As a programmer I like to keep learning the latest technologies and what better way than creating something where one can apply them?
I wanted to learn something about WebSockets and I thought a chat application would be fun to develop, I also wanted to try the Progressive Web Apps (PWA) capacities of Angular which have improved a lot since Angular 5, making it really easy to create a PWA.
In this post I give details on how I implemented a chat application using WebSockets, specifically the Socket.IO library which enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication.
I first started with the guide to create a basic chat from for the server side. The Chat server was developed using Node, Express, Typescript,, gulp, and deployed on Heroku.
The repository for the backend is hosted in Github:
The frontend application was developed using Angular, Angular Material, and it obviously attempts to be a Progressive Web App, it implements Angular Service Worker and include a manifest.json.
To use the Angular Service worker we have to run
npm install —save @angular/service-worker
then we have to activate the service worker so that the angular-cli knows that we want to use a service worker.
ng set apps.0.serviceWorker=true
import the ServiceWorkerModule in our app.module and finally add a manifest file ngsw-config.json.
Finally I created a manifest.json following the The Web App Manifest being careful to add the manifest.json to the list of assets in my .angular-cli.json file so that it gets copied when deploying.
Angular Angular Material Angular Service Worker Manifest.json Automated testing with Karma Source Code Find the complete project in this GitHub repository:
The final version of the chat client is deployed in