ADX UnO is an Arduino Uno based HF Digital Modes Transceiver. ADX is abbreviation for Arduino Digital Xceiver.
ADX UnO is based on ADX – Arduino based Digital Modes Transceiver design.
ADX UnO is a mono band digital modes optimized HF transceiver that can be plugged on top of an Arduino Uno board to create a 3.5 watts average RF Output power QRP portable HF Digital Modes capable transceiver. ADX UnO can cover four pre-programmed bands one band at a time by swapping Band LPF Filter Modules.
It can operate on any of the pre-programmed four bands of 80m,40m,30m,20m, 17m, 15m and 10m bands and operates on four of the most popular digital modes, FT8, FT4, JS8call and WSPR.