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This Ruby gem is a collection of tools that can be used to handle multitenant Ruby/Rails apps. Like the name says, it is just a collection of tools and not an opinionated implementation and does not require a specific architecture.

The currently only supported database is PostgreSQL and there is no plan to support other databases.

The documentation is available on


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'multitenancy_tools'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install multitenancy_tools


Dumping the structure of a PostgreSQL schema to a SQL file

Please note that pg_dump must be on your PATH:

dumper ='database name', 'schema name')

Dumping from a different host and using a different username

options = { host: 'db-on-docker', username: 'non-root-user' }
dumper ='database name', 'schema name', options)

Dumping the content of a table to a SQL file

Like SchemaDumper, this tool also requires pg_dump to be on the PATH:

dumper ='database name', 'schema name', 'table name')

Dumping from a different host and using a different username

options = { host: 'db-on-docker', username: 'non-root-user' }
dumper ='database name', 'schema name', 'table_name', options)

Creating a new PostgreSQL schema using a SQL file as template

After using SchemaDumper to create the SQL template, you can use the following class to create a new schema using this file as template:

creator ='schema name', ActiveRecord::Base.connection)


After checking out the repo:

  1. Install dependencies using bin/setup.
  2. Create the file spec/database.yml and configure it with your PostgreSQL database. There is an example on spec/database.yml.example. Important: this database will be destroyed and recreated on test execution.
  3. Run specs using bundle exec rake spec to make sure that everything is fine.

You can use bin/console to get an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

You can also run this project using docker in your local environment. Just ensure that you have:

  • Docker equal or greater than 18.09.1

Then, build Multitenancy Tools image running scripts/setup

In order to access it's console, run scripts/bash

Releasing a new version

If you are the maintainer of this project:

  1. Update the version number in lib/multitenancy_tools/version.rb.
  2. Make sure that all tests are green (run bundle exec rake spec).
  3. Execute bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and publish the gem on


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.