roboquant v2.0.0
Release notes roboquant 2.0
- Improved API for dealing with metrics
- You can now use charts outside notebooks and customise them
- Improved performance, especially for very large back tests (> 100k orders per run)
- More flexible CSV Feed parsing
- Several enhancements to live and aggregation feeds behaviour
- Easier use of technical indicators in the strategies
- Moved to smaller Maven modules to minimise dependency conflicts
- Introduction of hyper-parameter optimising back tests (org.roboquant.backtest), still in preview
- Removed no longer supported third party data providers
- Upgraded Kotlin to 19.10 and upgraded several other used dependencies
- Included a webserver that makes it easier to run and control strategies remotely
- Added support for using QuestDB to store metrics and feed data (very fast time-series database for large data sets)
- Many bug fixes and DX improvements
- Better overall test coverage
- More consistent API naming