During the salad days of Robert McNeel & Associates, back when we an Autodesk reseller, we developed add-ons for AutoCAD. Our Allegro Tablet Tools and IconTOOL products were invaluable tools for helping drafters migrate away from the board and into the electronic CAD universe.
Included with these tools was a substantial 2D symbols library, over 3000 symbols. Most of these symbols were created using AutoCAD Release 11 (or perhaps an earlier version).
We've converted this symbols to Rhino's .3dm file format. You are free to use these symbols without restriction.
The .3dm files you will find here are Rhino 7 format files.
Note, the original symbols library files were named in the old DOS 8.3 format. Thus, you might not get a hint to what is in the file from it's name. We suggest opening the Libraries panel, in Rhino to preview, the files. From here, you can drag and drop them into the open document.
Also, AutoCAD .dwg files are unitless - so are these. Thus, you'll need to scale these symbols, during insertion, to meet your requirements.