This repo contains our implemenation of two protocols in SMC/MPC(Secure Multi-Party Communication).
- Yao's Garbled Circuit
- Garbled Circuit
- iLabel: Lable input wires
- cGarble: Generate garbled circuits
- gcEval: Evaluate the garbled circuits
- Oblivious Transfer
- Cyclic Group
- 1 in 2 OT based on Bellare-Micali protocol
- Secret Sharing
- n-1 random bits
- XOR the secret and random bits to get the last bit
- Oblivious Transfer
- Expand 1 in 2 OT to 1 in 4 OT
Make sure gmpy2 is installed from
Make sure the module "pycryptodome" is installed.
Python Usage:
run first, then separately. A will garble circuits for B to compute.
Usage: python3 [inputs]
python3 [inputs]
# Terminal 1
python .\ [0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0]
# Terminal 2
python .\
# Terminal 3
python [0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0]
- Yao's Garbled Circuit
- Alice sends Bob the circuit, garbled table, and Alice's inputs
- Bob gets his own inputs through OT
- Bob evaluates the circuit and sends back the result
- Initialization
- Alice, Bob and Dealer build socket connect with each other
- Alice and Bob perform Secret Sharing to share their inputs with each other
- Evaluation
- Dealer evaluates the circuits
- Dealer sends requests to Alice and Bob to get necessary data
- If the gate is NOT
- If dealer has the data, just do it locally
- If not, broadcase a requestion about the gate
- after get the broadcast, Alice and Bob perform caculation locally and store the data lcoally.
- If the gate is XOR
- If Dealer has the all the inputs locally, just do it locally.
- If not, broadcase a requestion about the gate
- Alice could find both shares of the input wires locally, send the share1 xor share2 to dealer(so dealer can't know the input)
- Bob does the same thing
- Dealer could use the data got from previous 2 steps to perform computation
- If the gate is AND
- If Dealer has the all the inputs locally, just do it locally.
- If not, broadcase a requestion about the gate
- Alice and Bob would check the local inputs, and perform 1 in 4 OT
- Alice plays the sender
- Bob plays the sender
- Alice send mask to the Dealer, Bob send the data he got to the dealer (AKA message xor mask)
- Dealer got the result and store it locally
- Alice and Bob would check the local inputs, and perform 1 in 4 OT
- One thing I did not do / to do
- If one input is from Alice and the other is stored in dealer, such as the figure in Presentation Page 10
- Because Alice doesn't want to leak her inputs, this situation is tricky
- My solution is transfer the model 1 to model 2, they are equal!
- That's solution needs I write a circuit compiler, due to the limit time, I just assume all the people who provide the circuit is samrt enough and tansfered Model 1 to Model 2
- If one input is from Alice and the other is stored in dealer, such as the figure in Presentation Page 10
- So far, dealer could process all the situations!
- If the gate is NOT
- Alice and Bob get the final result from Dealer
Function used to test the protocols: Equality function
Encryption library: Fernet from Python Cryptography
OT2: Bellare-Micali protocol & Implementation
OT4: Combine 3 OT2 & Implementation
Cyclic Group: CyclicGroup
Lecture 10 slides from Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Ph.D.
Oblivious Transfer (
Secure Multiparty Computation and Secret Sharing (
Yao’s Garbled Circuits: Recent Directions and Implementations (
Secure multi-party computation (
GMW Protocol (
APragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation (
Financial Cryptographyand Data Security (
Cyclic Group (