Installation overview:

  1. Download the binary file of leanote.
  2. Install the database -- mongodb.
  3. Import initial data to mongodb.
  4. Configure leanote.
  5. Run leanote.

1. Download the binary file of leanote

Choose and download the binary file corresponding to your system from here.

Suppose it is saved in C:\user1, extract it there to get the installation folder C:\users1\leanote.

2. Install the database -- mongodb

2.1 Install mongodb

enter image description here

Download the Windows installer of mongodb from the official site of mongo. Launch the installer and follow through the process. Choose default or customize your setups. (See following screenshots.)

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

Create a new folder dbanote in your C drive to store leanote's data.

enter image description here

2.2 Test the installation of mongodb

Press Win + R, enter cmd to open a command line session, type in the following (NOT including C:\>):

C:\>mongod --dbpath C:\dbanote 

to start the database, see the screenshot below.

enter image description here

####★NOTE: you can minimize this window for now, but DO NOT CLOSE IT! Now open up another command line window (Win+R, then cmd), type in mongo to enter the interactive session of mongo (NOT including C:\>):

C:\> mongo

A leading > indicates you are in the mongo interactive mode. How type in show dbs to show the databases on system:

> show dbs

If you see something like the screenshot below, the installation of mongodb is successful:

enter image description here

3. Import initial data into mongodb

Type in quit() to exit from the previous mongo interactive session. Then copy n paste the command below into your command line. Note the difference between version 2 and 3 of mongodb:

  • For mongodb v2:
mongorestore  -h localhost -d leanote  --directoryperdb C:\user1\leanote\mongodb_backup\leanote_install_data
  • For mongodb v3:
mongorestore -h localhost -d leanote --dir C:\user1\leanote\mongodb_backup\leanote_install_data

The screenshot below shows the import process:

enter image description here

To test the import, type in mongo in the same command line session, then show dbs to show the databases:

C:\> mongo
> show dbs          # show all databases
admin    (empty)
leanote  0.078GB        # Imported Leanote data
local    0.078GB 

Note that the imported database contains 2 user accounts by default

user1 username: admin, password: abc123 (administrator, used for backend management and control)  
user2 username: [email protected], password: [email protected] (for demonstration purposes)

4. Configure leanote

The configurations of leanote is stored in the file conf/app.conf.

One setting that you are strongly suggested to modify is app.secret, please change arbitrary number of digits of the string to something different, but keeping the string length unchanged. This is to avoid potential security issues.

Other settings can remain as they are for now. For some database related settings, see the FAQ page.

5. Run leanote

Open up a command line session using administrator privilege, then run the following (NOT including C:\>):

C:\> cd C:\users\leanote\bin
C:\> run.bat

Printings similar to this indicates leanote has started successfully:

TRACE 2013/06/06 15:01:27 watcher.go:72: Watching: /home/life/leanote/bin/src/
Go to /@tests to run the tests.
Listening on :9000...

Congratulations, now fire up you browser and enter http://localhost:9000 into the address bar. Voilà! Welcome to leanote and happy note-taking!

If you encounter issues or want to know more about leanote's configurations, refer to the FAQ page.