- It is recommended to use PowerShell 7 (try to update: see). You might have unexpected behavior if you use Git Bash or some other shell (especially with OpenSSL).
- I recommend you use Chocolatey as package installer (see Install).
make users
is a Makefile rule - check the other rules here.
choco install make
make users
is a Makefile rule - check the other rules here.
protoc -Iproto --go_opt=module=github.com/mrehanabbasi/user-data-grpc --go_out=. --go-grpc_opt=module=github.com/mrehanabbasi/user-data-grpc --go-grpc_out=. proto/*.proto
go build -o bin/server.exe ./server
go build -o bin/client.exe ./client
make certs
For more information about what are the rules defined in the Makefile, please type:
make help
When filing an issue, please provide the output of:
make about