Yeoman generator for an automated Cordova/PhoneGap (with Sass) project and build. Uses grunt-phonegap to automate platform builds and performs basic optimization tasks relevant for PhoneGap projects. Built from generator-phonegap.
We use this generator @ Hitori so will do my best to keep this maintained.
To use the generator you need to have yeoman installed. If you don't already, then:
$ npm install -g yo
Once you have downloaded the generator create a folder for your PhoneGap project and move to that folder:
$ mkdir my-phonegap-project && cd $_
Initiate the generator:
$ yo phonegapsass
It will prompt you for project name, package and the mobile platforms you want to build your project by default.
config.xml Phonegap configuration file
app/ Application sources
index.html Auto-generated application entry html
dist/ Processed source data from the app folder
phonegap/ A project structure generated by [phonegap CLI](
platforms/ Final output folder for platform specific builds
After generating your project, you can generate a full build for your desired platforms by issuing:
grunt platform-build
For the sample project this will automatically minify your source files and run platform builds as per your configuration. After the build has completed, you can find your appropriate platform specific code under the folder phonegap/platforms.
To perform a build without generating platform specific code and complete front-end dev in your web browser (browse to, simply use:
grunt serve