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PETPrep Head Motion Correction workflow (BIDS App)

This BIDS App provides a pipeline for preprocessing and head motion correction of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) data following the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard.


  • BIDS compliant PET data input and output
  • Rigid body head motion correction using robust registration
  • Motion parameter estimation for further analysis
  • Integration with BIDS Derivatives for compatibility with other BIDS Apps
  • Compatible with Python 3

Requirements (for more info see the environment.yml file)

  • Python 3.9+
  • Nipype
  • NiBabel
  • FSL
  • FreeSurfer


Clone the repository and install the required packages:

git clone
cd petprep_hmc
pip install -e .

The package is also pip installable and can be installed using the following command

pip install petprep-hmc


To run the PETPrep Head Motion Correction BIDS App, use the following command:

python3 /path/to/bids_input /path/to/bids_output participant [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL]

  • bids_dir: Path to the input BIDS dataset
  • output_dir: Path to the output directory for preprocessed data
  • analysis_level: Level of the analysis that will be performed. Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently (in parallel) using the same output_dir.
  • --participant_label: (Optional) A single participant label or a space-separated list of participant labels to process (e.g. sub-01 sub02). If not provided, all participants in the dataset will be processed.
  • --participant_label_exclude: (Optional) A single participant label or a space-separated list of participant labels to exclude in the processing (e.g. sub-01 sub02). If not provided, all participants in the dataset will be processed.
  • --session_label: (Optional) A single session label or a space-separated list of session labels to process (e.g. ses-01 ses-02). If not provided, all sessions in the dataset will be processed
  • --session_label_exclude: (Optional) A single sessien label or a space-separated list of session labels to exclude in the processing (e.g. ses-01 ses-02). If not provided, all sessions in the dataset will be processed.
  • --mc_start_time: (Optional) Start time for when to perform motion correction (subsequent frame will be chosen) in seconds (default = 120 seconds).
  • --mc_fwhm: (Optional) FWHM for smoothing of frames prior to estimating motion (default = 10mm).
  • --mc_thresh: (Optional) Threshold below the following percentage (0-100) of framewise ROBUST RANGE prior to estimating motion correction (default = 20).
  • --n_procs: (Optional) Number of processors allocated to be used when running the workflow.
  • --no_resample: (Optional) Whether or not to resample the motion corrected PET data to lowest x/y/z dim in original data (default = False).
  • --skip_bids_validator: (Optional) Whether or not to perform BIDS dataset validation.

For example, to process participant sub-01, use the following command:

python3 --bids_dir /data/bids_input --output_dir /data/bids_output --participant_label sub-01


Preprocessed PET data along with the estimated motion parameters (confounds) and motion plots will be stored in the directory specified by --output_dir or, if no output directory is specified, in <bids_dir>/derivatives/petprep_hmc following the BIDS Derivatives standard.

Installation and Running the Code using Docker


To run petprep_hmc workflow using Docker, you must first have Docker installed on your system. You can download and install Docker from

Pulling the Docker Image

Once you have Docker installed, you can pull the petprep_hmc Docker image from Docker Hub by running the following command:

docker pull martinnoergaard/petprep_hmc:latest

Running the Docker Container

To run the petprep_hmc Docker container, use the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /path/to/bids_input:/data/input \
    -v /path/to/bids_output:/data/output \
    -v /path/to/freesurfer_license:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt \
    martinnoergaard/petprep_hmc:latest \
    /data/input /data/output participant [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL]

This command mounts your local input and output directories, as well as the FreeSurfer license file, to the Docker container. The petprep_hmc script is then executed within the container, processing the input data and saving the results to the specified output directory.

singularity exec -e --bind license.txt:/opt/freesufer/license.txt docker://martinnoergaard/petprep_hmc:latest python3 /opt/petprep_hmc/


For questions or bug reports, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


This BIDS App is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see the Apache 2.0 license file for more details.