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Implement Barrett Reduction following HAC 14.42 (#45)
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This should take care of most of #43, at least the specification on Z
part of it.
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JasonGross authored Aug 4, 2016
1 parent f23858c commit c29fa1a
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158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions src/ModularArithmetic/BarrettReduction/ZHandbook.v
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(*** Barrett Reduction *)
(** This file implements a slightly-generalized version of Barrett
Reduction on [Z]. This version follows the Handbook of Applied
Cryptography (Algorithm 14.42) rather closely; the only deviations
are that we generalize from [k ± 1] to [k ± offset] for an
arbitrary offset, and we weaken the conditions on the base [b] in
[bᵏ] slightly. Contrasted with some other versions, this version
does reduction modulo [b^(k+offset)] early (ensuring that we don't
have to carry around extra precision), but requires more stringint
conditions on the base ([b]), exponent ([k]), and the [offset]. *)
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Algebra.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Section barrett.
(** Quoting the Handbook of Applied Cryptography <>: *)
(** Barrett reduction (Algorithm 14.42) computes [r = x mod m] given
[x] and [m]. The algorithm requires the precomputation of the
quantity [µ = ⌊b²ᵏ/m⌋]; it is advantageous if many reductions
are performed with a single modulus. For example, each RSA
encryption for one entity requires reduction modulo that
entity’s public key modulus. The precomputation takes a fixed
amount of work, which is negligible in comparison to modular
exponentiation cost. Typically, the radix [b] is chosen to be
close to the word-size of the processor. Hence, assume [b > 3] in
Algorithm 14.42 (see Note 14.44 (ii)). *)

(** * Barrett modular reduction *)
Section barrett_modular_reduction.
Context (m b x k μ offset : Z)
(m_pos : 0 < m)
(base_pos : 0 < b)
(k_good : m < b^k)
(μ_good : μ = b^(2*k) / m) (* [/] is [Z.div], which is truncated *)
(x_nonneg : 0 <= x)
(offset_nonneg : 0 <= offset)
(k_big_enough : offset <= k)
(x_small : x < b^(2*k))
(m_small : 3 * m <= b^(k+offset))
(** We also need that [m] is large enough; [m] larger than
[bᵏ⁻¹] works, but we ask for something more precise. *)
(m_large : x mod b^(k-offset) <= m).

Let q1 := x / b^(k-offset). Let q2 := q1 * μ. Let q3 := q2 / b^(k+offset).
Let r1 := x mod b^(k+offset). Let r2 := (q3 * m) mod b^(k+offset).
(** At this point, the HAC says "If [r < 0] then [r ← r + bᵏ⁺¹]".
This is equivalent to reduction modulo [b^(k+offset)], as we
prove below. The version involving modular reduction has the
benefit of being cheaper to implement, and making the proofs
simpler, so we primarily use that version. *)
Let r_mod_3m := (r1 - r2) mod b^(k+offset).
Let r_mod_3m_orig := let r := r1 - r2 in
if r <? 0 then r + b^(k+offset) else r.

Lemma r_mod_3m_eq_orig : r_mod_3m = r_mod_3m_orig.
assert (0 <= r1 < b^(k+offset)) by (subst r1; auto with zarith).
assert (0 <= r2 < b^(k+offset)) by (subst r2; auto with zarith).
subst r_mod_3m r_mod_3m_orig; cbv zeta.
break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt.
{ symmetry; apply (Zmod_unique (r1 - r2) _ (-1)); lia. }
{ symmetry; apply (Zmod_unique (r1 - r2) _ 0); lia. }

(** 14.43 Fact By the division algorithm (Definition 2.82), there
exist integers [Q] and [R] such that [x = Qm + R] and [0 ≤ R <
m]. In step 1 of Algorithm 14.42 (Barrett modular reduction),
the following inequality is satisfied: [Q - 2 ≤ q₃ ≤ Q]. *)
(** We prove this by providing a more useful form for [q₃]. *)
Let Q := x / m.
Let R := x mod m.
Lemma q3_nice : { b : bool * bool | q3 = Q + (if fst b then -1 else 0) + (if snd b then -1 else 0) }.
assert (0 < b^(k+offset)) by zero_bounds.
assert (0 < b^(k-offset)) by zero_bounds.
assert (x / b^(k-offset) <= b^(2*k) / b^(k-offset)) by auto with zarith lia.
assert (x / b^(k-offset) <= b^(k+offset)) by (autorewrite with pull_Zpow zsimplify in *; assumption).
subst q1 q2 q3 Q r_mod_3m r_mod_3m_orig r1 r2 R μ.
rewrite (Z.div_mul_diff_exact' (b^(2*k)) m (x/b^(k-offset))) by auto with lia zero_bounds.
rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq (_ * b^(2*k) / m) (b^(k+offset))) by lia.
autorewrite with push_Zmul push_Zopp zsimplify zstrip_div zdiv_to_mod.
rewrite Z.div_sub_mod_cond, !Z.div_sub_small; auto with zero_bounds zarith.
eexists (_, _); reflexivity.

Fact q3_in_range : Q - 2 <= q3 <= Q.
rewrite (proj2_sig q3_nice).
break_match; lia.

(** 14.44 Note (partial justification of correctness of Barrett reduction) *)
(** (i) Algorithm 14.42 is based on the observation that [⌊x/m⌋]
can be written as [Q =
⌊(x/bᵏ⁻¹)(b²ᵏ/m)(1/bᵏ⁺¹)⌋]. Moreover, [Q] can be
approximated by the quantity [q₃ = ⌊⌊x/bᵏ⁻¹⌋µ/bᵏ⁺¹⌋].
Fact 14.43 guarantees that [q₃] is never larger than the
true quotient [Q], and is at most 2 smaller. *)
Lemma x_minus_q3_m_in_range : 0 <= x - q3 * m < 3 * m.
pose proof q3_in_range.
assert (0 <= R < m) by (subst R; auto with zarith).
assert (0 <= (Q - q3) * m + R < 3 * m) by nia.
subst Q R; autorewrite with push_Zmul zdiv_to_mod in *; lia.

Lemma r_mod_3m_eq_alt : r_mod_3m = x - q3 * m.
pose proof x_minus_q3_m_in_range.
subst r_mod_3m r_mod_3m_orig r1 r2.
autorewrite with pull_Zmod zsimplify; reflexivity.

(** This version uses reduction modulo [b^(k+offset)]. *)
Theorem barrett_reduction_equivalent
: r_mod_3m mod m = x mod m.
rewrite r_mod_3m_eq_alt.
autorewrite with zsimplify push_Zmod; reflexivity.

(** This version, which matches the original in the HAC, uses
conditional addition of [b^(k+offset)]. *)
Theorem barrett_reduction_orig_equivalent
: r_mod_3m_orig mod m = x mod m.
Proof. rewrite <- r_mod_3m_eq_orig; apply barrett_reduction_equivalent. Qed.

Lemma r_small : 0 <= r_mod_3m < 3 * m.
pose proof x_minus_q3_m_in_range.
subst Q R r_mod_3m r_mod_3m_orig r1 r2.
autorewrite with pull_Zmod zsimplify; lia.

(** This version uses reduction modulo [b^(k+offset)]. *)
Theorem barrett_reduction_small (r := r_mod_3m)
: x mod m = let r := if r <? m then r else r-m in
let r := if r <? m then r else r-m in
pose proof r_small. cbv zeta.
destruct (r <? m) eqn:Hr, (r-m <? m) eqn:?; subst r; rewrite !r_mod_3m_eq_alt, ?Hr in *; Z.ltb_to_lt; try lia.
{ symmetry; eapply (Zmod_unique x m q3); lia. }
{ symmetry; eapply (Zmod_unique x m (q3 + 1)); lia. }
{ symmetry; eapply (Zmod_unique x m (q3 + 2)); lia. }

(** This version, which matches the original in the HAC, uses
conditional addition of [b^(k+offset)]. *)
Theorem barrett_reduction_small_orig (r := r_mod_3m_orig)
: x mod m = let r := if r <? m then r else r-m in
let r := if r <? m then r else r-m in
Proof. subst r; rewrite <- r_mod_3m_eq_orig; apply barrett_reduction_small. Qed.
End barrett_modular_reduction.
End barrett.

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