The simplest proxy service to access your Dockerized web application by Git commit-id, branch or tag.
You can build and run your web application as a Docker container just to access
http://<git-commit-id, branch or tag>
for example.
- Docker should be installed on your host machine
- Our
is configured to have docker so you don't have to care about it if you try to run on Vagrant
- Our
- Web application which you want to preview should be on Git repository
- Git repository of the application has
on root of the repositoryDockerfile
is for a container which the application is going to be run
You can run pool on your local Vagrant environment also.
It needs to install vagrant dns plugin before vagrant up
. Just run after vagrant was installed:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-dns
vagrant dns --install
vagrant dns --start
then run:
vagrant up
You can give some configuration to pool
in Vagrantfile
Currently we some configurations for pool
- github-bot
- It enables github integration
- Git repository url
- Your Git repository URL
- Maximum numbers of comtainers
kills containers if the number of containers are over than this number automatically
- Hostname
- Hostname you want to use to access the environment
You can rewrite Vagrantfile like:
# If you'd like to enable github integration, uncomment below
s.args << "--github-bot"
# Set your repository for previewing by pool
s.args << ""
# Set the maximum number of containers runnning at the same time
s.args << "5"
s.args << [pool_hostname, pool_tld].join(".")
To watch the web application on pool
, you can do it just to access http://<git-commit-id>
with your browser.
In the default setting, pool
is configured for the web application maintained in the mookjp/flaskapp repository.
You can see the flask app (which just outputs 'hello world') just visiting
Following is an example to install pool
to Amazon Linux.
To install pool
on your Amazon Linux, use following userdata. This example is for Amazon Linux AMI amzn-ami-hvm-2014.03.2.x86_64-ebs (ami-29dc9228)
# Setup script for pool
# NOTE: Run it as root
yum install -y git
yum install -y docker
# Install latest Docker
service docker stop
curl -o /tmp/docker
chmod +x /tmp/docker
cp /tmp/docker /usr/bin/docker
service docker start
# Download pool then run pool container
git clone /app
# You can create `pool` image and run to execute `init_host_server` script.
# It gets 3 parameters:
# 1) Git repository URL
# 2) Maximum number of containers of web application
# 3) Hostname
/app/scripts/init_host_server "" 5 ""
is a small util script to run pool
container. It gets 3 parameters:
- Git repository URL
- Maximum number of containers of web application
- Hostname. you can get your hostname from your container of application
as environment variable;
so that you can set configuration related to hostname inside your container
You may want to upload a SSH private key to pool container in case your git repository is hidden from public access.
Then you can place id_rsa at /app/docker/pool/keys/id_rsa
in the server where pool is installed.
And id_rsa will be uploaded to /app/keys/id_rsa
on the pool container which is going to be used to clone your application repository.
core@pool ~ $ cat<<'EOS'>/app/docker/pool/keys/id_rsa
> ..........
core@pool ~ $ sudo /app/scripts/init_host_server
core@pool ~ $ sudo docker exec -it pool bash
[pool container]# ls -l /app/keys/id_rsa
The part of proxy in pool
accesses your Git repository with commit id given as
hostname then checkout source with Dockerfile.
Dockerfile should be on the root of the repository.
After checkout files, the container will be built by the Dockerfile
and port is linked with front automatically. All you can do is just to access
by URL like http://<git-commit-id, branch or tag>
consists of two modules; proxy hook and container builder.
handles HTTP request as proxy. This is a hook script of
It forwards port which Docker container was assigned by Git-commit-id.
If there's no container which corresponds to Git-commit-id, build_server
works to
build Docker image then runs it.
sends build log so that you can confirm the status of build process
while waiting.
If there is another proccess to build and run container, pool
locks to run other
process and waits until lock is over.