An Offline first Android app to consume the SpaceX Backend API
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Star History
- Jetpack Compose (Declarative UI Framework)
- Retrofit (REST client)
- OkHttp (Networking client)
- KotlinX Serialization (JSON serialization)
- Room DB (SQLite ORM)
- Coil (Image loading libary)
- Truth (Fluent assertions for Java and Android)
- Junit (Unit tests)
- Turbine (A small testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow)
- MockWebserver (A scriptable web server for testing HTTP clients)
- MockK (mocking library for Kotlin)
- Offline first
- Clean Architecture
- Repsository
- Usecases
- Dependency Injection
- Declarative UI
- Navigation with args
- Cacheing
- Delegation
- Multibindings with Hilt
- Convention Plugins
- Github Actions | Workflows used
To generate this graph, simply run in the root directory.
cd repo_assets/dependency_graph python3
- Java 11+
- Android Studio Giraffe+ (for easy install use JetBrains Toolbox)
- Clone the repository
- Open with Android Studio
- Everything should sync and build automatically
- Copyright © 2023 Nishant Srivastava.
- This project is Apache License 2.0 licensed.