An experimental web app that shows the current availability per store and history data for beers that are available at Alko's stores in Helsinki.
- Python scripts for fetching and updating availability data
- MongoDB for storing the availability data
- Node.js for the webapp
- Jade for templates and CSS
First, configure your MongoDB settings to config.js and the python scripts. Then run to store the initial data for the products. After that, you can run daily to update the history data for the products.
The webapp requires some node.js packages that can be installed using
npm install
The webapp can be run using
node app.js
By default, the application runs on port 3000, so you can try it out at
Live version of the webapp can be found at
Availability data is stored in the following format:
"_id": {
"$oid": "52501d0c0b986219b59dc083"
"name": "Mikkeller Kiin Kiin",
"timestamp": "2013-10-05",
"amount": 310,
"productId": "730504",
"availability": [
"amount": "15",
"store": "Helsinki Arabianranta Arabia",
"history": [
"date": "2013-10-05",
"amount": "15"
"history": [
"date": "2013-10-05",
"amount": 310