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Projections.vim is based on rails.vim projections, but allows you to use them for any language and project.

Table of Contents

Install using Pathogen

This project uses rolling releases based on git commits, so pathogen is a natural fit for it. If you're already using pathogen, you can skip to step 4.

  1. Install pathogen.vim into ~/.vim/autoload/ (see pathogen's readme for more information.)
  1. Enable pathogen in your vimrc. Here's a bare-minimum vimrc that enables all the features of projections.vim:

    call pathogen#infect()
    syntax enable
    filetype plugin indent on

    If you already have a vimrc built up, just make sure it contains these calls, in this order.

  2. Create the directory ~/.vim/bundle/:

     mkdir ~/.vim/bundle
  3. Clone the projections.vim repo into ~/.vim/bundle/:

     git clone ~/.vim/bundle/projections.vim/

Updating takes two steps:

  1. Change into ~/.vim/bundle/projections.vim/:

     cd ~/.vim/bundle/projections.vim
  2. Pull in the latest changes:

     git pull

Install using Vundle

  1. Install Vundle into ~/.vim/bundle/.
  1. Configure your vimrc for Vundle. Here's a bare-minimum vimrc that enables all the features of projections.vim:

    set nocompatible
    filetype off
    set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
    call vundle#rc()
    Bundle 'malkomalko/projections.vim'
    syntax enable
    filetype plugin indent on

    If you're adding Vundle to a built-up vimrc, just make sure all these calls are in there and that they occur in this order.

  2. Open vim and run :BundleInstall.

To update, open vim and run :BundleInstall! (notice the bang!)

Set up your projections config

The plugin looks for a projections.json file in the root of your project (cwd). No commands will be installed if it can't find a projections.json file. Pasted below is a trivial example.

  "libs/models/*.js": {
    "command": "models",
    "alternate": "spec/models/%s.js",
    "related": "libs/controllers/%s_controller.js",
    "reverse_layout": true,
    "template": "model",
    "template_alternate": "spec",
    "template_related": "controller"
  "templates": {
    "model": "function(){\n  console.log('model: %s,%S,%h,%p,%i,%f,%%')\n}\n",
    "spec":  "function(){\n  console.log('spec: %s,%S,%h,%p,%i,%f,%%')\n}\n",
    "controller":  "function(){\n  console.log('controller: %s,%S,%h,%p,%i,%f,%%')\n}\n"

This JSON config is used to search for file patterns based off the key. In this case any file matching libs/models/*.js.

The "command" key defines the name of the {command}. In this case it defines :Emodels amongst other commands. See below for the full command list.

The "alternate" and "related" key is used for a pattern for the all Alternate and Related commands like :A and :R. See below for the full alternate and related command list.

The "template", "template_alternate", and "template_related" keys all define the template key in the special root level "templates" key. Templates are described further down.

The "reverse_layout" key defines whether the alternate/related file will appear on the left side when running layout commands.

Special template placeholders

This command:

:Emodels foo/bar_baz

Yields these template placeholders:

%s => foo/bar_baz   (orig)
%S => BarBaz        (camel case)
%h => Bar baz       (humanized)
%p => bar_bazes     (pluralized)
%i => bar_baz       (singularize)
%f => bar_baz       (file part)
%% => %             (literal %)


Opening files:

:Emodels foo/bar_baz

:E{command} {file}   (open file)
:S{command} {file}   (open file in split)
:T{command} {file}   (open file in tab)
:V{command} {file}   (open file in vert split)

Opening alternate/related files:

:A      (open alternate file)
:AS     (open alternate file in split)
:AT     (open alternate file in tab)
:AV     (open alternate file in vert split)

:R      (open related file)
:RS     (open related file in split)
:RT     (open related file in tab)
:RV     (open related file in vert split)

Templates and Layouts

projections.vim allows you to create files based off of templates. To create a file, just add a ! to the end of your command.

:Emodels apple!

  "libs/models/*.js": {
    "command": "models",
    "template": "model"
  "templates": {
    "model": "function(){\n  console.log('model: %s,%S,%h,%p,%i,%f,%%')\n}\n"

This will grab the template from the templates.model key. Awesome!

projections.vim also allows you to open up a layout. A layout is a side by side view in a new tab placing your file and alternate/related file. Think of opening up a spec and file in a split.

This is opened in a new tab so it doesn't break your existing window structure. It's just a quick :tabc away to go back to your work.

You have two choices for opening up a layout:

:AL   (open up the alternate layout)
:RL   (open up the related layout)

It will give you an error if it can't find an alternate or related layout.

If by chance you gave it a template_alternate or template_related, if the file does not exist, it will create it for you based off the template. Rock and roll!

As previously stated, you can also have the alternate or related file open up on the left side of the split with:

"reverse_layout": true


Copyright (c) Tim Pope and Robert Malko. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.


projections adapted from rails.vim






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