Tweeter is a Twitter clone built to replicate the core functionalities of Twitter. The design of this app is from
Please Note: Some actions and features in this project are not functional in production because they rely on specific data or configurations that have yet to be pushed to the production database.
- User authentication and authorization
- Create, read, update, and delete tweets
- Like and retweet tweets
- Bookmark tweets for later viewing
- Upload and display images in tweets
- Follow and unfollow users
- View user profiles and their tweets
- Real-time updates with Supabase
- I can see my profile or others' profile
- When I am on a profile, I can see Tweets and Retweets. I can also filter by Tweets, Tweets and replies, Media and Likes
- When I am on a profile, I can see followers and following
- [] When I am on a profile, I can see follow or unfollow the user
- I can navigate between Home, Explore and Bookmarks
- [] I can navigate to My Profile, Group Chat (optional), Setting/Authentication App
- When I am on Home, I can post a new Tweet
- When I post a new Tweet, I can choose to upload an image
- [] When I am on Home, I can see Tweets of people who I follow
- I can Comment, Retweet, Like or Save a Tweet
- [] I can Comment with image and I can like a comment
- [] I can see the posted time of the Comments and Tweets
- [] When I am on Home, I can see the most popular hashtags and people I should follow (it's up to you how to implement this)
- [] When I am on Explore, I can see the Top, Latest Tweet, or Tweet with Media. I can also choose to see the most popular people
- When I am on Bookmarks, I can see the Saved Tweet
- (optional): I can search for a group
- Frontend: React, TypeScript, Vite.js, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN UI
- Backend: Supabase (PostgreSQL)
- State Management: React Query, Zustand
- Form Management: React Hook Form
- Validation: Zod
- Testing: Vitest
Clone the repository:
git clone cd tweeter
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
VITE_SUPABASE_URL=your_supabase_url VITE_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=your_supabase_anon_key
Run the development server:
npm run dev
To explore the app without registering, use the following demo account credentials:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password123
Simply log in with these credentials to start using the application. 🚀