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OwenConoly committed Nov 21, 2022
1 parent 7db96f0 commit 846c5d4
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77 changes: 38 additions & 39 deletions src/Arithmetic/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.Reifiable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.Bool2Prop.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,56 +528,55 @@ Module Associational.

Definition value_at_weight (a : list (Z * Z)) (d : Z) :=
fold_right (fun p sum => if (d =? fst p) then (sum + snd p) else sum) 0 a.
fold_right Z.add 0 (map snd (filter (fun p => fst p =? d) a)).

Lemma value_at_weight_works a d : d * (value_at_weight a d) = Associational.eval (filter (fun p => d =? fst p) a).
Lemma value_at_weight_works a d : d * (value_at_weight a d) = Associational.eval (filter (fun p => fst p =? d) a).
induction a as [| a0 a' IHa'].
- cbv [Associational.eval]. simpl. lia.
- simpl. destruct (d =? fst a0) eqn:E.
+ rewrite Associational.eval_cons. rewrite <- IHa'. apply Z.eqb_eq in E. rewrite E. lia.
- cbv [Associational.eval value_at_weight]. simpl. lia.
- cbv [value_at_weight]. simpl. destruct (fst a0 =? d) eqn:E.
+ rewrite Associational.eval_cons. simpl. rewrite <- IHa'. cbv [value_at_weight]. lia.
+ apply IHa'.

Definition firsts (a : list (Z*Z)) :=
map (fun p => fst p) a.

Lemma not_in_value_0 a d : ~ In d (firsts a) -> value_at_weight a d = 0.
Lemma not_in_value_0 a d : ~ In d (map fst a) -> value_at_weight a d = 0.
intros H. induction a as [| x a' IHa'].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (d =? fst x) eqn:E.
+ exfalso. apply H. simpl. left. apply Z.eqb_eq in E. symmetry. apply E.
- cbv [value_at_weight]. simpl. destruct (fst x =? d) eqn:E.
+ exfalso. apply H. simpl. lia.
+ apply IHa'. intros H'. apply H. simpl. right. apply H'.

Definition dedup_weights a :=
map (fun d => (d, value_at_weight a d)) (just_once Z.eqb (firsts a)).
map (fun d => (d, value_at_weight a d)) (nodupb Z.eqb (map fst a)).

Lemma map_eq (x y : Z) l a : ~ In x l ->
map (fun d : Z => (d, value_at_weight a d)) l = map (fun d : Z => (d, if d =? x then (value_at_weight a d + y) else value_at_weight a d)) l.
Lemma funs_same (l : list Z) (a0 : Z*Z) (a' : list (Z*Z)) :
~ In (fst a0) l ->
forall d, In d l ->
(fun d : Z => (d, value_at_weight (a0 :: a') d)) d = (fun d => (d, value_at_weight a' d)) d.
intros H. induction l as [|x' l' IHl'].
intros H d H'. simpl. f_equal. cbv [value_at_weight]. simpl. destruct (fst a0 =? d) eqn:E.
- exfalso. rewrite Z.eqb_eq in E. subst. apply (H H').
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (x' =? x) eqn:E.
+ exfalso. apply H. apply Z.eqb_eq in E. rewrite E. simpl. left. reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHl'.
-- reflexivity.
-- intros H'. apply H. simpl. right. apply H'.

Theorem eval_dedup_weights a : Associational.eval (dedup_weights a) = Associational.eval a.
Lemma eval_dedup_weights a : Associational.eval (dedup_weights a) = Associational.eval a.
induction a as [| a0 a' IHa'].
- reflexivity.
- cbv [dedup_weights]. simpl. destruct (is_in Z.eqb (fst a0) (just_once Z.eqb (firsts a'))) eqn:E.
+ apply (is_in_true_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. rewrite <- (just_once_in_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. apply (just_once_split Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E.
destruct E as [l1 [l2 [H1 [H2 H3] ] ] ]. rewrite H1. repeat rewrite map_app. rewrite <- (map_eq _ _ _ _ H2).
rewrite <- (map_eq _ _ _ _ H3). repeat rewrite Associational.eval_app. simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_refl. repeat rewrite Associational.eval_cons.
rewrite <- IHa'. simpl. rewrite Associational.eval_nil. cbv [dedup_weights]. rewrite H1.
repeat rewrite map_app. repeat rewrite Associational.eval_app. cbv [Associational.eval]. simpl. lia.
+ simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_refl. apply (is_in_false_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. rewrite <- (map_eq _ _ _ _ E). repeat rewrite Associational.eval_cons.
simpl. rewrite <- IHa'. cbv [dedup_weights]. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite <- (just_once_in_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. rewrite (not_in_value_0 _ _ E). lia.
- cbv [dedup_weights]. simpl. destruct (existsb (Z.eqb (fst a0)) (nodupb Z.eqb (map fst a'))) eqn:E.
+ apply (existsb_eqb_true_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. rewrite <- (nodupb_in_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E.
apply (nodupb_split Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. destruct E as [l1 [l2 [H1 [H2 H3] ] ] ]. rewrite H1.
repeat rewrite map_app. rewrite (map_ext_in _ _ l1 (funs_same l1 a0 a' H2)).
rewrite (map_ext_in _ _ l2 (funs_same l2 a0 a' H3)). repeat rewrite Associational.eval_app. simpl.
repeat rewrite Associational.eval_cons. simpl. rewrite <- IHa'. simpl. rewrite Associational.eval_nil.
cbv [dedup_weights]. rewrite H1. repeat rewrite map_app. repeat rewrite Associational.eval_app.
cbv [value_at_weight]. simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_refl. simpl. cbv [Associational.eval]. simpl. lia.
+ simpl. apply (existsb_eqb_false_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. rewrite (map_ext_in _ _ _ (funs_same _ _ _ E)).
repeat rewrite Associational.eval_cons. simpl. rewrite <- IHa'. cbv [dedup_weights]. f_equal. f_equal.
rewrite <- (nodupb_in_iff Z.eqb Z.eqb_eq) in E. cbv [value_at_weight]. simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_refl.
apply not_in_value_0 in E. cbv [value_at_weight] in E. simpl. rewrite E. lia.

Section Carries.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -605,29 +605,28 @@ Module Associational.
Proof using Type*. cbv [carry]; induction p; push; nsatz. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_carry using auto : push_eval.

(* 'carrying down', aka borrowing *)
Definition carryterm_down (w fw:Z) (t:Z * Z) :=
Definition borrowterm (w fw:Z) (t:Z * Z) :=
let quot := w / fw in
if (Z.eqb (fst t) w)
then [(quot, snd t * fw)]
else [t].

Lemma eval_carryterm_down w fw (t:Z * Z) (fw_nz:fw<>0) (w_fw:w mod fw = 0) :
Associational.eval (carryterm_down w fw t) = Associational.eval [t].
Lemma eval_borrowterm w fw (t:Z * Z) (fw_nz:fw<>0) (w_fw:w mod fw = 0) :
Associational.eval (borrowterm w fw t) = Associational.eval [t].
Proof using Type*.
cbv [carryterm_down Let_In]; break_match; push; [|trivial].
cbv [borrowterm Let_In]; break_match; push; [|trivial].
pose proof (Z.div_mod (snd t) fw fw_nz).
rewrite Z.eqb_eq in *.
ring_simplify. rewrite Z.mul_comm. rewrite Z.mul_assoc. rewrite <- Z_div_exact_full_2; lia.

Definition carry_down (w fw:Z) (p:list (Z*Z)) :=
flat_map (carryterm_down w fw) p.
Definition borrow (w fw:Z) (p:list (Z*Z)) :=
flat_map (borrowterm w fw) p.

Lemma eval_carry_down w fw p (fw_nz:fw<>0) (w_fw:w mod fw = 0):
Associational.eval (carry_down w fw p) = Associational.eval p.
Lemma eval_borrow w fw p (fw_nz:fw<>0) (w_fw:w mod fw = 0):
Associational.eval (borrow w fw p) = Associational.eval p.
Proof using Type*.
cbv [carry_down carryterm_down]. induction p as [| a p' IHp'].
cbv [borrow borrowterm]. induction p as [| a p' IHp'].
- trivial.
- push. destruct (fst a =? w) eqn:E.
+ rewrite Z.mul_comm. rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc. rewrite <- Z_div_exact_full_2; lia.
Expand Down
28 changes: 12 additions & 16 deletions src/Arithmetic/DettmanMultiplication.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Import Associational Positional.
Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
Local Coercion Z.pos : positive >-> Z.

Section __.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,21 +93,18 @@ Proof.
- apply weight_nz.

Definition from_n_to_one n :=
fold_right (fun (x :nat) l' => (length l' + 1) :: l') [] (repeat 0 n).
Definition loop start :=
fold_right loop_body start (rev (seq 1 (limbs - 2 - 1))).

Definition loop' start :=
fold_right loop_body start (from_n_to_one (limbs - 2 - 1)).

Lemma eval_loop' start :
((Associational.eval (loop' start)) mod (s - c) = (Associational.eval start) mod (s - c))%Z.
Lemma eval_loop start :
((Associational.eval (loop start)) mod (s - c) = (Associational.eval start) mod (s - c))%Z.
cbv [loop']. induction (from_n_to_one (limbs - 2 - 1)) as [| i l' IHl'].
cbv [loop]. induction (rev (seq 1 (limbs - 2 - 1))) as [| i l' IHl'].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite eval_loop_body. apply IHl'.

Definition mulmod_general a b :=
Definition mulmod a b :=
let l := limbs in
let a_assoc := Positional.to_associational weight limbs a in
let b_assoc := Positional.to_associational weight limbs b in
Expand All @@ -121,24 +117,24 @@ Definition mulmod_general a b :=
let r5 := carry' (weight (l - 1)) (weight 1) r4 in
let r6 := carry' (weight (l - 1)) (Z.div s (weight (l - 1))) r5 in
let r7 := carry' (weight l) (weight 1) r6 in
let r8 := carry_down (weight l) (weight l / s) r7 in
let r8 := borrow (weight l) (weight l / s) r7 in
let r8' := dedup_weights r8 in
let r9 := reduce' s s s c r8' in
let r10 := carry' (weight 0) (weight 1) r9 in
let r11 := loop' r10 in
let r11 := loop r10 in
let r12 := reduce' s (weight (2 * l - 2)) (weight l) c r11 in
let r13 := carry' (weight (l - 2)) (weight 1) r12 in
Positional.from_associational weight l r13.

Hint Rewrite Positional.eval_from_associational Positional.eval_to_associational eval_carry_down eval_loop': push_eval.
Hint Rewrite Positional.eval_from_associational Positional.eval_to_associational eval_borrow eval_loop: push_eval.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Theorem eval_mulmod_general a b :
Theorem eval_mulmod a b :
(Positional.eval weight limbs a * Positional.eval weight limbs b) mod (s - c) =
(Positional.eval weight limbs (mulmod_general a b)) mod (s - c).
(Positional.eval weight limbs (mulmod a b)) mod (s - c).
cbv [mulmod_general carry' reduce']. autorewrite with push_eval. reflexivity.
cbv [mulmod carry' reduce']. autorewrite with push_eval. reflexivity.
cbv [weight s base];
try apply weight_nz;
Expand Down
148 changes: 73 additions & 75 deletions src/Util/ListUtil.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3421,86 +3421,84 @@ Lemma fold_left_rev_higher_order A B f a ls
= fold_left (fun acc x a => acc (f a x)) ls id a.
Proof. symmetry; apply fold_left_higher_order. Qed.

(* This section is here because the equivalent standard library functions fail to be "reified by unfolding". *)
(* This module is here because the equivalent standard library functions fail to be "reified by unfolding". *)

Section Reifiable.
Module Reifiable.
Section __.
Context {X : Type}
(eqb : X -> X -> bool)
(eqb_eq : forall x1 x2, eqb x1 x2 = true <-> x1 = x2).

Context {X : Type}
(eqb : X -> X -> bool)
(eqb_eq : forall x1 x2, eqb x1 x2 = true <-> x1 = x2).
Definition existsb (f : X -> bool) (l : list X) : bool :=
fold_right (fun x found => orb (f x)found) false l.

Definition is_in (x : X) (l : list X) :=
fold_right (fun x' found => orb (eqb x' x) found) false l.

Lemma is_in_true_iff : forall x l, is_in x l = true <-> In x l.
intros. induction l as [ | x' l'].
- split; intros H.
+ discriminate H.
+ destruct H.
- split; intros H.
+ simpl in *. destruct (eqb x' x) eqn:E.
-- apply eqb_eq in E. left. apply E.
-- simpl in H. right. rewrite <- IHl'. apply H.
+ destruct H as [H | H].
-- simpl. apply eqb_eq in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
-- simpl. rewrite <- IHl' in H. rewrite H. destruct (eqb x' x); reflexivity.
Lemma reifiable_existsb_is_existsb : forall (f : X -> bool) (l : list X),
existsb f l = List.existsb f l.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma is_in_false_iff : forall x l, is_in x l = false <-> ~ In x l.
intros. rewrite <- is_in_true_iff. split.
- intros H. rewrite H. auto.
- intros H. destruct (is_in x l).
+ exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma existsb_eqb_true_iff : forall x l, existsb (eqb x) l = true <-> In x l.
intros x l. rewrite reifiable_existsb_is_existsb. rewrite existsb_exists. split.
- intros [x0 [H1 H2]]. rewrite eqb_eq in H2. subst. assumption.
- intros H. exists x. split.
+ assumption.
+ apply eqb_eq. reflexivity.

Definition just_once (l : list X) :=
fold_right (fun x l' => if (is_in x l') then l' else (x :: l')) [] l.
Lemma existsb_eqb_false_iff : forall x l, existsb (eqb x) l = false <-> ~In x l.
intros. rewrite <- existsb_eqb_true_iff. split.
- intros H. rewrite H. auto.
- intros H. destruct (existsb (eqb x) l).
+ exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.

Lemma just_once_in_iff (x : X) (l : list X) : In x l <-> In x (just_once l).
induction l as [|x' l' IHl'].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (is_in x' (just_once l')) eqn:E.
+ rewrite is_in_true_iff in E. split.
-- intros [H|H].
++ rewrite <- H. apply E.
++ rewrite <- IHl'. apply H.
-- intros H. right. rewrite IHl'. apply H.
+ rewrite is_in_false_iff in E. split.
-- intros [H|H].
++ rewrite H. simpl. left. reflexivity.
++ simpl. right. rewrite <- IHl'. apply H.
-- simpl. intros [H|H].
++ left. apply H.
++ right. rewrite IHl'. apply H.

Lemma just_once_split (x : X) (l : list X) : In x l ->
exists l1 l2, just_once l = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 /\ ~ In x l1 /\ ~ In x l2.
intros H. induction l as [| x' l'].
- simpl in H. destruct H.
- simpl in H. destruct H as [H|H].
+ rewrite H. clear H. simpl. destruct (is_in x (just_once l')) eqn:E.
-- rewrite is_in_true_iff in E. rewrite <- just_once_in_iff in E.
apply IHl' in E. apply E.
-- exists []. exists (just_once l'). split.
++ rewrite app_nil_l. reflexivity.
++ split.
--- auto.
--- rewrite <- is_in_false_iff. apply E.
+ apply IHl' in H. clear IHl'. simpl. destruct (is_in x' (just_once l')) eqn:E.
-- apply H.
-- destruct H as [l1 [l2 [H1 [H2 H3] ] ] ]. exists (x' :: l1). exists l2. split.
++ rewrite H1. reflexivity.
++ split.
--- simpl. intros [H|H].
+++ rewrite H in *. rewrite H1 in E. apply is_in_false_iff in E. apply E.
repeat rewrite in_app_iff. right. left. simpl. left. reflexivity.
+++ apply H2. apply H.
--- apply H3.
Definition nodupb (l : list X) :=
fold_right (fun x l' => if (existsb (eqb x) l') then l' else (x :: l')) [] l.

Lemma nodupb_in_iff (x : X) (l : list X) : In x l <-> In x (nodupb l).
induction l as [|x' l' IHl'].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (existsb (eqb x') (nodupb l')) eqn:E.
+ rewrite existsb_eqb_true_iff in E. split.
-- intros [H|H].
++ rewrite <- H. apply E.
++ rewrite <- IHl'. apply H.
-- intros H. right. rewrite IHl'. apply H.
+ rewrite existsb_eqb_false_iff in E. split.
-- intros [H|H].
++ rewrite H. simpl. left. reflexivity.
++ simpl. right. rewrite <- IHl'. apply H.
-- simpl. intros [H|H].
++ left. apply H.
++ right. rewrite IHl'. apply H.

Lemma nodupb_split (x : X) (l : list X) : In x l ->
exists l1 l2, nodupb l = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 /\ ~ In x l1 /\ ~ In x l2.
intros H. induction l as [| x' l'].
- simpl in H. destruct H.
- simpl in H. destruct H as [H|H].
+ rewrite H. clear H. simpl. destruct (existsb (eqb x) (nodupb l')) eqn:E.
-- rewrite existsb_eqb_true_iff in E. rewrite <- nodupb_in_iff in E.
apply IHl' in E. apply E.
-- exists []. exists (nodupb l'). split.
++ rewrite app_nil_l. reflexivity.
++ split.
--- auto.
--- rewrite <- existsb_eqb_false_iff. apply E.
+ apply IHl' in H. clear IHl'. simpl. destruct (existsb (eqb x') (nodupb l')) eqn:E.
-- apply H.
-- destruct H as [l1 [l2 [H1 [H2 H3] ] ] ]. exists (x' :: l1). exists l2. split.
++ rewrite H1. reflexivity.
++ split.
--- simpl. intros [H|H].
+++ rewrite H in *. rewrite H1 in E. apply existsb_eqb_false_iff in E. apply E.
repeat rewrite in_app_iff. right. left. simpl. left. reflexivity.
+++ apply H2. apply H.
--- apply H3.
End __.
End Reifiable.

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