- Cmake
- Swig
- Clone this repository and run ./gradlew assembleDebug or open project in android studio.
Prebuilt Strongswan binaries are included. If required build Strongswan using these instructions and replace contents of ./strongswan/libs
- ktlint with default rules is used for Kotlin.
- Java uses grandcentrix-AndroidCodeStyle(
- Stick to ktlint code style.
- Most of the code is written in Java. We are in the process to move everything to kotlin. Our preferred stack includes kotlin , coroutines, Kotlin flows, and MVP. All future changes should respect it where possible.
- Code is structured into multiple feature modules(Openvpn, Strongswan, Stealth, Test), base module(Core Logic) and UI Modules(Tv, Mobile). Avoid circular dependencies between modules. It should always follow this path: Feature > base > UI
format: [major][minor][BuildNumber]
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