evermd is a command line tool implemented with Python 2.X that provides a simple markdown support to Evernote.
Because of its using the Markdown lib of Python, there are something that evermd doesn't support:
- LaTeX expression
- code blocks specified language
- Table
Some evermd supports is as follows:
- title from h1 to h6
- italic and bold
- hyperlink
- unordered list and ordered list
- quote
- image insert
- code and code blocks without specific language
- …
Hope some Geeks and Evernote fans can be involved to make evermd more and more powerful.
There are some libraries required:
You can get them installed via pip
or easy_install
or some other way. For details, please read specific documentions.
# Download the repository.
$ git clone [email protected]:liushuaikobe/evermd.git
Evermd doesn't need any extra installations. Yout just need to excute the specific Python scripts included in this repo to use it.
- Edit your note wrriten on markdown with any editor you like, Mou is a good choice in OS X.
- Save your note as a markdown file. I save it in
. - Excute the scripts.
$ cd evermd
$ python create.py ~/temp/test1.md
# you will be prompted for your evernote login and pwd
The entire process may be:
4. Enjoy evermd !
There are some inevitable defects in evermd. you can read the code and propose some issues. I appreciate it when pull requests received.
Some known defects:
- we can just create a note but we can't modify it or even sync it
- markdown -> html -> ENML, in which
html -> ENML
process need to be improved - the way we get the default note name need to be handled more robust