A SWENG452W Production By Luke Westfall
git clone https://github.com/lwestfall/Particus
This command installs a few things (some of these might already be installed, that's fine):
- cmake which is a build tool
- libglew-dev, libglfw3-dev, and libglm-dev are needed for the OpenGL display simulator.
- wiringpi is a package that helps interface with I/O devices
sudo apt install cmake libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libglm-dev wiringpi
This next library requires a few commands to install. It's for the GPIO library to help control the pins of the Raspberry Pi.
wget https://github.com/joan2937/pigpio/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd pigpio-master
sudo make install
For the next step, you should be back at the parent directory (where the Particus and pigpio-master directory live):
cd ..
There are two libraries needed for interacting with the MPU9250 over I2C. It is very important that the following commands are run from the parent directory. Confirm with the command ls
. You should see the Particus directory. If you don't see it, navigate to the directory containing it.
Then run:
git clone https://github.com/simondlevy/MPU.git
git clone https://github.com/simondlevy/CrossPlatformDataBus.git
Finally, we can try to build! Start by creating and going into the build directory:
cd Particus
mkdir build
cd build
Then try to build:
cmake ..
cmake --build .
If everything went well, we should be able to run now. Note that the initialization of the hardware can take a few seconds, so have patience!
NOTE: you must include sudo for permissions to use the GPIO
sudo ./Particus