ci-dnf-stack is a set of configuration and scripts that allow continuous integrations DNF ( stack.
This serves as an ad hoc solution to where to store routines that belong to all the components of the stack. It would be nice to merge them into the respective components.
These scripts are free and open-source software; see the section License to understand the terms and conditions under which you can use, study, modify and distribute ci-dnf-stack.
The project originated from richdeps-docker ( Docker image for testing rich dependencies and CLI in DNF/RPM using the Behave framework. The project was optimized for incorporation to ci-dnf-stack as a module. Each test runs in it's own container making it possible to run multiple tests in parallel without interfering with each other. These tests are meant to verify that both DNF and RPM (if relevant) interpret the rich dependency semantics correctly and all functionality of DNF and related component is intact. Dnf Docker Test use its own feature files and steps descriptions placed in its directory (dnf-docker-test/).
The project is licensed under the copyleft GNU General Public License; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. See the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at No part of ci-dnf-stack, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
- python
- python3 >= 3.5
- jenkins
- docker
- git-core
- /usr/bin/rpmbuild
- docker
- jq
For building in COPR:
- python3-copr
- python3-beautifulsoup4
- python3-requests
sudo should be configured for jenkins
user to use docker
# cat << EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/99-jenkins
jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker
To rebuild test-1
or upgrade_1
repository for Dnf Docker Test run
in dnf-docker-test/repo_create directory
It requires following components:
- python3-rpmfluff
We are using jenkins-job-builder to manage jenkins jobs.
To deploy jobs you need configure your jenkins_jobs.ini
and run jenkins-jobs --config=/path/to/jenkins_jobs.ini update jobs/
Local test can be performed with
- Container build:
- Put your RPMs into
directory - Then run build
- Put your RPMs into
- Run tests:
- Run all tests with last built container:
./ run
- Run all tests with specified container:
./ run -c <CONTAINER>
- Run particular tests:
./ run TEST-A.feature TEST-B.feature ...
- Run all tests with last built container:
- Run in devel mode:
- It shares local feature dir with description of tests and test steps with docker image, therefore you can develop CI stack on the fly.
- Use command
./ run --devel $CONTAINER TEST-A
- Get help:
./ --help
Here's an example configuration from the first ported test:
Feature: Install package with dependency
Scenario: Feature setup
Given repository "test" with packages
| Package | Tag | Value |
| TestA | Requires | TestB |
| TestB | | |
Scenario: Install TestA from repository "test" with dependency TestB
When I save rpmdb
And I enable repository "test"
And I successfully run "dnf install -y TestA" with "success"
Then rpmdb changes are
| State | Packages |
| installed | TestA, TestB |
Possible states: installed, removed, absent, unchanged, reinstalled, updated, downgraded. The states unchanged and absent can be used for detailed description of tested step or to ensure, that required conditions before or after tested step were met.
If you are having issues, please report them via the issue tracking system.
Repo upgrade_1: updateinfo.xml was added using modifyrepo_c updateinfo.xml path/upgrade_1/repodata/
Repo test-1-gpg: Was created from rpms in test-1 repo. All rpm were signed with gpg-pubkey-2d2e7ca3-56c1e69d gpg(DNF Test1 (TESTER) [email protected]) except TestE (not signed), TestG (signed with key gpg-pubkey-705f3e8c-56c2e298 gpg(DNF Test2 (TESTER) [email protected])), and TestJ (not signed and incorrect check-sum).
Repo upgrade_1-gpg: Was created from rpms in upgrade_1 repo. All rpm were signed with gpg-pubkey-705f3e8c-56c2e298 gpg(DNF Test2 (TESTER) [email protected]) except both TestE (not signed) packages.
Any contribution or feedback is more than welcome.
- version control system: