Processing weather buoy data in parallel.
This repo assumes you are working with GNU Fortran compiler
and an OpenCoarrays wrappers caf
and cafrun
If you are working with other coarray-enabled compiler
such as Intel or Cray compilers, edit the FC
in the Makefile.
git clone
cd weather-buoys
If you run the program with the dataset included in this repo, you will get the output similar to this:
Maximum wind speed measured is 40.9000015 at station 42001
Highest mean wind speed is 6.47883749 at station 42020
Lowest mean wind speed is 5.43456125 at station 42036
Run the program on 2 parallel images:
cafrun -n 2 ./weather_stats_parallel
The result should be the same as in the serial program, but will complete somewhat faster, depending on the number of cores available and number of images you invoke. You can run the program on any number of images, but no more than the number of files in dataset (9).