- Day 1 Keynote - @dhh Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397313542 starts at 1:23:15
- How Shopify Scales Rails - @johnduff slides: http://www.slideshare.net/jduff/how-shopify-scales-rails-20443485
- Maintainable Templates - @bloudermilk slides: https://github.com/bloudermilk/maintainable_templates/blob/master/slides.md
- Simple and Elegant Rails Code with Functional Style - Attila Domokos slides: http://adomokos.github.io/simple_and_beautiful_rails_preso/
- Object-Oriented Lessons for a Service-Oriented World - @amateurhuman slides: https://speakerdeck.com/amateurhuman/object-oriented-lessons-for-a-service-oriented-world
- Real-Time Rails - @bcardarella slides: http://www.rvl.io/bcardarella/real-time-rails/
- You've got a Sinatra on your Rails - José Valim - @josevalim Slides: https://t.co/HxRibal4pN
- Day 2 Keynote - @wycats video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397737353 starts at 7:40
- Rails vs. The Client - @noelrap video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397758162 starts at 32:00
- The Magic Tricks of Testing - @sandimetz video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397758162 starts at 1:17:25
- From Rails to the web server to the browser - @dabit video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397820990 starts at 04:34
- An Intervention for ActiveRecord - @erniemiller video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397820990 starts at 53:00
- Data Storage: NoSQL Toasters and a Cloud of Kitchen Sinks - Casey Rosenthal video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397855172 starts at 28:25
- Pry — The Good Parts! - Conrad Irwin video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/397855172 starts at 1:17:05
- Day 3 Keynote - James Duncan Davidson Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398136180 starts at 1:12:40
- Using Elasticsearch with Rails Apps - Brian Gugliemetti Video (no audio): http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398180086 starts at 28:20
- Creating Mountable Engines - @peakpg Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398180086 starts at 1:18:39
- DevOps for the Rubyist Soul - @jtdowney Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398180086 starts at 2:58:34
- Keeping the lights on: Application monitoring with Sensu and BatsD - @obrie Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398180086 starts at 3:48:30
- Datomic, from Ruby, from Rails - @yokolet Notes: https://gist.github.com/naoyamakino/5504109
- How to Talk to Developers - @r00k Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398564232 starts at 11:55
- Dissecting Ruby with Ruby - @schneems Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398564232 starts at 1:07:25
- Day 4 Keynote - @tenderlove Video: http://www.justin.tv/confreaks/b/398641370 starts at 1:18:36
- Testing HTTP APIs in Ruby - Slides - by Shai Rosenfeld
- BDD and Acceptance Testing with RSpec & Capybara - Slides - by Brian Sam-Bodden
- Maintainable Templates - Slides - By Brendan Loudermilk
- [You've got a Sinatra on your Rails](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4934685/Railsnatra.zip …)- by José Valim
- Front-end Testing for Skeptics - by Luke Francl
- Incremental Design - A conversation with a designer and a developer. - by Rebecca Miller-Webster and Savannah Wolf
- Buildling Extractable Libraries in Rails - by Patrick Robertson
- Natural Language Processing in Ruby - by Brandon Black
- Object-Oriented Lessons for a Service-Oriented World - by Chris Kelly
- Split Testing For Product Discovery - by Bryan Woods
- The Magic Tricks of Testing - by Sandi Metz
- Sleeping with the Enemy! - by George Brocklehurst
- Cache = Cash - by Stefan Wintermeyer
- Of Buyers & Renters - by Sebastian Delmont
- From Rails to the Webserver to the Browser Code - by David Padilla
- Postgres, The Best Tool You're Already Using Code - by Adam Sanderson
- An Intervention for Active Record - by Ernie Miller
- Rails vs the Client Side - by Noel Rappin
- Humanity on Rails (Summary w/Links) - by Daniel Azuma
- Pry the Good Parts - by Conrad Irwin
- New Relic Performance Code Kata - by Sam Goldstein / Ben Weintraub
- DevOps for the Rubyist Soul - by John Downey
- Your First Rails Pull Request - by Mark McSpadden
- Ruby Motion - by Brian Sam-Bodden
- No traffic, no users, no problem! - by Jim Jones
- Dissecting Ruby with Ruby - by Richard Schneeman
- Zero-Downtime Payment Platforms - by Ryan Twomey
- Acceptance Testing with Capybara & RSpec Slides - Repo - [Jumpstart Tutorial](Open Jumpstart Lab’s tutorial and get started!)
- Railsconf at Confreaks
- Full Schedule: http://www.railsconf.com/2013/talks