- os · arch linux
- shell · zsh
- wm · awesomewm
- terminal · kitty
- menus · rofi
themes reside under the directory .config/awesome/theme/{theme_name}
. Each
theme has a file containing the color scheme imported by a certain application
and a folder named wallpapers
· awesomewmcolors.rasi
· roficolors.gtk
· gtk 2/3colors.nvim
· neovim nvchadcolors.conf
· kitty
copy an existing theme folder and modify the values in each file accordingly
Keys | Action |
Super + d | Toggle dashboard |
Super + e | Open application launcher |
Super + Shift + e | Open theme switcher |
Super + Shift + s | Cropped screenshot |
Super + t | Toggle on top |
Super + f | Toggle fullscreen |
Super + s | Toggle floating |
Super + Tab | Focus next |
Super + Control + + | Increase window opacity |
Super + Control + - | Decrease window opacity |
Super + Control + Return | Reset window opacity |
you won't be asked for any customization parameters, so consider tweaking before running
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mdmrk/policromia/main/install.sh)"
Using paru as the AUR helper
paru -S awesome-git picom-git redshift kitty rofi xclip xorg-xwininfo scrot ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk networkmanager betterlockscreen brightnessctl acpi zsh gvfs gvfs-mtp thunar lsd zoxide bat lxappearance jq curl p7zip sxiv
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules https://github.com/mdmrk/policromia
cd policromia
mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome && cp -r config/awesome/* ~/.config/awesome
cp ~/.config/awesome/env.example.lua ~/.config/awesome/env.lua
mkdir -p ~/.config/picom && cp -r config/picom/* ~/.config/picom
mkdir -p ~/.config/kitty && cp -r config/kitty/* ~/.config/kitty
mkdir -p ~/.config/rofi && cp -r config/rofi/* ~/.config/rofi
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts && cp -r fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts
mkdir -p ~/.themes && 7z x config/gtk/themes.7z -oconfig/gtk && rm config/gtk/themes.7z && cp -r config/gtk/* ~/.themes
chmod +x ~/.config/awesome/scripts/*.sh