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Assembly products are like open-source and made with contributions from the community. Assembly handles the boring stuff like hosting, support, financing, legal, etc. Once the product launches we collect the revenue and split the profits amongst the contributors.
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####Development You need to have Docker and Fig installed.
Prepare environment:
- Build image:
fig build
(done only once, image rebuilding also needed if you need to update system packages or your Gemfile changed. - Initialize database:
fig run web bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
To start env: fig up
<- this will run rails on 3000 port and postgres.
If you on Mac then you application port will be bind to VirtualBox IP, you can find get it here: boot2docker ip
To run rake/rails tasks: fig run web bundle exec rails g contoller Main
or fig run web bundle exec rake routes
####Tech Stack:
Ruby version 2.1.2
Rails version 4.1.6
- Devise
- PostgreSQL
- RSpec
- Capybara
- Puma
CSS framework:
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap SASS