This repository is the development environment that Meanbee are using for their Magento 2 builds.
This repository will build a Magento 2 instance and inject the configured extensions into it.
We are currently running:
- PHP 7
- MySql
cp composer.env.sample composer.env
cp current.env.sample current.env
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
docker-compose run cli /usr/local/bin/magento-installer
docker-compose run cli /tools/
docker-compose up -d
You can now visit http://meanbee-environment.docker/
You'll need to setup path mapping in Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers. Assuming your checkout on your local
machine is $basedir
, configure the following:
##Running Tests
To run unit tests:
docker-compose run --rm cli /tools/
To run integration tests:
docker-compose run --rm cli /tools/
When adding new submodules we should make sure that we are tracking against a remote branch instead of a specific commit. To do that we need to run the following:
git submodule add -b develop [email protected]:meanbee/example-magento2-module.git extensions/meanbee-example-magento2-module2
With the submodule added we now need to ensure that the extension is installed and configured when bin/
is executed. To do this, edit bin/
- Add local path reference to repository, e.g.
$COMPOSER config repositories.meanbee_example-magento2-module2 path /src/extensions/meanbee-example-magento2-module2
- Require your package in Magento's
, e.g.$COMPOSER require "meanbee/example-magento2-module2" "*"
- Enable your extension within Magento (if applicable), e.g.
$MAGENTO_TOOL module:enable Meanbee_ExampleMagento2Module2