Teleport API provides all the bells and whistles for developers to create, test, and distribute multiuser apps and games. It is built on Meteor. Meteor is to Teleport what C is to Unix.
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Install node
Install meteor
curl | /bin/sh
Install meteorite
npm install -g meteorite
git clone
cd teleport-examples/paint
optional: if you only need the library
mrt add tport-library
Open localhost:3000 in a browser, wait for the session to start, then copy the URL into the other browser. You need at least two browsers to test multi user apps.
Note the URL, it has the accessKey appended, this is what groups the users into a session, or a "room". In code, you can always call accessKey() function to read it. All the users with the same URL will operate in the same session.
On occasion, you might want to update the meteorite packages, just in case.
mrt update
cp -rf basic my-app-with-some-name
cd my-app-with-some-name
Here you can make all the changes you want inside the client folder. More docs coming soon on how to use the API.
meteor deploy my-app-with-some-name --settings settings.json
Your app is now published at You can pass this URL to friends and use it with them simultaneously. For production deployment revert to point 5.
Running your app in Teleport will give you extra benefits of user accounts, video calling, session saving, and other nice things. More info coming soon. Start a session to get the flavor: