An implementation of Amazon's Kinesis, focussed1 on correctness and performance, and built on LevelDB (well, @rvagg's awesome LevelUP to be precise).
The Kinesis equivalent of dynalite.
To read and write from Kinesis streams in Node.js, consider using the kinesis module.
$ kinesalite --help
Usage: kinesalite [--port <port>] [--path <path>] [--ssl] [options]
A Kinesis http server, optionally backed by LevelDB
--help Display this help message and exit
--port <port> The port to listen on (default: 4567)
--path <path> The path to use for the LevelDB store (in-memory by default)
--ssl Enable SSL for the web server (default: false)
--createStreamMs <ms> Amount of time streams stay in CREATING state (default: 500)
--deleteStreamMs <ms> Amount of time streams stay in DELETING state (default: 500)
--updateStreamMs <ms> Amount of time streams stay in UPDATING state (default: 500)
--shardLimit <limit> Shard limit for error reporting (default: 10)
Report bugs at
Or programmatically:
// Returns a standard Node.js HTTP server
var kinesalite = require('kinesalite'),
kinesaliteServer = kinesalite({path: './mydb', createStreamMs: 50})
// Listen on port 4567
kinesaliteServer.listen(4567, function(err) {
if (err) throw err
console.log('Kinesalite started on port 4567')
Once running, here's how you use the AWS SDK to connect (after configuring the SDK):
var AWS = require('aws-sdk')
var kinesis = new AWS.Kinesis({endpoint: 'http://localhost:4567'})
Or with the kinesis module (currently only works in https mode, when kinesalite is started with --ssl
var kinesis = require('kinesis')
kinesis.listStreams({host: 'localhost', port: 4567}, console.log)
With npm do:
$ npm install -g kinesalite
1Hi! You're probably American (and not a New Yorker editor) if you're worried about this spelling. No worries – and no need to open a pull request – we have different spellings in the rest of the English speaking world 🐨