- This is a multistream file transfer program written in cpp using socket interface.
- It was written in Nov 2015 as a part of mini-networks project.
- The purpose of this program is to tranfer a file in multiple fragments (all in parallel) from one local computer to another connected over internet or intranet.
- This project was successfully tested working on Ubuntu 14.04.
- For better understanding checkout Blog on this project
- File can be transfered from one computer to another over the network using socket interface.
- At the senders end file is divided into equal fragments and all fragments are sent in parallel.
- At the receivers end every received fragment is stored in a separate file and after the file transfer is complete all the fragments are merged into single file.
- All the fragments have .temp extension and can be found in hidden directory " .filetransfer ".
- Fragments are not deleted for demonstration purpose.
- Make sure latest version of g++ is installed on your LINUX computer.
- If not installed run " sudo apt-get install g++ ".
- To transfer file make sure both computers are connected through LAN wire or to a router on a intranet or connected via internet.
To transfer a file from LINUX to another LINUX computer follow these steps
- Download all the files in this repository into one directory on your local LINUX computer. Make sure this directory has write and execute permissions.
- Know ipV4 (or inet) address of the sender by " ifconfig " or another unix command.
- Open " HEADERS_AND_CONSTANTS_H.h " file and edit the HOST to sender's ip address and PORT to any pre-decided port number. POST and HOST values for both sender and receiver should be same. If you are testing it on same computer set HOST to "" .
- At sender's end compile sender file by following command g++ -o sender.out sender.cpp -std=c++11 -pthread .
- At receivers end compile receiver file by following command g++ -o receiver.out receiver.cpp -std=c++11 -pthread .
- At senders end pass an argument which denotes file path eg " sender.out file.pdf " .
- After running command at senders end run command at recivers end " receiver.out " .
- After file tranfer is complete program will terminate automatically and transfered file will be saved with the name "new" and extension will depend on the file transfered.
- Fragments will be in " .filetransfer/ " directory they are not deleted for demonstration purpose. you can delete them manually.
- PORT denotes port number for server and client both.
- HOST denotes ipV4 address of server (sender).
- NEW_FILE denotes name by which file will be downloaded at recivers end.
- TEMP_DIR denotes directory where file fragments are downloaded (do not change recommended).
- TEMP_FILE denotes names of file fragments sequentially (do not change recommended).
- MAX_STREAMS denotes maximum parallel connections to be made to the sender to download file. Also denotes number of fragments in which file will be downloaded.
- SECONDS_TO_WAIT denotes integer seconds receiver should wait before starting to receive download header for slower connections typically less than 20kB/s value should be greater than 5.
- FILE_NAME_LENGTH maximum characters in file name.
- MAX_BYTES maximum size of buffer used for reading bytes from sockets.