Contain me!
# ADHD-Dockerfile
FROM multitasker:latest
LABEL maintainer="[email protected]"
# Install focus tools
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
adhd \
executive-dysfunction \
sticky-notes \
coffee \
software \
fidget-spinners \
# Set up workspace
WORKDIR /home/luke
# ADD distractions
ADD /home/luke/x
ADD /home/luke/github
# GET work
RUN git clone [email protected]:deepgram-devs/deepgram-conversational-demo.git
RUN git clone [email protected]:deepgram/deepgram-js-sdk.git
RUN git clone [email protected]:deepgram-starters/nextjs-live-transcription.git
RUN git clone [email protected]:deepgram-devs/react-nowplaying.git
# CMD to run focus tools (which get ignored)
CMD ["focus", "--start"]
# Entry point (where it all goes off track)
ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "Starting focus session... ooh look, a squirrel!"]
# End result
# ADHD-Container running with 22515320994320 open tabs and 12 unfinished work tasks