Aquarium Controller with Raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino Uno : temperature heating and cooling, pH-controller, waterlevel indicator, controls a cooling-fan, heater and co2 system magnet valve, LCD Display for alert and views.
Explanation :
I used a 4 relay board, used 3 relay so you can do without the 4 leds.(those were for testing). Make sure the relay board has its own power-source (1x power adapter 12volt 1 amp,and 2x 7805 5 volt regulator. 1x 7805 for arduino and sensors and lcd, 1x 7805 for relay board.
Sometimes lcd can get scrambled because of the relais switching or the switching of my TL lighting, 1 push on //reset to fix it. A small condenator (100nF-10uF,trial and error) directly soldered over the lcd power pins(VSS and VDD) might help. If lcd is crambled the controller still work properly,lcd is just for indication!