A front end for the Junox faucet hosted here
Could also be used as boilerplate for wasm web apps
Powered by Juno Network + cosmjs
Web Server + Cosmjs deployment by donkeydonkey
Front end by LeTurt
- Yew - Framework for building wasm web apps
- Trunk - Wasm web app bundler
- Wasm-bindgen - Library for wasm <> javascript interactions
- Gloo net - Library of HTTP wrappers for wasm apps
- Bech32 - Library for encoding/decoding bech 32 format
- We saw a need for web testnet faucet in the ecosystem
- We put the faucet on a roguenet.io page to help spread awareness about our main project
- Builders gonna build
- You could use the app to get some testnet juno
- You could fork this front end to use as boilerplate for a wasm web app (just rip out anything you don't need)
- You could use this as a template for building your own faucet implementation
Set target:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Clone this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/LeTurt333/juno_faucet
In the root of the repo you just cloned, run:
$ trunk serve
Open a browser window & go to:
Note: Trying to use the faucet on your own local trunk build will not work. You will need to spin up an instance of the cosmjs faucet and change the url in main.rs