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As a programmer I like to keep learning the latest technologies and what better way than creating something where one can apply them?

I wanted to learn something about WebSockets and I thought a chat application would be fun to develop, I also wanted to try the Progressive Web Apps (PWA) capacities of Angular which have improved a lot since Angular 5, making it really easy to create a PWA.

In this post I give details on how I implemented a chat application using WebSockets, specifically the Socket.IO library which enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication.

Chat Backend

I first started with the guide to create a basic chat from for the server side. The Chat server was developed using Node, Express, Typescript,, gulp, and deployed on Heroku.

The repository for the backend is hosted in Github:

Chat Frontend

The frontend application was developed using Angular, Angular Material, and it obviously attempts to be a Progressive Web App, it implements Angular Service Worker and include a manifest.json.

To use the Angular Service worker we have to run

npm install —save @angular/service-worker

then we have to activate the service worker so that the angular-cli knows that we want to use a service worker.

ng set apps.0.serviceWorker=true

import the ServiceWorkerModule in our app.module and finally add a manifest file ngsw-config.json.

Finally I created a manifest.json following the The Web App Manifest being careful to add the manifest.json to the list of assets in my .angular-cli.json file so that it gets copied when deploying.

Frontend features

Angular Angular Material Angular Service Worker Manifest.json Automated testing with Karma Source Code Find the complete project in this GitHub repository:

Live Demo

The final version of the chat client is deployed in