This is a simple desktop multithread Tic-tac-toe game made with programming language Java. The objective of it was to attend a required project of Distributed Computing class in college. The main requirement was to used only sockets to make communication with client and server.
- Networking
- This project uses Socket(TCP API) from library.
- Threads
- Uses Thread for continuos execution of GUI and communication between server and client.
- You must have JDK installed(In this project I used openjdk 19.0.1). I recommend to use sdkman for installing your JDK version.
- The easy way to run this project is using Netbeans IDE because contains all standard libraries used in project.
- Open a terminal and choose a place to clone the repository. Use command
git clone
- Open the project with Netbeans and run two client view and server view.
- Start first the server and then connect clients to it.
- Have fun!