Uses several sensors measure the water level of a cistern and current draw from a 180 PSI irrigation pump
- Pressure Sensor (
- Float Switch (
- Current Transformer (
- Flow Sensor (
- ADS1115 (
- High Water Float sensor (cistern overflow alarm)
- Low Water Float sensor (irrigation pump shutoff and alarm)
- Real time water level feedback via WebSockets
- HTML monitoring page
- OTA firmware updates
- WIFI SID and password via json config file
- show all stats on HTML page load (first load is missing CT value)
- send message to OpenSprinkler when low water alarm and CT current > 3amps
- sleep mode (add motion detector; wake on trigger)
- Gateway, mask and IP address in config file
- JS: if last websocket message > 5 seconds, then timeout
- rewrite for Little FS and caching as per mathieucarbou/AsyncTCP#14 (comment)
- refactor arduino-libraries/Arduino_JSON usage to bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ 7.1.0 (which AsyncTCP uses)
- remove <Arduino.h> includes
- add water level to tab in parenthesis (<title>Cistern Water Level Monitor(43%)</title>)
- refactor src\Cistern_Monitor_SPIFF.ino to main.cpp; erase all git hub history for src\Cistern_Monitor_SPIFF.ino to remove wifi credentials
- rename project to open-cistern ??
- remove unnecessary trend detector stats code
- add current measurement histogram
- add timeout to realtime stats (turn off after 2 hours)
- add timestamp to high/low water alarm
- add flow sensor and stats
- js notification API
- move LCD code to lcd library directory
- time pump running since low water alarm
- time since last 0 current value (how long pump has been running)
- toggle state for when filling (alarm will sound on both high float, water percentage and timeout 40 minutes)
- MOSFET for 24v speaker alarm
- MOSFET for 24v float/pressure sensor loop for sleep mode / real-time stats
- use Arduino Nano Matter
- changing wiring to 10 wire pins with ADC1115, buck converter, ESP32 PCB blocks on single board
- single board contains voltage dividers, MOSFETs, etc
- no terminal blocks / use wire adapter
- use openthings to iframe app for remote
- curl post rain delay to open sprinkler on LOW_WATER_ALARM
- use Arduino Nano Matter
- integrate with Home Assistant
ESP32 ACD ranges: 2450v 1750v 1250v
ADS1115 ranges: -0.256V ~ + 0.256V -0.512V ~ + 0.512V -1.024V ~ + 1.024V -2.048V ~ + 2.048V -4.096V ~ + 4.096 V -6.144V ~ + 6.144V
Pressure Sensor 0.011 A * x = 4v x=360 ohms
0.011 A * x = 3.85v x=350 ohms
.012 * x = 3 0.0106 * x = 2.45v
0.011 * x = 2.45v x=222
x=220 = 2.332v
y * 165 = 1.763
y = 0.01068 A 10.68 mA
283 ohms at 3v 330 ohms at 3.49v
?? ohms at 2.450v
- get max pressure sensor value
- add intake check valve