This is a 'DogComponent' ES6 class with 4 basic methods (bark, walk, run, sleep) and 4 auxiliar methods. It executes any of these 4 tasks immediatly unless it is sleeping. In that case it will remember the actions requested and will execute as soon as it wakes up. It's a good boy.
Very briefly, Angular is a Javascript framework that runs with Microsoft Typescript. Typescript is a Javascript superset that implements types and interfaces (contracts). Angular comes with lots of built in tools ready to develop high performance and mantainable web projects:
- Angular CLI ease a lot working with angular 2:
- Karma/Jasmine is a JS Unit testing framework and runner:
- Linter to keep clean and well formed code (Not passing with current rules)
- git clone
- Inside cloned repository: npm install
- Start the project: ng serve
- Run unit tests: ng test
- Run linter: ng lint