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Appcelerator Alloy + some extra goodies


Appcelerator Platform contains awesome products for creating cross-platform native mobile apps. Appcelerator Titanium and Alloy are two of those products. Adamantium is an opinionated fork of Appcelerator Alloy that contains some bug fixes and enhancements to Appcelerator Alloy that may not be released yet and some that will probably never make it into Alloy.

Take look at open & closed issues here for more information about completed and upcoming features for Adamantium.

See original Alloy README File associated with this build for more info about Appcelerator Alloy

WARNING: Adamantium uses Appcelerator Alloy which has been found to be highly addictive. Long term continued use may lead to symptoms that can include, but are not limited to:
  • Uncontrollable urges to contribute ideas and code to this and other open-source projects
  • Difficulty stepping away from computer for any reason while coding
  • Increased appetite for beverages containing caffeine.


Installation depends on whether you are using Titanium (ti build) or Appcelerator Platform (appc ti build) to build your project.


# install the latest stable version of adamantium
[sudo] npm install -g mobilehero/adamantium

# install latest stable version of adamantium for a specific version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install -g mobilehero/adamantium#latest/1.7.33

# install cutting edge version of adamantium for a specific version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install -g mobilehero/adamantium#next/1.7.33

# install cutting edge version of adamantium for latest version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install -g mobilehero/adamantium#develop

Appcelerator Platform

You will need to change the path below based on what version of Appcelerator Platform you have installed.
Solution for this issue to be developed soon. See issue #4 for more details.

# install the latest stable version of adamantium
[sudo] npm install --prefix ~/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0 mobilehero/adamantium

# install latest stable version of adamantium for a specific version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install --prefix ~/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0 mobilehero/adamantium#latest/1.7.33

# install cutting edge version of adamantium for a specific version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install --prefix ~/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0 mobilehero/adamantium#next/1.7.33

# install cutting edge version of adamantium for latest version of Alloy
[sudo] npm install --prefix ~/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0 mobilehero/adamantium#develop


BabelJS Transformation

Transform your javascript code using BabelJS. Simply add a babeljs entry to the config.json file in your project. You can define an options property that will be passed unaltered to the babel.transform(code,[options]) function when transforming.

    "global": {},
    "env:development": {},
    "env:test": {},
    "env:production": {},
    "os:android": {},
    "os:blackberry": {},
    "os:ios": {},
    "os:mobileweb": {},
    "os:windows": {},
    "dependencies": {},
    "babeljs": {
        "options": {
            "plugins": [

ES2105 (ES6) Support

You can now use (some) ES2015 code in your controllers and other javascript files. This is done by transforming your javascript code using BabelJS. Simply add the es2015 preset to the babeljs entry in your config.json file in your project.

Run the following in the root directory of your project. (Directory that contains Tiapp.xml)

npm install --save babel-preset-es2015


    "global": {},
    "env:development": {},
    "env:test": {},
    "env:production": {},
    "os:android": {},
    "os:blackberry": {},
    "os:ios": {},
    "os:mobileweb": {},
    "os:windows": {},
    "dependencies": {},
    "babeljs": {
        "options": {
            "presets": [

Define BaseController in Alloy XML

You can now define the baseController for a controller in the Alloy XML. Before, this was only possible from the javascript controller file.


exports.baseController = "myBaseController"


<Alloy baseController="myBaseController">

Set font properties from Alloy XML

You can now define font properties for a view in the Alloy XML. Before, this was only possible from the javascript controller file.


myLabel.font = {
    fontSize: "10sp"


    <Label id="myLabel" text="Adamantium is awesome!" fontSize="10sp" />

Set child object properties from Alloy XML

You can now define child object properties for a view in the Alloy XML. This is a generic solution that can also be used with setting font properties. Before, this was only possible from the javascript controller file.


myLabel.font = {
    fontSize: "10sp"


    <Label id="myLabel" text="Adamantium is awesome!" font:fontSize="10sp" />

Development Guidelines

  • Adamantium development is done using GitFlow (or a variation thereof).
  • Pull Requests should be made against the develop branch and should have a related issue.
  • All new features are coded on a feature branch and then merged into the develop branch.
  • The master branch contains the latest stable code. Pull Requests should be made against the develop branch.
  • All code that will be integrated into Appcelerator Alloy needs to follow their coding standards and requirements.


Alloy is developed by Appcelerator and the community and is Copyright (c) 2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Alloy is made available under the Apache Public License, version 2. See the LICENSE file for more information.


🔚 No longer Maintained -- Use {nativeloop} now:







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