Python scripts for iOS stuff
Check for signing status Based on API
usage: ./ <device>
example :
$ ./ iPhone8,1
signed firmwares for iPhone8,1:
11.2.6 - 15D100
Download and IPSW file
usage: ./ <model> [version]
example :
$ ./ iPhone8,1 11.1.2
[+] build ID : 15B202
[+] IPSW : iPhone_4.7_11.1.2_15B202_Restore.ipsw
[+] URL :
[+] size : 2711452941
[################################] 397609/2647904 - 00:02:03
Python script used to grab iOS Firmware keys on
usage: ./ [args]
-d <device>
-i <version>
-b <build ID>
-c <codename>
You need :
Codename of the iOS version- Device model
- iOS version
eg : ./ -i 9.0.2 -d iPhone5,4
You can use build ID instead of iOS version for betas.
I'm still looking for a way to not use codename, feel free to contribute.
- Python 3 and pip3
- MechanicalSoup
- clint
- requests
Twitter : matteyeux