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____) | < (_| | | | || (_) | | (_| | __/ |
|_____/|_|\_\__,_|_| |_| \___/|_|\__,_|\___|_|
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|_| \_|\___/ \__,_|\___|\____/|_____/
This project was generated by Skaffolder
Download the latest production release of MongoDB from here
Open the file to launch the wizard.
MongoDB requires a data directory to store all data. Create the directory
on the drive from which you'll start MongoDB.
To launch the application start a local instance of MongoDB, open a terminal in this folder and type:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000
Login using:
username: admin password: password
Set database config in properties.js
By default the default database dialect is MySQL.
You should execute the relative sql script to create the db and the schema.
The SQL script is located in script/schemaDb_asping_db_mysql.sql
To start the application with Docker:
Install Docker
Run command:
docker-compose up
- Go to http://localhost:80
When code changes you need to rebuild container running:
docker-compose up --build
With Skaffolder-CLI you can easily manage your Skaffolder project from command line and customize your generator template from your IDE.
Install Skaffolder-CLI with
$ yarn install -g skaffolder-cli
Login running the command
$ sk login
Generate your project with the command
$ sk generate
You can customize your generator template working with files in .skaffolder folder in your project root.
Please refer to https://skaffolder.com/#/documentation/skaffolder-cli for more information.