A third version of the theme I tweaked, changing the toolbar icons to text and fixing an issue with the latest release of Chrome Canary.
Find your Chrome's user stylesheets directory:
Mac - Finder > shift + cmd + g:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets/
Mac - Terminal:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User\ StyleSheets/
C:\Users\**Your Username**\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\
Ubuntu (Chromium):
~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/
Replace the existing "Custom.css" file with this one
No restart needed, changes are applied immediately
Taken from the below and tweaked by Simon Owen (@simonowendesign)
IR_Dark_Monokai Designed and developed by Andres Pagella (@mapagella) http://www.andrespagella.com/customising-chrome-devtools
Extra tweaks by James Doyle @james2doyle: https://github.com/james2doyle/SO-Dark-Monokai-v3/commits/master
Based on Ben Truyman's IR_Black which is... Based on Todd Werth's IR_Black: http://blog.toddwerth.com/entries/2
With some toolbar code from Harris Novick: https://gist.github.com/4316646
Inspired by Darcy Clarke's blog post: http://darcyclarke.me/design/skin-your-chrome-inspector/
Dock-To-Right when using vertical splitting: https://github.com/mauricelam/DockToRight